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Reforging in Mabinogi - How it Works

Mabinogi Rep: 1,685
Posts: 17
edited May 22, 2017 in Game Guides


I'm going to be presenting a guide about Reforge Tools in Mabinogi, and the Reforging Functions, its mechanics and how they work. While I'd say that a new player is unlikely to find this guide very useful due to lack of funds to actually afford the various reforge tools needed to achieve high level of reforge effects on an item, knowing what each tool does and what you should be doing if you are first experimenting with reforge tools is very important.

Without further chatter, lets get right into it shall we.


A reforge is an added stat option to your weapon, clothing, or armor. A reforging effect can be applied on all items that can be equipped except robes or items that specifically mention that reforging is not available.
With the exception of items that have set effects, the Reforge status field will ALWAYS be at the bottom of the item tooltip description.
If reforging is available on the item, a small mention of this will be readable on the item tooltip. As shown below.

There is a lot of Reforge Stats that items can receive, this varies on the item type of course. For example, Armor and Clothing have specific reforge stats while Weapons and Shields have their own set of Reforge Stats. For a full list of Reforge Stats and on which type of item you can get said stats, see here.
It is important to note that Reforge Stats are random, this means you may get something which your character cannot make use of. For example;
  • Elves cannot make use of any Final Hit, Giant Full Swing, Wind Guard, Arrow Revolver, Body of Chaos, Control of Darkness, Hands of Chaos, Mind of Chaos, Soul of Chaos, Eye of Order, Power of Order, Sword of Order, Spirit of Order, Daemon of Physis, Life of Physis, Spell of Physis or Shield of Physis Reforge Stats.
  • Giants cannot make use of any Final Hit, Arrow Revolver, Crash Shot, Crossbow Mastery, Bow Mastery, Final Shot, Magnum Shot, Ranged Attack, Mirage Missile, Support Shot, Body of Chaos, Control of Darkness, Hands of Chaos, Mind of Chaos, Soul of Chaos, Eye of Order, Power of Order, Sword of Order, Spirit of Order, Armour of Connous, Elven Magic Missile, Fury of Connous, Mind of Connous or Sharpness of Connous Reforge Stats.
  • Humans cannot make use of any Final Shot, Wind Guard, Giant Full Swing, Daemon of Physis, Life of Physis, Spell of Physis, Shield of Physis, Armour of Connous, Elven Magic Missile, Fury of Connous, Mind of Connous or Sharpness of Connous Reforge Stats


Reforging your item is very easy! Simply use a Reforge tool on it... Sounds simple right? Well I sure wish it was that simple. Unfortunately this is where it gets complicated and where many people get confused or lost in the concepts and mechanics of Reforging. Some even rage quit at this stage.

To reforge your item you first need a Reforging Tool. These can be purchased from any General Shop at the cost of 5,000 Gold each. To use it, simply right click the Reforge Tool and click use, or you can use the hotkeys CTRL + Left Mouse Click to use it. Place the item you wish to reforge inside the window that is now on your screen and click on "Reforge". If all went well you should get a message on screen saying "Item has been Reforged.", with the Reforge Stat on the line bellow that. In the video bellow I demonstrate how to use a Reforge Tool.

When using a Reforge Tool, there is a chance that multiple Reforge Stats will be applied to your item. Up to 3 Reforge Stats can be applied on a single item, commonly refereed to as "Lines", the more Stats on an item, the better it is.


At this point you're probably wondering, can I change the Reforge Stats on my item to something else that might be more useful to me?
Yes you can, however to do so you must use a different Reforge Tool that is only available in the Nexon Cash Shop. Using NX Cash Shop Reforge tools has its benefits however because using one of these has a slight chance of improving the "Rank" of your Reforge as well as increasing the amount of Reforge Stats ("Lines") on your item.

There are 3 Ranks of Reforge Stats as detailed below Rank 3 being the lowest; Please note that some reforges only go up to level 10, and some items have restrictions on Reforging Stats levels, such as accessories where most reforges are limited to Level 3 or 5.
  • 3 Rank - Reforge Stats usually between Level 1 and 5
  • 2 Rank - Reforge Stats usually between Level 1 and 10
  • 1 Rank - Reforge Stats usually between Level 1 and 20

There is an approximate 7.5% chance of Ranking from Rank 3 to 2, and a 1.5 - 2.5% chance of Ranking from Rank 2 to 1. As I said, this is approximate because the real percentages are kept secret by Nexon.

Wait what? Reforge Stat levels? Why yes, each Reforge Stat has a level rating that determines how good it is, the higher the number, typically the better the reforge, so you're going to want to try and get those Level 20 Reforge Stats.


As you may have guessed, there are many different types of reforge tools out there. Some are only available during special events or special cash shop sales. Bellow I'm going to list each Reforge Tool, as well as their effects on your item when you use them. Please read these carefully because this will explain how you can increase your item from a Rank 3 1 "Line" Reforge to a Rank 1 3 "Line" Reforge.

Used to reforge a previous reforged item, changing its reforge bonuses with the possibility of ranking up the reforge. Does not change the number of different Reforge Stats (Reforge "Lines") on an item.
  • A cutscene will play if your item ranks up in Reforge Rank.
  • If the Reforge Rank is 1, it will guarantee a high level reforge.

Reforges a previously reforged item, changing its reforged bonuses with the possibility of ranking up the reforge.
What separates this from the Fine Reforge Tool is that the number of reforge effects (Reforge "Lines") can be increased.
  • A cutscene will play if your item ranks up in Reforge Rank.
  • If the Reforge Rank is 1, it will guarantee a high level reforge.

