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Mabinogi's Events.

Mabinogi Rep: 700
Posts: 13
edited January 18, 2017 in General Chat
Here is a list of Nexon's recent events for Mabinogi. Majority of the events have just been login events, or semi-interactive.

List of Most Recent ACTUAL Interactive Events (Open all the time, interactive):
Imp Dreamland Event [Jun. 22, 2016] (Returned)
Dragon Boat Race Event [May. 25, 2016] (Returned)

List of Most Recent Semi-Interactive (Login, complete a quest-line, once a day/few hours, Little to no interaction with community) events:
Enchanted Music Box [Jan. 4, 2017]
Music Appreciation Campaign [Dec. 15, 2016]
Return of Samhain [Dec. 15, 2016] (Returned)
Mission Point Event [Nov. 22, 2016] (Returned)
2016 Treasure Box Event [Nov. 02, 2016] (Returned)
Find Halloween Joe [Oct. 18, 2016] (Returned with Modifications to Title)
The Tale of the Scariest Little Ghost [Oct. 13, 2016]
Catch the Gingerbread Man Event [Sep. 28, 2016] (Returned with Modifications)
Whack-A-Watermelon Event [Aug. 21, 2016] (Returned)

List of Most Recent Non-interactive (Login and do nothing for free rewards) events:
Mabinogi Master Plan Event [Jan. 18, 2017]
Phoenix Egg Hatching Event [Jan. 12, 2017] (Returned)
Hot Weekend Events
Timed Rebirth Event [Dec. 01, 2016]
October Fishing Event [Oct. 21, 2016]
October Attendance Event [Oct. 05, 2016]
Maplestory + Mabinogi Event [Sep. 15, 2016] (Returned)

Notice how the only two actual interactive events are both returned events. I've also noticed that (on my server) when these two events were first released there were so many people participating in them, and now that they have been re-released (after so many years) there was almost no one participating in them. I assume this is a side-effect of mostly having non-interactive events all the time and potentially because it's a re-release.

On a final note, this game has been real boring for a long time now.
  1. Do you enjoy having a lot of non-interactive events?48 votes
    1. Yes, I like staying logged in for long periods of time for free rewards and no interaction.
       23% (11 votes)
    2. No, I want more events that create more interaction within the community, for potential rewards.
       50% (24 votes)
    3. Maybe, since I have to work all day anyway.
       17% (8 votes)
    4. TLDR; Nexon KR plz mek betr evnts
       10% (5 votes)


  • ReclusiveMageReclusiveMage
    Mabinogi Rep: 560
    Posts: 14
    hmmm I don't know about that, but the reason I didn't bother doing them is because of the trashy rewards. If they had better reward, I would've done them.
  • SolsticeeSolsticee
    Mabinogi Rep: 700
    Posts: 13

    hmmm I don't know about that, but the reason I didn't bother doing them is because of the trashy rewards. If they had better reward, I would've done them.
    I think they just need to better balance their events. Right now they have the best rewards coming from non-interactive events. Rather than having more NEW interactive events that give better rewards than other events.
  • MiunaMiuna
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,705
    Posts: 53
    I just don't really overthink about events... I got very distracted with cookie island and the little ghost ones. It's true that sometimes it's frustrating to get mostly pots or gems out of every event but there's always something else to do I guess ^^''
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    Music Appreciation Campaign
    Mission Point Event
    2016 Treasure Box Event
    Catch the Gingerbread Man Event
    Whack-A-Watermelon Event

    All these events could be done in a party and with friends. So I see nothing wrong with them at all. All of those were decent to high interactive events.

    I am sorry but I am laughing at anyone who calls Mabinogi Master Plan Event an AFK/Log in event. You log in for 11 hours each week, while you can work on skills, enjoying a double exp event. Along side in a few weeks a free 100% repair week. The logging in for free items is just extra. I think the events we have been having recently are fine just the way they are. I prefer AFK events sometimes because then that means I dont need to grind for hours and hours a day tiring myself down. As for fishing events, those are always welcomed because the end game players who spam Elite/Lords/Phantasm, always need pot's for upkeep, while using the gems to cap egos. And for those who have capped ego, can sell the diamonds off and make bank (as a bonus Tin pots so cute) but overall the events have been decent.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    I was about to look up some event from the wiki to check out the prizes, but some of them don't even have a page. Shows how bad these (boring, bad prizes, and/or recycled) events are that the wiki editors didn't even bother.
  • SolsticeeSolsticee
    Mabinogi Rep: 700
    Posts: 13
    FayeKaiba said:

