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wind guard glitch after update

Mabinogi Rep: 2,260
Posts: 156
in Incomplete Bugs
I don't know how to replicate the glitch but while attacking enemies in wind guard stance if i get attacked sometimes my giant got stuck and is forced to relog to fix the issue.
Happened twice to me now.


  • justshowingjustshowing
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 156
    k found out whats happening.

    Do not use a lance or knuckles. only use warrior skills.....

    jeez i'm slow took me 4 times getting stuck to see what I'm doing wrong XD
  • TentacleTentacle
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,070
    Posts: 45
    As a matter of fact, Smash skill is what causes problems. If you use it with Wind Guard active, your character is unable to move or use any skills until you cc/log out. I've already tried it myself several times and heard about several other people experiencing this exact problem.
  • justshowingjustshowing
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 156
    alrighty thanks for the input... guess i'll use mainly bash with wind guard.
    not a complaint, really but feels more fun :D
  • KetsuekiOfRuairiKetsuekiOfRuairi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 9
    This has been happening to me too, it's really annoying because my giant doesn't know bash nor assault slash so i have to depend on smash hardcore :/
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    edited August 8, 2017
    When I used Wind Guard and the execution didn't go well, I can't move, switch weapons, and use any skills. I am stuck as a statue. The only option is relogging.

    IGN: worty
    Giant IGN: quicksmasher
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited August 18, 2017
    When being attacked by enemies using windguard locks you into a stationary mode that prevents you from acting at all, Can't use any skills, can't use any potions, can't even move, can't mount pets, and can't exit combat mode.

    This all took place in Shadow mission "Defeat the shadow wizard" Int during the fight against the shadow wizards, in the end i died since i can't fight back.
    Pls fix this issue as windguard is part of the giant overhaul which soon other giant players will notice this glitch.
  • ShadowtivaniShadowtivani
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 56
    edited August 23, 2017
    Everytime i use Wind Guard in a dungeon or SM it glitches me out, my character freezes and i can't move or load skills all i can do is normal attack when Wind Guard expires. So much for Wind Guard becoming relevant again -_-

    I'm working on getting a video but everytime i record it doesn't happen.
  • ViibrationalViibrational
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Posts: 2
    Yea this keeps happening to me as well.