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Broken Quests/broken skills

Mabinogi Rep: 300
Posts: 5
edited July 5, 2017 in Help
Server: Tarlach
IGN: Velice

Problems: "Give the Mana Herb to the bear" I had already completed the quest and G1 through G3 but it's still there. I tried to fix the problem by feeding bear tarlach more mana herb but nothing happens. I think it might also be affecting my ability to learn some skills. I recently tried getting the Lance Counter skill but it hasn't been delivered even though I currently possess Rank C Lance Mastery when Rank F is the requirement to receive the quest from an owl. As a result I can't learn Lance Charge either.


  • GendracoGendraco
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 5
    bump update I switched to the knight talent during my last rebirth and still haven't any training or skill related quests for it
  • Pika1998Pika1998
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,100
    Posts: 11
    i'm not sure what to do regarding the giving a mana herb to bear Tarlach, however, do you have other skill quests active regarding lances? because not completing those would prevent you from obtaining the quests to get new skills, if i recall correctly.
  • GendracoGendraco
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 5
    Nope no lance related quests.
  • Pika1998Pika1998
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,100
    Posts: 11
    my best recommendation is to submit a ticket then, see if the tech crew can do anything about it. I hope it all gets resolves though.