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Why are gold fees still a thing?
We've spent millions in gold fees from house transfers, creating checks, personal shops, etc. If you think about there really is no point to it, it's just literally throwing useful gold away into oblivion.
re-open thread.
Honestly we have avoided the majority of gold fees by retaining any and all checks. Checks are the currency to rip most of that gold sink. If you have enough pets and storage, it's a no brainer. DO NOT DEPOSIT CHECKS.
I totally can't see any downsides to only having checks
The bank fees and repair fees try to act as gold sinks and clear away some of the gold that is being generated but even they aren't doing a great job. As mentioned above, you can just not put money in the bank and just trade checks around. Also, people won't bother with missions if they don't earn enough to cover the repair fees and also still earn some money for their troubles.
I'm not against the removal of bank fees. In fact I'd be happy if they did. But in it's place, we would need something else added in to act as a gold sink or there would just be huge inflation.
Someone proposed the idea of a gachapon that is bought using gold and I do like that idea. Something that costs 250k gold ish and gives rewards similar to the Eweca Orbs is what I had in mind. If you put a SUPER KAWAII DESU!!!! wing or outfit with a 0.00000001% drop rate, people will throw their gold at it to try and get it.
One problem...U will make the eweca orb obsolete...And anything(SUPER KAWAII DESU) rare is better stuff into a real gacha to bring in real money...Nexon's financial department disapproves.
But really, things work the way they probably should already. Sure it's annoying here and there, but it has a purpose in trying to keep the economy moving and slow inflation.
People will buy new stuff precisely because it is new stuff. The Eweca Orb, the limited gachapon and the proposed gold gachapon can contain different items in their prize pools so none of them will be redundant and none will cannibalise the others.
Maybe the gold gachapon will contain things like RE and SE potions or something like that.
Oooh, the idea where we all can buy extra Festia ticket for 2.5k each or whatever it is sound like a really good idea and it'd help players finish some entries from the diary faster without having to spend like 100 days to get one entry done for the diary.
GM renewal was a step in the rite direction but 15m to gm everything is pocket change to the rich of the rich. Seems more like a road blocker for just pure battlenogi folks imo.
15m isn't much for certain people, yes, but if you multiply that amount by many players over time it adds up to a lot of gold sink. that's still 15m+ per person (that bothers to GM everything) not randomly floating around the economy too
It will do 5% damage on this monster if they increase fees.
But it will hurt new players in the short run.
And we all know why it is best gold sick... Since you rarely get something worth 750k+ and after run you need to repair gear which might cost few millions if you use end game gear rofl.
(VIP service in kr ; No fee for making a check)
This is the part that bugs me the most, we basically pull that very gold out of "oblivion" whenever we run content.
I assure you all those ignored drops will add up to the amount of fees you have to pay.
Thank god for doll bags. They pick up the extra 100-200k I usually ignore cuz I'm speed running or don't want to bother stop killing stuff to grabz me gold.