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Nowhere to run, Except i found somewhere to run
I don't know what happened; I was pushed into a corner by an Argus and a group of Werewolves and after a while I wound up being teleported into what appeared to be a partially unrendered section of the dungeon in the sense that there were no enemies, no doors, etc; after a while I got teleported back into the dungeon, but a good ten or so rooms ahead of where I was supposed to be from what I could tell. I was able to progress through the dungeon normally until I couldn't open the boss room door even though I had the key; said that there was an unopened door in the dungeon, which, well... there was. And I couldn't open it because I was both on the wrong side of the door and didn't have the key. And I was soloing, too.
I basically had to teleport out of the dungeon after that; no way for me to progress in a situation where it looked like I wrong warped in the middle of a dungeon.
Edit : I do have a video, but it's not uploaded anywhere, and it's even better than how I remembered it, seeing as half the party was teleported alongside me xD aaaaaah memories. Also a rare case of me before I got an Odran wig permanently glued to my head.
Getting out was pretty much as random as getting in. I still don't remember really how I did it.
not to menton the hilween exploit "fix" where it just warps you across the room if you accidently get knocked into it
Your situation seems more interesting in an exploratory nature, but it seems black holes exist everywhere in this game.
Must of been something left over from the developers. I would love to see that.
Same thing happened to me ages ago back on the EU server. It was the same dungeon too.
Didn't there used to be a way to go "outside" Baol dungeon? You could go around all the rooms and go straight to the final room to complete it easily. Found a video:
if you let yourself killed and come back to Statue everything will be solved
Hard to do that when you've killed all the mobs on the way to the boss room whose door I originally did not know is impossible to open because apparently all the doors in the dungeon have to be opened first. Plus, even if I could've that's not something I like to do.
There are good glitches and bad glitches, but looks like yours are more on the badside. 90% of the time cont warp will be the solution.
I remember back during the super lag days, I once glitched off my homestead and was running across the desert until I started running in the sky forever until I lagged out and got warped to Dunbarton.
I also remember at Rath at the end of the banquet the bench I was using glitched and I found myself in between the walls in which I tried moving and started to run in the sky as well, lagged out and warped to Dunbarton.
One time Bangor skywalk went wrong and I ended up on top of the cliffsides of Bangor where, it was possible to run around the cliff, but couldn't get down. Cont warp solved that.
I also remember in the very early days, a white wolf knocked me and sent me into the some cliffside of Tir.