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Chain skills bother me. alot. there so god damn dumb.
the damage scaling is insanely high,
It does AOE damage
it has a really powerful surpression CC
Meanwhile smash has damage thats about 220% better on single target with some minor splash, completely demandant on weapon stats. and yeah, im counting the Dan 3 rank
i dunno, when you compare chain skills to single target skills, my assumption would be that they do far more damage to the single target, but its completely untrue. it makes a joke of so many other options in the game.
Then you have skills like water blast, which dont even have a scaling, so increasing the damage further is pretty dependant on gear and skill ranks.
spinning slash has a 745% damage scaling. which is also an AOE that surpresses enemys hit.
Chain sweep hits for 680%, is an AOE, and surpresses.
smash does 720% at dan 3, hitting a single target, and some minor damage to nearby target, and knocks the orginal target back {shorter duration then the surpresison from either
then theres bash, with its 460% at 5 stacks. I know you can proc this twice with faster weapons, but id rather not button mash.
Meanwhile you compare an ability thats pretty much designed for its CC utility, Crises, and it only does 215%. Its a straight up bismal joke in comparison.
either chain skills need a major nerf, or single target abiltiies need a huge buff.
Everything feels worthless when you compare them
ive heard the arguement that "oh chain skills requires dorcha to use" but anyone whos used chain skills, knows thats just a joke excuse that holds no merit. that stuff floods in like no tomrrow. Magnum shot consumes arrows, but its not mass surpressing every enemy in the game with 800% damage. instead its 500% damage and single target knockback. that can miss.

I feel like either it's Dorcha cost be raised to 3 or it's damage lowered(it pretty much invalidates Raging Spike as well).
So... I don't want nerf of it. It makes my life easier. Was bored of keep using Bash and Smash.
Also, can we remove aiming from archery yet? That mechanic is just dumb. Just make it so you have to manually click where to shoot the arrow. It's not like archery would be OP if we didn't have to aim lol it's still got crazy cooldowns, especially for poor humans.
Do not underestimate archery with no aim.
You know elves? their ability that boosts aim speed by 400%?
Ya I already got to watch elves just perma stun magnum spam without being capable of missing while that buff runs. Imagine if they could do that 100% of the time? Or anyone could do that 100% of the time?
Im on Greta on this subject, i like the chains so no support from my side regarding the nerf.
If you want a remake on the older skills then that's a different subject, btw, the debuffs that smash have (depends on what kind of weapon equipped) is a game-changer, if you're only looking at the pure DPS then yes, you do have a point that it might look weird. But that's for the balance sake.
And there are many other elements to the skills that you haven't taken into consideration on this matter.
Exactly this. There is a reason archery is god tier in Kr and not Na, latency.
Besides anyone with half a brain could just manually click on a monster, even for humans that change would just make archery meta even for them and just be a middle finger to giants unless you plain remove the cooldown on throwing. Not that Kr would ever consider it since they think archery is already god tier.
Leave them alone.
Smash with (720%) Knocks the target back
No wonder no one who uses it complains, it straight up spits on any ability that came before it in damage.
this stuff is even reccamended for new players for how stupidly broken it is in comparison.
not even taking into acount the rapid spammability.
And the new content will be designed with that new class in mind as the "standard damage," so that new enemies and bosses are damage sponges and extremely difficult for those using outdated classes. It's power creep.
Chain impale and bash can already perma stun. I don't see how perma magnum stun is really OP. If anything it knocks back which means the enemy can't be hit for a brief moment unless I'm wrong so it's worse.
But I don't want something overpowered while some things are underpowered.
*looks at Fighter* . w.
Im getting a little tired of you avoiding all the other benefits of Smash just to force your opinion about the chain skills here, here is a small and quick list of what smash can do:
[2] Starting at Rank 5 Smash will get a splash damage effect and can attack multiple targets instead of just 1.