    Music Appreciation Campaign
    Mission Point Event
    2016 Treasure Box Event
    Catch the Gingerbread Man Event
    Whack-A-Watermelon Event

    All these events could be done in a party and with friends. So I see nothing wrong with them at all. All of those were decent to high interactive events.
    That's why I put them under semi-interactive.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    You forgot Mafia Fishing Event and Mafia mini game update... o3o
  • EraleaEralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,890
    Posts: 779
    Liyeta said:

    How about no event.
    This sounds absurd now, but I vaguely recall that a long time ago we would actually have periods of no events whatsoever. Good time to catch up on gen quests and skills.
  • FrahaleahFrahaleah
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 245
    edited January 19, 2017
    Personal opinion here, the events are fine. You have to remember Mabinogi is a korean-based mmo, the grinding and long waits are part of their gaming culture. As for some of the events, I agree with Fayekaiba completely. As for the mission point event, listen up Nexon, one way to get people to like that event more and play more, replace the item rewards with xp/ap rewards for each individual 'mission', that way it can become permanent content, plus it gives players stuff to do, especially alongside afk events, as well as, since the item rewards would be replaced by xp/ap rewards, no market inflation.
  • FalaflameFalaflame
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,260
    Posts: 36
    >List of Most Recent ACTUAL Interactive Events (Open all the time, interactive):
    >Imp Dreamland Event [Jun. 22, 2016] (Returned)
    >Dragon Boat Race Event [May. 25, 2016] (Returned)

    I didn't do either of these. And with good reason. Their rewards were garbage. Simply put. They may have been good when they first came out, but it's not close to enough today.

    Trust me, I would've LOVED to do these events, if it wasn't for the fact that the rewards were a complete crapchute.
  • PannyaPannya
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,810
    Posts: 205
    edited January 19, 2017
    there can't be an interactive event mixed with master plan event, people will not have enough time to train skills, stop being so selfish.
  • FirelinksFirelinks
    Mabinogi Rep: 720
    Posts: 29
    How about a dungeon ap event.
    Every basic dungeon reward 1 ap. Int give 2. Avd 3 hardmode 4 and adv hardmode 5.

    I'd be running all day :D
  • MarianthiMarianthi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 110
    A lot of old events were much more interactive and I really miss that. I don't even mind active recycled events as long as the rewards are updated. I think I'd rather have no event than some terrible event like the phoenix event, which is completely afk and the rewards are from 2010.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    edited January 20, 2017
    I think I'm fond of this Master Plan event, even with the initial hiccup involving pressing the button to start the timer. It gives me an excuse to go on multiple alt characters (because it's not main character set) and allows me to just spam Albey Reds for Skeleton scrolls, giving me decent money. Let's me step away from my main for a bit which I haven't felt the motivation to do for a while.

    I've heard some people referring to the aforementioned event as an AFK one, which seems odd to me since we have training bonuses, and we get issued prizes every hour.

    @Marianthi Yeah, I don't like the Phoenix Event whenever it comes around since nothing new gets done with it. =(
  • TsumikkiTsumikki
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,200
    Posts: 102
    edited January 21, 2017
    This is actually a really event driven game. Regular things to do in the game are a bit open world-y, not in the face, making any, reused or new, background events here absolutely vital.
    Now good thing about rewards they are always containing items for training, for fighting and something for collectors which is balanced for new, older players, and the ones who already have and trained everything. My extremely unpopular opinion would be the game is overdoing with skill seals in the rewards a bit, probably as a substitute to new collector's pieces? Old gear returning in the package of old events isn't bad at all as well, better than it's placed in fishing event droplist to suffocate the market, like with Trinity parts. Look how many people skipped Dragon Boat event, and then there were multiple fishing events which could use that sweet fishing gear, and now the dress is popular as well, thanks to cutie Ailla. Or glasses from Imp's Dream event. You can't really put such a thing in the newer event, that would be even more sad, right?

    Alright, my actual complain would be wording. Well, clumsy article wording, like with the current event, but sometimes game cheapens itself with the luck of teasers like in Sweets Witch/Cookie Island event. Some people were too late to complete the storyline, hinted poorly. Some people were too late to discover there were tons of completely new interesting things in the boxes as well, besides the listed. Bad advertising work? I don't remember another such occurrences though, so there's that.