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New titles in the list of available titles
Hello everyone,
I saw the thread of BerrySwirl's new title thread, and not sure if this is similar to what I want because the association of GM titles or new spanking titles through different and new achievements. Anyway I brought this up in the previous fourm, but it was seen with mix reception; however, I still want to do it.
I would like some help in adding more titles, but my imagination is a bit lacking. So there is a link to the various ideas of the new titles. If anyone want to add more titles, it would be helpful to one factor of the game's liveliness too, and try to keep it PG-13. Also I don't know how long this sharing ideas to form new titles continues, so I would like to put up a deadline on July 4, 2018 for others to read through as a complete list .
(Reason to edit: I just realized the edit thing, I want to add permission to edit instead of commet for the google sheet, but I completely forgot my gmail account, sorry for the problem.)
New link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10dh-gYm1NQGNtsfPKs9k9xZqs8fkSbpzR3mw0OruKF0/edit?usp=sharing