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Why was the maintenence 2 hours earlier than usual
Normally the maintenance would be at 7AM pacific time but this time it was at 5AM. I had AFKed my character to get those last spins. I set my alarm to 5AM to give me 2 hours to go through my spins. I get to my computer and I get the 600 seconds to forced log out message. Why did you do that? Was it specifically to mess up folks who did exactly what I did? Why?
This is nowhere near out of the blue. 2 weeks ago was the same maint time. Guess a good learning experience to check the times yourself.
If it's the end of the event, then yes.
And I'm assume it is, given how we're gaining 2 more. I doubt we're gonna make the mistake of 100 events at once again, right?
It's getting back to me why i rarely spend any money on this game anymore.
Also: Nexon removing the coins and board? They'll make it unuseable but surely not remove it. If you can't destroy it you'll be stuck with it another 5 weeks knowing Nexon
Maybe don't leave things to the last minute?
sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the B I N G O thing isn't an event... it's likely a re-run of this gachapon with different items. Almost any time the game mentions a 'box' it's a gacha
a gacha ending without another starting nowadays in Mabi would be too crazy y'know? they gotta constantly drain those pockets lol
That's how i am, i gather ressources and do everything at once instead of splurging and regretting decisions later.
Well I bet you regret this one a lot. Stick to what I said, even if you want to do that do it a day before, like I did. Yeah sure I missed out on the extra 50 but hey. Who cares.
Actually i only regret the waste of time, the event held nothing i wanted, i got the Ram Title early on, the only thing i'm missing out on is the Random Boxes i planned on buying and thus another 50 90 Day Pucks to throw away. I'm just mad because i like the Pseudo-Gachaing with hundreds of random boxes
I kinda dislike all crossovers now because the events always suck I didn't do the wolf thing once, and only did the puck spins because the boxes gave good stuff.
Also in regard to those coins and the board, maybe they won't ? I've heard that if you still had marbles from Meowbinogi, then you'd still have the board until those ran out. However, the problem there would be the coupon boxes for finishing the board and the magic orb.
Meowbinogi is Nexon/Mabi specific, so there's no technical "time limit" on them. Re:Zero is especially time limited, since Nexon has to pay to keep the event going, probably, and the board probably counts as "the event going on".
Then... what's your issue with missing spins, in this case?
If it held nothing you wanted, you just missed some gold at worst.
I guess if it was the fun of Gacha there's always another event, maybe. I know this ain't the first spin.
We'll see, I guess. -shrugs-
I had thought of that, but since it's a similar mechanic to the Meowbinogi, maaaybe? Probably will though.
You were actually right. Bingo's a gacha.
A man can dream okay?
Maybe the bait you get initially is a significant amount, hence the cost?
100k isn't very much.