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Since G1.
Secondly: The customization. The available options are insane and unmatched by any other game and I have wasted so much money and time making OCs and in-game cosplays.
It'salsooneoftheonlygameswhereyoucanbeanactualtrap.It was bad enough that I had to stare at a mild warning everyday, and now it's up at medium. Thread was deleted so I couldn't review what I had posted. So that's it.
Take care.
Anyway I'd go back and forth through playing and not playing, around 2015 for the anniversary that year was the last time I logged in for two years and I started playing again last year and have been playing since then !! Mabi keeps me coming back because it's really charming in its ways. I'm not much of a combat oriented person in any video game, I like exploring and relaxing and doing other things and mabi has a nice world to just EXIST in. I like to sit in some of the pretty areas I just like to look at my character she's really cute ok? Fashion is definitely most of what I play for the amount of outfit pieces and the way you can dye and customize is awesome.
I mean the way some things are locked behind paywalls and gacha is disappointing but.. in general it's fun for me. Another big part of why I keep playing is just the community, in the last year of playing mabinogi really actively I've met a bunch of cool people! And they're really great to see and hang out with. Good company makes fantasy life worth living, you know?
The game had remind me of Shin megami tensei online and had heard the combat style was Mabinogi first, i sorta thought why i had not heard of such a game in a long time when my other fav game had shut down. Only reason i like mabi was because of how original it is. The freedom to be what ever i want without sticking to one thing, to wear almost every outfit out there then color it to your desire for being original or reveal your personality and taste. The story is very great a bit out of place at some parts but i guess that comes with having different visions of many other directors. I even can't wait for G22 >w<
Sadly after playing this game that is now run with heavy rng after rng never to get the desired something i had paid for out of my crummy hands bled dry with cash, I find it simple to myself that this game became dull when the chances is almost close to being abysmal. Good game, still is sad that the game did not hide how realms different the quality of the game is from the old content.
Still play it to this day just taking a break from the long grind to rank life skills lol.
From 2015 onward I would start to play again then take breaks. Ultimately it leads me to where I’m at now in 2018. I’m in my freshman year of college in a prestigious university where I literally have to be working on school every single day and don’t get time to do anything. I also have a Mac and sadly can’t download the game (I haven’t played since May). I am hoping in the spring I can afford a nice desktop just to play Mabi lol.
I grew up with Mabinogi and maybe that’s the reason I always come back to it. I’ve tried other mmos with their nice graphics but none have attached to me like Mabinogi has. It is such a unique game with its various assets such as combat system, fashionogi, etc. And I don’t think I’ll ever find a game just as unique.
Oh yeah… and I’ve also spent a little too much money on this game to quit haha.
Edit: And yes, although I don't play I do read the forums just to see what's up with the community and the game; don't judge me.
I started searching for mmorpg to play again after being inspired by shows like Aaron Stone, animes like SAO amd Btoom, and manhwas like The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor and The Gamer. It literally took tons of mmorprg review websites and videos before I finally found Mabinogi in August of 2016 (I swear it’s like they don’t even advertise this game). I was immediately hooked despite suffering terrible lag and displacement due to playing from Asia because it fits everything I have always wanted in a mmorpg: The ability to completely customize your character (fashionogi lyfe), tons of life skills and total freedom of what you want to do in this game.
2 years later I already capped nearly everything in this game, and already achieved the long term goal I set for myself when I first started to play (phantasm breaker). So I ran out of things to do except for grinding gold (f2p lyfe) to get the 100m++ end game gears. I have try to quit but everytime there are new events it just sucks me right back in. The addiction is real.
The main thing that really draws me to Mabi is how unique it is.
Lol, indeed. The only game that my laptop can smoothly run. Would probably play something else if i had more powerful PC.
So where's your life story Faye?
In the present, I have created my own unique character, which is completely different to around 99% of the players in the Mari server. (Note: That percent was a guess.) I became extremely powerful without relying on gachas (happens on rare occasions), gaining extra boost from events, delivering strong damage output, high gold and ducat cashflow, and continuing to reach the goal of getting to Crusader Level 225. I tend to use my own money to get pets from cash shops on certain occasions. Overall, I enjoyed the game as a whole because it has fulfilled about 90% of my creativity.
I'll tell you this now, if you're a veteran mabi player who has been playing since the first few generations, you've definitely fell victim to the black hole that is Mabinogi. There's something about this old laggy game that no other mmorpg has. Maybe it's the non level max and the no class system. Even if it's an old game, it has many charms that other new mmos don't have.
Why i still play now is because of my friends. I've met my very first friends through this game multiple times- we all quit at some point, but somehow we just come back. Whether it be 2 years later or 5 years later we always SOMEHOW come back and see that we're still on each others buddy list and say hi. I remember Tina, i remember her stupid ex boyfriend who still plays
I've had a lot of memories since i was 13 in this game. I'm 21 now and i'm still somehow wasting my life away by buying nexon and afking in events and not bothering to endgame my character.
But even if it's a waste of bucks and time, this game has become to grow as a part of my life. The people i met gave me experiences and memories i'll always remember (even if there are bad moments because mari is a dramahellhole). Though i'm upset its not as popular because of it's old graphics, the fact that it's still alive today just gives me more reason to keep on playing it until it closes. These days i'm too busy to play all the time but i love to get on to do events and talk to my friends
Why do I continue playing? It does a lot of things other MMOs don't. Like the inventory system, how you can freely drop items instead of them getting destroyed the moment you try to place them outside your inventory, and the housing system (though WildStar kinda has a better one, but that game's shutting down sadly...) Dyes aren't as hard to come by either. You gotta go through hoops to get them in other games or the system seems convoluted to hell.
And it's great to see the game improve as time goes on. (though the Dungeon Revamp was a step in the wrong direction) Clothes look less polygonal, though I would like to see the older clothes revisited and revamped to be on par with the standards of the threads we have now. Have you SEEN the Tork's Blacksmith Suit? It's much too blocky now