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tradeable nx


  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    I'm sorry, what are you trying to say?
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Using a little bit of proper grammar and spelling to convey ideas can go a long way. I regret trying to understand any of this.
  • 암호암호
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,085
    Posts: 59
    Greta wrote: »
    I think servers will die quicker if NX becomes tradeable. It's against ToS anyway, so it will never happen. Good luck on suggesting this though.

    ToS can always be updated.
  • kairisoadorikairisoadori
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,725
    Posts: 130
    also the tos is build around old eu laws the news ones our nexon is breaking every day because they dont report drop rates in gotchapons
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    also the tos is build around old eu laws the news ones our nexon is breaking every day because they dont report drop rates in gotchapons

    Only they are not breaking the law because it is not the law in NA. Every region has their own set of laws. NA doesn't have the law so they are no breaking the law.
  • kairisoadorikairisoadori
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,725
    Posts: 130
    edited August 29, 2018
    yea that means if eu wants to ban mabinogi they can and will as they already been attacking big game companies like ea its only a matter of less then a year before they attack smaller companies like this one who doesnt in general have a large player base in the country in the first place to act as if where not when there already attacking isnt an argument against not allowing nx trade either but every player counts at there the ones who will buy pets and gotchas with as i repeat earlyer this year even alexina was counted amoung the dead servers in july so my point is giving nexon more money so they can get more content in game what better way then having more of these whales buy nx to sell on a auction or trading house/for items and its a limited to only gotchapons and trading was my only idea that will bring more money to nexon so they can bring us more content with content at times being as rare as a year as in g20 -21 for instance and one anime event with a tun of repeats events with even worse rewards then the last one for months at a time all summer long none of you can deny these fact i layed out but if you can think of a better way for them to make money like another one ive already done partner and pet trading medals always in the shop is another good idea and less crap events
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    When you say EU, what are you referring too? It's common referred to as Europe,which if that is what you mean then they can't touch or do anything to Nexon since well, another countries laws can't touch a company in another country. Nexon also isn't a small company. Crossover's can't happen very often because they need to obtain the licensing and permission from the company and the money as well. (Which Nexon has alot of money, so money is not the issue) and content is always being released, one generation every year is good, but there is ton's of up dates and content that we get. NA can't just release content when it feels like it, they need to get permission from KR. We still have atleast 3-4 big updates to come before we are caught up with KR.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    For I know, EU may not even last.
  • kairisoadorikairisoadori
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,725
    Posts: 130
    edited August 29, 2018
    Fayekaiba trying playing Vindictus or maple story and maybe you will understand what i mean when i say eu and honestly a game with less then 100 players on average they actually may ignore it all together is another point one could make too
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Fayekaiba trying playing Vindictus or maple story and maybe you will understand what i mean when i say eu and honestly a game with less then 100 players on average they actually may ignore it all together is another point one could make too

    Nobody really understands what you mean unfortunately.
  • kairisoadorikairisoadori
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,725
    Posts: 130
    edited August 29, 2018
    i honestly dont care my opinions are not meant to be cared about by me alone in the first place i made my self off the best of my knowledge on said companies open data instead of wasting my time caring what each person can complain about i type as a means to make you want to ignore me which is only the biggest mistake one can make fun fact we have lawyers and doctors with autism with that in mind i couldnt not act peoples who shuts people down for any reason would shut me down in a blink of a eye I dont care if you shut me out but remember one person warned you and you ignored her advice you can ignore me or you can take the information i gave anyone and you that everyone and you ignores because of another addition i use in my sentence forming im sure you see it i use various American words for the same phrase to piss people off before they get to the meat hidden in all the fancy wording most wont finish my sentence in America there to much in the here and now to care about some one else there and then that you caused onto them lets just say i type only like this because i want this mental awareness to spread as with over 80 million people with some fourm of chronic problems for people to keep being so hateful and cold is my only reason for this fight it isnt i have to much time on my hands because i sure dont im a master of multi tasking because i cant drive thats my only disability is basically im phisically unable to drive so instead of changing my story i thought i would just change the way i speak to people so here you go my story of which is a 20 year long one of those people on youtube twitch twitter facebook may just be me but my facts are as sound as i do have a tun of free time as well to enjoy events on mabinogi and more times then not im working 1250 hours a year still making a living and all the fun stuff but im also researching and developing programs to the point i feel like i could do a better job then trump but then theres the colundrum not like i can be rich with my current lifestyle to as the time i do spend is reverted back to lifes necessities nor do i want to be so i pass a hidden candel basically if some one cares to light it some are worth billions
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    @kairisoadori It's not that your opinion doesn't matter. It is just the way you write is very hard to understand.
    And the English language is not the only language that uses punctuation. I am sure that whatever your native language is also uses punctuation and properly formed sentences, rather a massive block of words put together that has no relation from top to bottom.

    I am sure many people will be willing to discuss your Mabi issues properly if the way you write your comments is done legibly.
  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    edited August 29, 2018

    Off-topic, but,
    You probably do make valid points and maybe your opinions do matter. However, like many others have stated, I have a difficult time comprehending many of your long-to-read posts - which essentially consist of run-on sentences containing branches of separate ideas that become confusing to read. If you're not going to bother with punctuation, can you at least space out the separate ideas?

    i honestly dont care my opinions are not meant to be cared about by me alone in the first place

    i made my self off the best of my knowledge on said companies open data

    instead of wasting my time caring what each person can complain about i type as a means to make you want to ignore me which is only the biggest mistake one can make

    fun fact we have lawyers and doctors with autism
    with that in mind i couldnt not act peoples who shuts people down for any reason would shut me down in a blink of a eye

    This would make your posts a little more tolerable.

