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⚡{SEE NEW POST UNDER NAO} Electrolytes Guild⚡
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Festia!
Come join us im Festia, Ch5 @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST for some all around fun! Get rid of those extra passes with us while we enjoy Mari's universal carnival! We will be playing lots of games for all around fun so don't miss out!
Update: Sorry for late update, I passed out of severe dehydration last night and have been in the process of recovering. I was unable to update you. Yesterday's event was great, we did Lorraine's Nightmare and the hammer game! We all enjoyed ourselves!
If you would like to see more of these events or would like to join the guild, please comment below!
Today we will be venturing out to Iria to seek out materials, books and more!
Join us on Ch5, in Qilla Base Camp @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST for lots of exploration fun! The participating party will pick the dungeon we do! Woo!
Update: Members have been busy today with getting ready for school and work, so we had a more chill day. A few went out for the dungeon, others were already tied up with other stuff. I was resting to speed up my recovery so I was unable to remind everyone to get me pictures.
Show us your support by commenting below if you'd like to see more of these events! We're always open to suggestions!
If you'd like to join, let us know via in game or on the forums! Thanks guys!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Commercing!
Today @ 8PM EST, 7 PM CST, 5 PM PST in Belvast on Ch5, we will be exploring the out doors and seeking out those bandits! Join us in the fun! We'll be waiting to see you!
Update: Last night's event was great! We did a couple runs of commercing and then we ran the Daily on Elite. Instead of a picture, we have our very first video! Thanks so much to redjasper for filming!
Tonight's Outcome!
Today's event is Basic Dungeons! Woo!
We will meet in Dunbarton Ch5, @8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST for tonight's events! We will discuss the possible runs before we head out to do the picked dungeon, so get there early to give us your two cents! If you need help with a dungeon for Mission Points, let us know and we will help you out! The amount of runs we do will depend on how much time until the banquet we have when we finish the first run.
Update: Tonight's event was swell! We had a good run of Rundal and Math today as our event! It was a good run, guys! Good job to everyone who participated! Pictures coming soon, will be posted below by one of our members!
Banquet: Tonight Electrolytes will be at Tara Rath Castle's Banquet! The banquet is always an awesome opportunity to hang out with our members and get in some new peeps! Last week's banquet was wonderful, so if you want to scroll up to see the result of said banquet, that is highly suggested so you know what to expect tonight! The banquet starts at 10PM EST, 9PM CST, 7PM PST for those who are unaware! Let's go and have some fun hanging out together!
Update: Today's banquet was slightly quiet. There were some jams and such but a couple guildies went out tonight, so it was a pretty relaxed evening. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!
Answer: Yes we can start doing Girgs and Raid bosses soon! We're looking for a few more active members before we begin these. If you're interested, let us know!
We have a brand new contest about to open for late summer/early fall. Let us know if you'd like the pre-release details!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Peaca Abyss!
Today we plan to take on one of Mabi's hardest dungeons to shoot for those enchants, the title, and the male Vampire outfit for our members! Come join us in the group fun to take on the Duke, king of Peaca Abyss! We will meet in Peaca's Entrance @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST! Let us know if you'd like to come!
Update: Today's event was marvelous! We had a full party for Peaca Abyss, including many members and friends! Everyone did such a wonderful job, I'm so proud! Thank you again to redjasper for filming again tonight! See the video above!
We are always looking for new faces here in Electrolytes, a growing, friendly, and supportive guild here on the Mari server! We work hard to keep our members happy and ready to tackle any challenges coming their way! We are founded on the idea of positivity and family so everyone has a positive place to come to after a long day of work or school! Join in on the fun here in the supportive, excitable, and positive guild of Electrolytes! Note us and put in your application today for more details!
Our big events are coming soon, so be sure to check those out! Talk to Ataraxiz for those details!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Elite SMs!
Tonight Electrolytes will be hosting a very popular event, Elite SMs! Need to finish those Dailies for Mission points? Come along with us on Ch5 @ 8PM EST, 7M CST, 5 PM PST! We will meet in Dunbarton before we head over! Be sure to bring those extra passes!
Update: We had fun doing a couple runs of Elite SMs last night! Most people were busy but it's cool, it happens! Hope to see more friendly faces join in on the fun soon, even if not in the guild! Everyone is invited, so come join us for some fun!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Martial Arts!
Today we will be doing MA! Woo! Come join us in Avon on Ch5 @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST for some dramatic action! If you need a ride to Avon, head to Dunbarton and let us know! We will pick you up!
Update: We had plenty of people show up for this event! We enjoyed a run of MA and then went and took care of those Mission Points and Giant training! Good job everyone!
If you need help.with anything, generations, SMs, Dailies, or anything game or something personal, we are by your side! Mission points are a breeze when you have so much support under your feet and others are helping out! Let us know if we can help you with anything!
Tonight's Outcome!
Today's Outcome: Sorry for the extremely late post, I've been out of the house all day, so I was unable to post due to lack of time. Lots of stuff going on this week! Today's event was great and is still going! We have nine and counting playing with us this evening! What a great turnout! If events keep being this great, we will be extending our horizons to greater adventures! Stay tuned here and in our popular Discord Servers for more details on what this can possibly entail!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Elite SM Spam!
