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Which is the skill you use the most?
No matter it is ur fav or just convenient.
Main human: Personally i always engage fight with smash, no matter what mob is it.
Alt elf: Spam +20k Lightning rod to 1hit every1
Alt giant: Charge like engaging dash. I have the min distance lv2 reforge
Like if it's Sidhe Finnachaid, I open with FH on the runaway dogs, bash on the horses and horsemen, fireball and snap cast on the debuff fish orbs, dance of death on the protfish, firebolt cc on the dragons, and bash/guns on the fishwoman boss.
Or if it's just general SMs I lean toward Ninja or Gunner stuff.
I do like fooling around sometimes, with stuff like Elemental Wave Frozen Blast on bosses that it can be used on.
Or Dance of Death on normal enemies.
I guess I don't use Fighter or Archery that much.
Both have penalties involved with wearing Heavy Armor, which I like having on.
But generally, Bash, Lullaby, Kunai Storm, and Shooting Rush.
On my main (male human), I tend to use regular attacks the most. Though, for tough bosses I whip out Final Hit. Paired with the attack speed of knuckles, Final Hit is actually a pretty formidable ability. In fact, I used Final Hit with knuckles followed by Dance of Death against the final boss of the Memento questline and it was pretty darn effective. For normal mobs, though, it's mostly regular attacks for melee and Fire Bolt or Water Cannon for ranged sniping.
As for my male giant and female human, I'm still feeling them out as far as what suits them best. However, I have fallen in love with puppetry on my girl for all of those awesome moves for dealing with crowds of enemies. Climatic Clash FTW, baby!! XD Also, strangling and yanking up enemies with puppet strings. I made a bad hip-hop song for myself about using the Puppet Snare/Wire Pull combo to murder enemies (and finishing them with Windmill if they still have a little sliver of health left). I sing it gleefully as I romp through Albey, leaving nothing but corpses and spider webs in my wake...
What's used the most in every situation is probably Critical Hit haha.
I may not do a ton of damage, but I love the gunslinger skills!
I'm an elf so i just use bash with the rental sword and shield and sometimes lightning rod with a bad staff
I cry!
I prefer going Warrior and Bard usually.
smash>assault slash>smash>counter>assault slash(if possible if not repeat)
then i obtained final hit and became dependent to it
i do the usual combo if final hit is not usable yet i became close combat master
since i dont usually use other talents other than close combat
then i tried magic there was the basic bolt magic then fusion bolt
the thing i hate about magic is that charging it takes time and im already slow from lagging
but then there came intermediate magic it wasnt much of a big deal to me until i obtain my first merlin mana knuckles
i was so dependent to thunder do dungeons with thunder, dragon raids with thunder,
shadow missions with thunder(if i dont crash), generation quest with thunder, etc. and i didnt notice my thunder was r1
then out of nowhere i got myself the skill shock wave, since i had my def and prot a bit high
ill just walk in dungeons let enemy spawn when they are all aggro at me and attacking ill just use shock wave
same with shadow missions and other stuff and it became r1 like thunder i wasnt that aware of ranking it
and since im using merlin mana knuckles i use martial arts skill every now and then
which lead to my martial arts and magic combo:
charging strike>somersault kick>pummel>shock wave>focused fist>spinning uppercut>drop kick>lightning rod
(though due to lag i dont always get to complete it or if my focused fist miss)
now i train meteor, ice spear, fireball and some music
so my usual fight pattern would be
cc combo, fh, thunder, shock wave, ma&magic combo
I'm not really into fightning a lot, so maybe Egg Gathering, "Potato" Gathering and Apple Tree Destroyer are the "most used skills" even though I don't think those are really into the "skill" list people would think about.
As far as magnum goes....
Back during the SAO event, I made up a combo card to force myself to practice support shot. Basically alternates between magnum and support shot. If I wanted the big payoff damage, I had to train support shot. Until it was trained, I would not allow myself any gold combo card events or whatnot.
Much much later, I still have said combo card. Support shot is R1, but the combo card still does the job. So if people see me throwing out an odd support shot or two while DPSing, now you know why.
smash>assault slash>smash>counter>assault slash
This, but throw in windill and defense in there too.
Works on most things most of the time. The most original set of skills available.
But add in other skills such as evasion, charge (to block range) and crisis escape to deaggro.