    i could do a better job then trump

    Admittedly, this is where my attention drifted in that entire "paragraph."
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    edited August 29, 2018
    Maybe instead of telling me to go play another game you can stop being lazy and explain youself. Time for a hard lesson. Nexon will never take your idea into consideration because there is no need for it. You clearly don't play mabi if you think less than 100 people play this game. The game is no where near going to shut down, the game is not poor, the game is thriving very much. You are also not spreading mental health awareness on a gaming forum. You think you can do abetter job than trump? LOL I may not support him but I highly doubt with how you are getting mad so easily that you could do anywhere close to him. I'm sorry but be more kinder in the future and stop using your mental health to excuse your rudeness.
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited September 3, 2018
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    Maybe instead of telling me to go play another game you can stop being lazy and explain youself. Time for a hard lesson. Nexon will never take your idea into consideration because there is no need for it. You clearly don't play mabi if you think less than 100 people play this game. The game is no where near going to shut down, the game is not poor, the game is thriving very much. You are also not spreading mental health awareness on a gaming forum. You think you can do abetter job than trump? LOL I may not support him but I highly doubt with how you are getting mad so easily that you could do anywhere close to him. I'm sorry but be more kinder in the future and stop using your mental health to excuse your rudeness.

    I'm afraid that kairis may just be the new person filling the role of 'ignore me until I give up and quit, or get progressively worse until I get banned'.

    If all you do is rant and insult (and especially when you can't do either coherently), you don't tend to last long.

    As far as the topic, it'd be nice but unfortunately terribly unprofitable. NX is the game's only way to make money, and allowing people to trade in-game-only currency for it would severely hurt their bottom line. There are some games such as Warframe that implement their premium currency admirably, but I don't think Nexon is going to be one to follow suit.
  • SplatulatedSplatulated
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,930
    Posts: 693
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    Maybe instead of telling me to go play another game you can stop being lazy and explain youself. Time for a hard lesson. Nexon will never take your idea into consideration because there is no need for it. You clearly don't play mabi if you think less than 100 people play this game. The game is no where near going to shut down, the game is not poor, the game is thriving very much. You are also not spreading mental health awareness on a gaming forum. You think you can do abetter job than trump? LOL I may not support him but I highly doubt with how you are getting mad so easily that you could do anywhere close to him. I'm sorry but be more kinder in the future and stop using your mental health to excuse your rudeness.

    I'm afraid that kairis may just be the new person filling the role of 'ignore me until I give up and quit, or get progressively worse until I get banned'.

    If all you do is rant and insult (and especially when you can't do either coherently), you don't tend to last long.

    As far as the topic, it'd be nice but unfortunately terribly unprofitable. NX is the game's only way to make money, and allowing people to trade in-game-only currency for it would severely hurt their bottom line. There are some games such as Warframe that implement their premium currency admirably, but I don't think Nexon is going to be one to follow suit.

    nexn would still profit

    since the only way to get tradeable nx would be to buy bonds with Real life $ through their cash shop, like every other mmo does it

    and the bonds could store the price that is half the price of VIP or premium, if you had 2 you could get premium for free (off set this by making 2 bonds actually cost more than buying vip/premium itself so people dont just buy bonds to get cheap vip/premium)

    look it works in plenty of other mmo's i see no reason why it could not work in mabinogi
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    NX is the game's only way to make money, and allowing people to trade in-game-only currency for it would severely hurt their bottom line.

    The OP wants to allow player to player trading of NX (NX that has already been purchased with real $), not to allow purchase of new NX with in-game gold.

    Let's just imagine it does happen somehow, that Nexon sells a tradeable item worth 1 month of VIP. How much do you think it would go for in the first few days? And after 6 months?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    As companies are wont to do, Nexon would want to know if this will lead to people buying more NX. If it does not or even if it remains the same as before then why would they bother with the expense. The other half of the equation from Earnings is Expenses. There might be legal and accountancy issues since this will directly connect activity in the game to real-world taxable income NOT earned by Nexon and all the lovely messy crap that will lead to for them.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    Helsa wrote: »
    this will directly connect activity in the game to real-world taxable income NOT earned by Nexon and all the lovely messy crap that will lead to for them.

    What the FUD? We can't turn these tradeable VIP items back into real $. If a hardcore player spent countless hours per week earning billions of in-game gold to buy tons of VIP items from other players... they still would not be any wealthier IRL. They would just have 100 years worth of VIP service lol.

    By the way, thread-readers, Mabi KR Premium/VIP comes in items tradeable once. (According to a korean poster in these forums, here: )
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,545
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    Maybe instead of telling me to go play another game you can stop being lazy and explain youself. Time for a hard lesson. Nexon will never take your idea into consideration because there is no need for it. You clearly don't play mabi if you think less than 100 people play this game. The game is no where near going to shut down, the game is not poor, the game is thriving very much. You are also not spreading mental health awareness on a gaming forum. You think you can do abetter job than trump? LOL I may not support him but I highly doubt with how you are getting mad so easily that you could do anywhere close to him. I'm sorry but be more kinder in the future and stop using your mental health to excuse your rudeness.

    I'm afraid that kairis may just be the new person filling the role of 'ignore me until I give up and quit, or get progressively worse until I get banned'.

    If all you do is rant and insult (and especially when you can't do either coherently), you don't tend to last long.

    As far as the topic, it'd be nice but unfortunately terribly unprofitable. NX is the game's only way to make money, and allowing people to trade in-game-only currency for it would severely hurt their bottom line. There are some games such as Warframe that implement their premium currency admirably, but I don't think Nexon is going to be one to follow suit.

    I came here to bring up that NX is how Nexon makes money, so it would extremely unlikely that they would make it an in-game receivable currency for free. They rarely have bonus NX sales (you buy NX, you get a little extra) or free NX giveaways.