Reforges a previously reforged item, changing its reforge bonuses with the possibility of ranking up the reforge. Does not change the number of different Reforge Stats (Reforge "Lines") on an item.
What separates this from the Fine Reforge Tool is that it has a higher chance of increasing the Reforge Rank.
  • A cutscene will play if your item ranks up.
  • If the reforge rank is 1, it will guarantee a high level reforge.
  • Only available during limited Nexon Cash Shop Sales Events.

Reforges a previously reforged item, changing its reforge bonuses with the possibility of ranking up the reforge. Does not change the number of different Reforge Stats (Reforge "Lines") on an item.
What separates this from the Fine Reforge Tool and the Amazing Reforge Tool is that not only does this have a higher chance of Increasing the Reforge Rank, it has a further increased chance of increase the Rank when attempting to Reforge from Rank 2 to Rank 1.
  • A cutscene will play if your item ranks up.
  • If the reforge rank is 1, it will guarantee a high level reforge.
  • Only available during limited Nexon Cash Shop Sales Events.

Reforges a previously reforged item, changing its reforge bonuses with the possibility of ranking up the reforge. Does not change the number of different Reforge Stats (Reforge "Lines") on an item.
What separates this from the Fine Reforge Tool and the Amazing Reforge Tool is that not only does this have a higher chance of Increasing the Reforge Rank, it has a further increased chance of increase the Rank when attempting to Reforge from Rank 2 to Rank 1.
Furthermore, this Reforge Tool will not give you Transformation Reforge Stats, such as the Dark Knight, Paladin, Beast Lord and Falcon Sage Reforge Stats.
  • A cutscene will play if your item ranks up.
  • If the reforge rank is 1, it will guarantee a high level reforge.
  • Only available during limited Nexon Cash Shop Sales Events.

Used to reforge a previous reforged item, changing its reforge bonuses. Does not change the number of different Reforge Stats (Reforge "Lines") on an item and does not increase the Reforge Rank of an item.
What separates this from the Fine Reforging Tool is the Transport Speed Reforge Stat, a reforge that can only be obtained through this tool.
Receiving the Transport Speed Reforge is not definite.
  • The Transport Speed Reforge Stat is only available on Clothing (This does not include gloves, hats or shoes that are made of cloth.). However, only Generation 15 NPC Costumes (Antonio's Costume, Bassanio's Costume, Portia's Costume, and Shylock's Costume (G15)) can reach any level up to 20.
  • Be aware that all of these outfits have a counterpart that can not receive the reforge exceeding level 10. Such outfits do not have the "(G15)" labels in their name.
  • Can only be obtained from Game Events or Gachapons. (Gachapons can only be obtained from the Cash shop, not all Gachapons contain this Reforge Tool.)

Wait... What? Commerce Reforge Tool? Transport Speed Reforge Stat, Limited to Level 10 on everything except a few specific outfits? What is this gibberish?
Let me explain.

The Transport Speed Reforge Stat is a special Reforge Stat that increases your movement speed while Commercing, it can only be obtained by using a Commerce Reforge Tool. You can obtain it on ANY piece of clothing (Including Armor.), however the Reforge is limited to a maximum level of 10, unless you are Reforging a G15 Outfit.
What is a G15 Outfit? Well, G15 Outfits are NPC Worn oufits from... well you guessed, Generation 15. You can only obtain these outfits from Gachapons, note that not all Gachapons include them, you may also purchase them from other players. Be warned that there are non G15 versions of these, you can tell the difference by looking at the item name.
For example. Portia's Costume will have a "(G15)" annotation in its name if it is a G15 outfit, otherwise it will not have any.
When you use a Commerce Reforge Tool on a G15 Outfit, there is no restriction on the level, it can attain the maximum Reforge Stat level of 20.


After reading all this, hopefully you've grasped how reforging your item works in Mabinogi. But here's a quick rundown if you want to rank up your item you need to use either Fine, Amazing, Refined or Refined PLUS Reforge Tools. If you want to increase the amount of Reforge Stats (Reforge "Lines".) you use a Credne reforge tool.

Additionally, Gachapons provide items that already have a Reforge Rank on them, however they have no Reforge Stats. If you want to reforge those items you must use a Fine Reforge tool or better to obtain Reforge Stats on those items. It is recommended to use pre-Ranked items when possible to save on expenses, however do note that some items must be ranked up by the player and cannot be obtained with Pre-Ranked Reforge Ranks in Gachapons.
Here is what a Pre-Ranked item looks like;

Remember that Reforge Stats are always random, and that the chance of Ranking up is low. This is all random, you may get very frustrated and spend a lot of gold trying to obtain the Reforge Stats you want on your items. However it is worth it in the end because Reforges are very powerful. Some think of them as too strong, or unfair, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Don't give up and if you need help let me know. I can likely give you some pointers.. though I'm not a bank so don't ask me for gold please. That being said...

Thanks for going through my guide, it was probably a long read but its worth it if you're new and you're looking for advice on this topic. Let me know if some things need clarification or if I messed up somewhere.


Mabinogi Item Simulator - Can be used to Upgrade, Enchant and Reforge Items. This is a simulation, it may not reflect properly in-game limitations or Rank Up percentages of Reforge Tools, however it is good practice if you wish to learn the mechanics by trying them out.

Mabinogi World Wiki Reforge Page - Contains useful information about Reforge Stats and Limitations not included in this guide such as what Reforge Stats are available on what item for example. The Mabinogi World Wiki is open source Wiki, meaning that anyone can change the information found here, although unlikely there is a slight chance that the information here may be incorrect.

Kind regards,
Hope to see you in game!