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Get 300 000 EXP Mission Point is the WORST
Hah, yeah. Back in Europe when the game was literally going to die, I had the pleasure of experiencing all of that.
It was.
The best feeling in a while.
That freeze frame happen to me too when i kill a lot of mobs at once.
I would suspect this is just the game and server talking back and forth. Mod spawns - sends information back to your internet to your computer. You kill mob - computer sends information back to your internet - internet sends information to server. Server adds exp to your level, you level up (maybe), saves some of the data to the server - sends this information back to your computer through your internet.
This isn't related to font, it's the game uploading the data to the server. If there is a lot of information going to the server or your connection is unstable or receiving some kind of resistance, this can create lag. Lag can also be created by out dated patches that are still attached to the game, hence loading screen issues or slowness. This is the reason for Memory issues for others. Your computer has to load this information, which Mabinogi has a lot of needless patches that are not overwritten by the newer ones. Kind of rediculous since many games do not have this problem, bit it's what we have to deal with to play our favorite game.
Apparently only happens to me during the event.
But not when I no longer have a skill training to fulfill.
Yeah that's the issue then It's completely normal, I have it too. The closer to the servers you are, the faster your game will transmit data back and forth. Distance causes resistance and slows down the feed. Faster internet service could also fix this rather common problem.
So I take it that when I turn off the chat/name to disable the font, I'm also disabling the transmission of texts from the server?
Yep, exactly. Not a font related issue, just receiving data :P
Exactly ^~^ I had a professional take a look at my computer after a hacking. He disabled some windows stuff and also found a keylogger that was removed Game works much better now!
Then, these so-called font mods. What exactly did they do that magically speeds up the game?
I've seen bitmap font on a lot of screenshots from modders. It's really ugly and often too hard to read, especially when you get those text-color change thingys. Blues and greens and reds are especially hard to read.
But it's also been many years since I played there, I can't recall if I had reading issues or not, so I can't say anything in that regard.
(For the record, I'm only level 200 because I'm sitting on a mountain of AP with no skills trained enough to use it on—the last few I haven't capped are hellishly tedious—and I'd rather have the training boost than even more AP I can't use.)
Huh, that's pretty neat.
Pop a 2x combat EXP potion and do Fomor Attack on Hard. You'll be done before you finish the SM.
If you don't have 2x Combat EXP potions, use a Potent Shadow Crystal (any will do) and you'll get it from the end reward EXP and the EXP from the mob kills.
Not as ugly as one of the more recent fonts that I've seen in modded screenshots.
Do show I'd love to see it lol.