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coupons like Soft Blowy Waves & Romeo for FEMALES
hi I'm taffyta of ruairi and I just want short curly hair!
Males have Soft Blowy Waves & Romeo hair coupons and they are really cute and I want to use them. Or something like them.
As a female I get: short wavy perm (cute, but no real curl), meryl hair (would be fine if it weren't for that gosh darn rat tail in the back), and fringed bob (has a braid going over the ears and the front is all straight, also not very curly in the back either)
There are some cute curly long hairs but I don't want to use long hair because (1) it gets clippy and (2) I have short hair irl and prefer it in general.
That's it! hear my pleas, nexon!