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10 talent, 15 talent, and 20 talent talent titles
We currently have 20 talents available to be learned, and only 3 titles that I was able to find that even have 5 talents included in them. We should have equippable talent titles for groups of 10 talents and 15 talents and even one for having all 20 talents. I suggest something innocuous sounding for the 20 talent title, such as "Obsessionist" or "Masternogi", but it is kind of sad that there are so few equippable talent titles for people who have more talents.
Personally a fan of "Completionist", but that's in use by dual gun's for some reason.
That one is almost certainly a bug, as the missing Journal points under the Savvy tab line up quite nicely with what the 20 GM entry should give. It's there, they just didn't implement it properly when they added Chainslash.