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Why hasn't this bug been fixed yet. You can't change channel/location sometimes when you've got pet summoned in Housing Channel. And often this glitches, so even if you don't have pet summoned, you can't leave/switch channel.
Really now? When that happened to me I just went back into the house and out and the coupon works again xD
Except that path thingy doesn't work. I swear everytime I make the mistake of doing a continent warp from housing with a pet out, I curse so bad. Because then the only way to correct it is to log out and log back in. Ergh!
well now I know to keep my pets desummoned when I go to housing
This is how I handle the issue too. I used to always relog when it happened to me, but then eventually realized that all I need to do was enter and exit my house for things to go back to normal.
Yeah took me a while to figure that out.