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Why are Re:Zero outfits(Body_alone) going for 30m+?
BAD_Economy?Kawaii overload? 2Moe4me to understand? 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% rates or sumthing?
Last but not least...25-30m for rem+ram boxes? and 10-15m for Rem but puck and Ram tanked to like 1-2m...How Sway? How?
Was inflation this bad or I'm just too out of the loop the whole time?
Don't get me started on that Rem Morning star...It better be a StaffxChainBlade OP SOB to justify dem being 10-12m prices. O_O!!!
I'll just gach on my own later if prices don't become 2 reasonable...but how R U general folks handling dis?
No other collab haz comes close to these insane prices(Non-meta_game power-creeps item) dat I can remember!
I feel like the prices (at least on Ruairi) were a bit better last weekend. A Ferris outfit was 15m back then but now it's only 30+. I'm not sure what happened other than the supply dwindled until only the price gougers were left?
And yeah Ram and Puck actually decreased in price on our server too. That's strange that it was the same like that. Maybe because Rem gives more stats in strength, defense/prot, and max damage? If that's not the case, then I've no clue.
Lets me honest, this is just simple economics.
I wonder if people are thinking the Morningstar works like a chainblade and a staff? If it really does, then that might explain the price. If it doesn't, then maybe the people who have one are taking advantage of people thinking it does.
It doesn't though, so maybe you're right about people tryna take advantage of that lack of knowledge of some.
It's primarily from Rem's Morningstar in the Defeating The Ulgarms RP mission where you play as her having the ability to cast intermediate magic (specifically Ice Spear) in the version of the mission where you receive Magic skills instead of Chain Blade skills. So people wind up thinking that Rem's Morningstar can be used to cast intermediate magic (like how (Merlin's) Shyllien Mana Knuckles can be used for both Martial Arts and Magic skills) when in reality it's just a Cutthroat Chain Blade reskin.
(Just like how Reinhard's sword is just a Glory Sword reskin, with the only difference being that it can receive Erg enhancements. Unless the wiki's wrong, then there's no difference and the wiki's been lying to be about how no other Two-Handed Swords can actually receive Erg enhancements outside of maybe three or so different options.)
You could buy outfit boxes from other crossover events, no?
>Tells us that calling this whole thing as greed is inappropriate.
>But also tells us to "get gud and earn".
Even if people are veterans it doesn't give a good excuse that they might have 35m or more in their hands.
Cross Empire Wigs costed dirt cheap before this crossover too. Also most fashion items drop prices when they get re-released few times already.
Demand is a good factor too. SAO and Fate/Stay Night UBW stuff are dirt cheap for years now.
Pretty sure those came in outfit boxes (except some of the Fate/Stay Night clothing but to be fair, they can't be dyed) and people really love Re:Zero stuff (especially Ferris since it can be worn by both genders and dyeable) so it would probably still be expensive. As someone said, "crossover items" will never really return
The good items aren't dirt cheap. UBW App scrolls start at like 20m.