[3] Smash has a chance to inflict a debuff
[4] Smash can inflict Bleed, dealing damage over time (Sword-type equipped)
- (Health reduction effect stacks with other damage over time effects such as Poison Attack or Mirage Missile, ignores defensive stats, Passive Defense, Invulnerability, and Mana Shield damage reduction during damage calculation, and can lower a target's HP past 0 and can kill while also ignoring Deadly status.)
[5] Smash can inflict Daze, preventing the opponent from using Magic and Alchemy Skills.
- (This can be applied on players, unlike Somersault Kick.)
[6] Smash can decrease the opponent's Defense and Protection.
- (The debuff may also apply to any enemy hit by the skill's splash.)
- (The debuff's duration can be refreshed and reapplied.)
[7] Smash can be used anytime with any equipment except when the Atlatl, Bow, Crossbow, or Dual Gun are equipped.
[8] When Smash is at Rank 9 the quest for Bash is unlocked, yet another skill that can be used nearly anytime you want.
I think its about time that you stop complain about the difference in pure attack power and only mention the stun effects of the impale skill while ignoring everything that the Smash skill can do. Its called a balance for a reason, if Smash were even stronger then of course it wouldn't work out.
Please do your research before trying to ruin the fun for us chain users, our skills are locked to the chain only while smash can be used with nearly anything in the game, and of course, our amount of Dorcha limits the skills as well. It's a lot trickier that one thinks to save the right amount of Dorcha in battle and many times we might not even have time to collect more.
If unlucky, a single proper combo at the right time can render a chain user helpless in a 1-on-1, out on the field we can be attacked by multiple monsters and lose the fight that way as well.
+ A lot of the chain skills are locked behind various quests and RNG hunts making the Chain Talent one of the more dificult talents to master while Smash & CO are for free.
Smash and the Combat skills overall is one of the oldest and most versatile skill set in the game, if they were all more powerful in pure stats excluding all the extra goodies they've been given over the years then no one would want to try out any other talents.
But that's just my thoughts on the matter, either read up on the skills more properly before you start another argument again or just back off if you don't know what you're talking about. I don't think you're a troll here and i don't think you're here to start a fight, but i also don't think that you know how dmn powerful that smash is to begin with.
Sure, the chain might be better in the short term but smash can be used in any situation at any time. And as mentioned it has a lot of different damage multipliers that no other skill has.
You can google for the more accurate table or even visit the Wiki and read up on some of the more well known facts if you wanna continue your arguments.
Good Luck.
As for the arguments for Chain Blades, remember that Smash has a chance to apply its effects and that these effects only apply to Swords, Blunt Weapons and Axes. Chain Impale may not be able to ignore Defense and is exclusive to Chain Blades, but due to how Chain Blades work it takes only two Normal Attacks to both remove an enemy's Defense and stun the enemy afterwards to open them up for Chain Impale or even Chain Crush. Speaking of Chain Crush, Chain Crush has a 100% chance to daze compared to Smash and Somersault Kick, which both skills' daze effects are chance-based.
As for quest-restricted skills, I don't think that's a fair comparison; I think it's more accurate to base a skillset's strengths on the skills you receive on the outset, and Chain Blades offer much more than Close Combat after the Chain Blade questline is completed; you get Bachram Boosts, an effective ranged melee attack for a Normal Attack, an extremely effective close range Smash-like attack, an effective long range Smash-like attack that always dazes, an effective AoE attack, and an extremely effective Evasion-like skill that has i-frames, not to mention that a Chain Blade's Normal Attack can trigger Mimics from a distance. While I'll agree that Chain Blades require more effort to fully master compared to Close Combat, Chain Blades are extremely beginner friendly and I can see why they're treated as such. And while Dorcha is a limiting factor, even at Rank F it only takes a couple of Normal Attacks with a Chain Blade to restore 1 Dorcha, and as long as you're not going spam-crazy with your Chain Slash skills you should never have any trouble maintaining Dorcha, especially since in the majority of situations the only thing you will ever need to do in respect to Chain Blades is to simply spam your Normal Attack; there's not much need for any of the Chain Blade-specific skills except in certain situations.