Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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All these Eidos gears!


  • NurylonNurylon
    Mabinogi Rep: 590
    Posts: 13
    edited August 25, 2018
    The main thing I wonder about with the Eidos/this trans is...
    if I can rebirth into a male character while doing the generation just to get the male transformation appearance, and then rebirth back into female character afterwords...
    and the transformation STAY the male appearance.

    Like, are there 'default' eidos that come with the transformation when you first get it? Or does it just pull from the default trans based on character sex?

    Seeing I haven't put in the effort to do G21p2 yet, I'm probably not gonna put in the effort to farm eidos pieces |D so getting the default appearance I want with a planned rebirth would be pretty awesome.
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    If you switch from male to female, you get whatever gender you are at a given time. It's the same with Paladin or DK
  • NurylonNurylon
    Mabinogi Rep: 590
    Posts: 13
    Maia wrote: »
    If you switch from male to female, you get whatever gender you are at a given time. It's the same with Paladin or DK

    Ahh, alright; thanks Maia.