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Carasek's Bag from event boxes
Unless Banzai cracks this thing like a boss, but I'm already spent.
but nice. i feel like i wasted alot of tickets on those specials. most of the items i got i could barely sell off for 25k.
I got mine from the box you get after the quiz ends, so it's definitely possible.
Nah, it's not the AH's fault. Last year for the OX event, the carasek bag skyrocketed in price around then too, even though it was a drop in the boxes. The event brings people's attention to it and raises the demand, which raises the price thanks to the low supply.
Hey, anyone can say what they want about the AH, that thing means more stable servers. How you ask? Simple! Now most ppl don't end up going afk for 50 years to sell all their junk. Just go look at Belvast now, its mostly empty, a mere shadow of its former self. (Im on Ruairi, idk about the rest) Compare it to before? Belvast used to be crazy packed constantly to the point you couldn't even get a spot sometimes. All those extra ppl pouring massive amounts of extra stress onto the servers is bound to cause lag in a game whose servers are known to already be not great to begin with. Iv had 1 rubberbanding incident since I started again, and that was my internets fault. I use mostly gunner, let that sink in for a second. On top of that, Im richer then iv ever been cause I can finally reasonably sell all the obscure crap iv collected over the years with an actually reasonable chance of success. If I get a second carasek and save it for about 3 months or so, Ill be even more rich!
Mabi probabilities.
Mabi probabilities.
special or normal?
Normal, as I heard people says its better
I got my bag out of my second normal box from just participating your over thinking it just do the event its rng