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S> Female items! (Clothing, Wigs) + misc.

Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
Posts: 313
edited August 19, 2017 in Tarlach Marketplace
Note Leilicia

Cross Empire no pin- Offer? I am unsure of what these sell at.
Urban Wig - 2m
Asuna ALO Wig- 3m
Mysterious Girl wig- 2m
Patissiere outfit -1.5m
Patissiere wig with hat - 1m

Ice Silk (3) - 300k ea
Ice Fabric (3) - nmo
Falis Rain Drop - nmo


  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    edited August 21, 2017
    I already own Eluned Detective and Eluned Bunny Parka, and I'm wanting to expand my collection. Issue is, I don't the full list? Can You give me a link to them all or link to the outfit so I can see what it looks like, and the price! Thank you. I'm not interested in wigs, but do list them still! I might change my mind. Thank you.

    I'm also looking for Droopy ear blush face coupon??