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⚡{SEE NEW POST UNDER NAO} Electrolytes Guild⚡


  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Another sick day, yet this time with a fever, aches, and non-stop coughing and sneezing. Hopefully I'll get better we I can focus on helping with the daily events again. As of right now, I'm too busy trying to feel better that I've gotta take a sick day ^~^

    I still hope you'll take our guild into consideration! We are told we are a very affectionate and loving group, and we plan to keep the good times rolling in!

    Put in your application today or message us asap for details!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited August 19, 2017
    Electrolytes Daily Event: Dungeons and more!

    Today Electrolytes is going to take advantage of that x2 Dan Advancement Skill EXP!

    We will be starting off with dungeons on a basic level to help our beginners rang up those Dan-able skills! Next, may be SMs of varying level to continue our training and push our ranks sky high! We will begin at 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST in Dunbarton to gather our party together! Take advantage of the event with us today!


    Everyday until the Dan-Advancement event is officially over, we will be solely focusing on quests and ranking those skills, with the occasional fun-day! Join us in rasing those levels and skill ranks as we venture through dungeons, SMs, raids, and so much more!



    Recruitment is still open as always :3! We welcome you to join us in Electrolytes, a growing and prospering guild on the Mari Server!


    Banquet: As per usual, Electrolytes will be attending the Ch5 banquet in Tara Rath Royal Castle @ 10PM EST, 9PM CST, 7PM PST. Come enjoy some music, chatter, and PvP as we get those free 40-levels-worth of EXP! We'll be expecting you!
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Seems like a very nice and warm guild! If i were a newbie in Mari i would totally join! :D
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Greta wrote: »
    Seems like a very nice and warm guild! If i were a newbie in Mari i would totally join! :D

    Hnnng tyty Greta <3 We definitely appreciate the support! If you ever make a Mari character come give us a visit :3
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Ataraxiz wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Seems like a very nice and warm guild! If i were a newbie in Mari i would totally join! :D

    Hnnng tyty Greta <3 We definitely appreciate the support! If you ever make a Mari character come give us a visit :3

    Haha, sure :D <3
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited August 21, 2017

    Yesterday we brought the guild over to a new game! We're slowly expanding our horizons so we can have even more fun together while Mabi is in maintenance or if we just want to play something different!

    Electrolytes is welcoming new members into the guild, as per usual! We hope to see some more friendly faces! I'm going over the new Daily Event results from yesterday's survey! You will be updated shortly!

    Today is the Solar Eclipse and a very special birthday! Happy birthday ~ ❤
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited August 21, 2017
    Everyone talking about Solar Eclipse and here's me watching a cloudy sky... QQ
    Anyways, happy birthday to certain someone~ <3
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited September 18, 2017

    I hope everyone had a good time seeing the eclipse today! This won't be the only big event this week, stay tuned for more information that's to come!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited August 22, 2017
    Electrolytes Daily Event: Cards Against Humanity!

    Today's Electrolytes Daily Event is Cards Against Humanity!

    Electrolytes will be starting up a CAH game tonight. If you'd like to join us, let us know before 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST. We will add you into our server and provide and link and password! Come have fun with us and enjoy some fun card games!

    Update: Today's event went really well, except the server had some technical difficulties and our Film crew had internet issues. We played 3 rounds of fun. Everyone had some good picks, and congratulations to the winners!


    Sorry to those of you waiting for the daily post. I've been resting today after getting medicine for bronchitis :3 Am feeling much better but it makes me a tad sleep. Thank you for your patience!
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Get well! Bronchitis is a no joke! :o
    I wish i could join your game, too bad the timing is bad for me :D Maybe other next time~
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited September 18, 2017
    Hey guys! Ataraxiz is feeling really sick right now so she asked me to update this thread for her this time~ <3


    Electrolytes Daily Event: Basic Dungeons!

    Meet in Dunbarton @8pm est, 7pm cst, 5pm pst. Run will start when everyone gets there, dungeon and difficulty will be decided by the participants.

    If you'd like to join, private message Ataraxiz on Discord.

  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited August 27, 2017
    Electrolytes Daily Event: Advancement Test Training and Girg Raids!


    Today we are going to be doing several events! Let us know via comments, notes, or add us on Discord to participate! All of the events will take place on Ch5, see the description for details!