Tonight we will be doing SMs, but not only that, we will be spamming Elites for some EXP out of request from one of our members, who is in dire need of levels! Be sure to bring those passes and join in for some monster-bashing fun! We will be meeting in Tail on Ch5 @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST, so come on down for some fun! We'll be expecting you!
Update: Today, we enjoyed some group SMs and attempted to get those much needed levels! Congratulations to those who participated!
We will be having an update to our thread soon that will include some new information about the guild, so be sure to stay tuned for the latest of updates! If you have questions or concerns, please direct it to an admin for clarification! Tankies!
Sorry for the extremely late post! I've been resting after a long week and much missed sleep. I will get you another update on Today's event later on this evening!
Good morning early birds and those who wake up later!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Basic Dungeons!
Come chill out with us as we take care of those Mission points before we hit up the banquet! Tonight, we're going to party hard as we soar through Dungeons, train those skills, and introduce new tactics to our newest members! (Please be mindful the difficulty of the dungeon depends on the participants of the party! It is not set at basic!) The amount of runs we do varies depending on how much time before the banquet we have and if we decide to carry on after the banquet! We will begin @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST, and we will meet in Dunbarton Ch5 prior to the runs to decide what dungeons and what difficulty to run. Let us know in-game or here on the forums if you'd like to participate!
Update: Tonight was a fun night, we ran Alby together for the mission points. Everyone did great, so proud of you!
Banquet: Tonight Electrolytes will be attending the banquet in Rath Royal Castle in Tara @ 10PM EST, 9PM CST, 7PM PST! If you want to come hang out with us and meet some of our members, this is a great time to do so! We will be on Ch5, so be sure to drop in and say hello while we chatter and fill up the Castle with beautiful music and friendly chatter! We'll be waiting for you!
Update: The banquet was a quiet one tonight as most members were enjoying their last bits of summer with their friends, family, and others were at work. Some members start college soon Go get em guys!
We gained a new member tonight! Welcome, Xeno! Glad you decided to join us
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Martial Arts!
Tonight Electrolytes is going to kick off a Martial Arts Spam event! We hope to see many people attend as we kick the tail end of those NPCs! We may also do some Theatre Missions, so be sure to bring those passes! We will start gathering for the event around 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST in Avon. If you need a ride in, let us know and we will come pick you up. Be sure you're on Ch5! We will also be filming tonight, so stay tuned for the video upload to be posted!
Update: Ahhh today's event was a major success! We had two parties going, one with 6, the othe with 5! Wow, I'm so proud!! Keep up the amazing work guys! Thanks again to redjasper for filming! I don't know what I'd do without ya, man!
Time for some of those silly screenshots!
Guardian of the Vendetta
Waiting for new members like...
"Homestead Expansion" Stream Jokes
EXO So Fancy
Today's Daily Event is Monday Night Mafia!
Tonight we will be hitting up Dunbarton Square with a Mafia Party! Join in on the classic Mabinogi fun while we enjoy our time together as we do every night! We will be on Ch5 and we will start gathering @8PM EST, 7PM CST, and 5PM PST! Don't miss out!
Update: Tonight's event went amazing! We had a ton of people join in on the fun, and a recruit actually joined us! How exciting! Thank you again to redjasper for filming! That helps out a lot, bro, you have no idea!
Electrolytes is looking for new members to come and enjoy Mabinogi with us! The more we grow, the more opportunities we will open up! These opportunities include Girg Raids, Dragon Raids, Extreme-Dungeoning, more guild events, skill-training-assistance, and more! Come join us today!
Be sure to reference the main post for some very important details before you join!
Update: We'd like to welcome Moon to the guild! I hope you enjoy your stay!!
Sorry for the late post of yesterday's event, I'm actually very sick at the moment so I had to take a day off. Everyone did extremely well, and the runs of SMs lasted several hours! Lenwe did an extremely job at leading Party A while Jasper lead Party B during another SM! You guys are doing amazing, thank you so much for handling everything for us yesterday! Another thank you to Jasper for the great video! Amazing job as always! Keep up the great team work guys! Today's event will be posted later today!
After the event last night had passed, I was feeling a bit better. I decided to hop oh and check on the guildies to see how they were doing, and a group of us ran to the guild homestead to hang out! We enjoyed being together last night as we chattered about random things! We discussed a wedding that is soon to come! SO EXCITING! Thank you to redjasper and DMT for the pictures!!!!
Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Martial Arts!
Today we will be meeting on Ch5 in Avon @ 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST. If you need a ride, let us know and we will come get you! I hope to see a lot of you out there and doing your thing this evening!
Update: Yesterdays event was splendid! We had a full party and plenty of rounds to get that EXP! Thank you to redjasper and Lenwe for videoing and leading the party!
Electrolytes is a active social guild that is a group of members who enjoy each other's company! We're very beginner friendly, and offer our help whenever we need it. If we can not help at the time of the request, we will direct you to someone who can! We hope to see new members soon to enjoy while we take care of our events and those that Nexon offers! Let us know and put in an application today if you'd like to join!
Everyone is working so hard to bring in new members! I'm very pleased with everything that's been going on and how far we've come in just a few months! Keep at it guys, one more member and we reach our monthly goal!