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OMGOSH! Shopping Bags!!!!!
WAIT I ...JUST realized what those chairs actually are after staring at them a bit.... they're not 2-person chairs like I thought. those are chairs with the squires on them... Kaour, Elsie, Dai, Logan, Eirlys etc themed toward the squire's personality. Then of course there's Shuan lol. I dunno why it took me so long to notice, and I saw these things yesterday
Lets just hope that NA Mabi doesn't take those items and make it like a school bag gachapon or whatever.
Mabinogi Fantasy
LifeDating Sim Intensifies~For real though, I want a squire chair. ;~; Which squire does everyone want?
They look like a skirt to me too. I want it for my male and a squire Logan chair.
Surprised a certain character doesnt have a knife on the table.
Also reskinned flammenco,
Im still waiting for like 5+ other item themes we haven't got yet
(mostly just want the balloon horse pet)
( i was gonna be excited for the new tails but so far no raccoon) guess ill have to wait a couple more months)
sorry to be off topic.... im just very much full of wings, chairs, and wigs.... specially cus we have a hair system we just so happen to update when we update the entire thing.... (rip hats, glasses, and ears)
Don't give them ideas.
Let us hope they'll make them Eluned soon so we can have both XD