    Today Electrolytes will be getting prepared to take those Advancement Tests by assisting each other in missions, dungeons, and more! We will begin around 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST, and we will begin with a dungeon picked by the participants!

    After we finish our excessive training, we will attend Banquet and share some refreshments, music, and more! We may even enjoy some friendly PvP! Banquet begins at 10PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST in Tara Rath Castle! You can meet us there, and enjoy the fun!

    At 11PM EST, 10PM CST, 7PM PST, we will be joining Deardrops in some Girg Raids! If you haven't done this before, no worries, we will be walk you through the steps and how to effectively use the skills!

    Our guildie DMT will be hosting a give away! The prizes are various amounts of gold, and there will be 15 questions to answer featuring various amounts! Note him for more details!

    Update: Last night was a good night! We accepted yet another new member and contacted two others! They will be joining us shortly, we're currently getting them set up! Events we're great, DMT gave away over 4 million last night in gold to those who participated in his event! Some guildies went on AAHM while I jumped on to Mabi to say hello to the other members! Everyone has been extremely supportive in Recruitment and we gained over a good 5k or so GP! Wonderful work everyone, we will be getting that last upgrade soon!

    I wanted to apologise for not making my daily posts! I've been really sick as of late and have been resting most of the time, along with handling real life!


    Yesterday we accepted 4 new members! Please welcome DMT, Fallk, Faye, and Sur to the guild! We hope you guys enjoy us and have a lot of fun!


    Today is my birthday! Wew! The guildies have been really supportive and have wished my day well! I've been feeling a lot better today as per my sickness, so that's a really good start! I look forward to a wonderful day with you guys!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Sorry for not posting yesterday! We've been working so hard with helping new members in the last couple days, that we needed a day off. Busy, busy!

    Events will resume today! I will post information tonight when I have the time! Thank you!!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    We've decided to take a break from the daily posting! We're going to sit back and relax, and enjoy the 11 new members we recruited this month alone!

    We're very proud of this progress, and how everyone has been working together and helping each other with missions and requests! Electrolytes has come so far in so little time thanks to our amazing members! I hope to see much more progress in the near future!
  • Kei_ArtsuikuKei_Artsuiku
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 9
    Ataraxiz wrote: »
    We've decided to take a break from the daily posting! We're going to sit back and relax, and enjoy the 11 new members we recruited this month alone!

    We're very proud of this progress, and how everyone has been working together and helping each other with missions and requests! Electrolytes has come so far in so little time thanks to our amazing members! I hope to see much more progress in the near future!

    LIT :D >:)
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    That's a lot... :o Congrats! :D
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Greta wrote: »
    That's a lot... :o Congrats! :D
    Greta wrote: »
    That's a lot... :o Congrats! :D

    Thank you love, we actually accepted two more on the 30th.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited September 4, 2017
    Welcome all new members! We've officially breached and surpassed 40 members! So excited to see more new faces :3!!!

    I'm currently on my way to my family's favorite vacation spot, so I will be away for a few days. It's chill though, I will still be around and able to check up on my favorite guild <3 I love you guys, please be safe!!!!

    I'll post a list of events for you guys so you can still attend those! Please note Zurcishere for details!

    Electrolytes Daily Events:

    Monday: Mafia
    Tuesday: Cards Against Humanity
    Wednesday: Basic Dungeons
    Thursday: Commercing
    Friday: Elite/Hard SMs
    Saturday: Advancement Test Event Training - Girg Raids - Banquet

    All events will begin at 8PM EST, 7PM CST, 5PM PST on the designated day. Saturdays will be slightly different because it is a packed schedule. This may be altered in the future.

    Thanks guys, please be safe! Love you all, see you soon!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited September 18, 2017
    We have over 10 members online and chilling out with us. This is exciting news for us!

    Remember to talk to Zurcishere for event details! See you all soon!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited September 18, 2017
    Emergency Update: Hurricane Irma has just been labeled as a Level 5 with catastrophic winds. It's being predicted to head inti Texas or right up the coast of Florida.

    If you are in the area of the Hurricane's path, please gather water, basic supplies, and a flashlight. You may need to head north, as it is unsafe. A hurricane this size may not slow down even if it hits land, so please be prepared.

    Sincere prayers to those victims of Harvey and Irma. Hurricane Jose is right behind Irma as a tropical storm and may potentially become a category 1.

    Be safe and courteous! I hope everyone takes caution of these natural disasters and gets out safe!

    - Ata & Electrolytes