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Then what IS the point? ; n; It's PANCAKES♥
EDIT: And after actually figuring out how to zoom in on the image via PC without saving it, I still don't fully understand the point... xD
Still though, pancakes♥
To me the syrup looks like sp... err I mean a tadpole.
I shall retreat to my hobbit hole for a bit.
See ya.
For what? o.O
Probably for a bad joke on the page before.
its not cheaper, especially when you drive, cars use up more gas trying to run the compressor that helps cool you down, and infact heaters in cars use the same heat the engine makes to heat a cabin, theres also fires and stoves and blankets that can be used to heat urself up. Hell making electricity run at all alone helps make heat. Its much easier to make something hot than it is to make something cold, it can get hot enough here to the point that even the wind itself feels too hot to cool you down. When it gets cold, theres many ways to heat urself up, when it gets hot there isnt as many ways to cooldown.
I mean at my house. When you can't spend more then 5 minutes outside with exposed skin otherwise you might lose a limb to frostbite, nothing warms you up. You're pretty much trapped inside for almost 6 months straight. I think it cost us $1,200 last season JUST for heat... A/C didn't cost anywhere close to that. No one will ever convince me that too hot is better then too cold when I deal with too cold for way too long; just my native Wisconsinite kicking in. LOL. (That being said, half my family wishes they were on the ice 3/4 of the year... ugh...)
Hopefully you can figure out how to overcome it.
this happened yesterday(but i uploaded it to youtube today so that i can show it to my guild mates)
but, I wanna know what you guys think xD
the gesture glitch replaced my "BeachBall" on the bind key T:
That's the beauty of this post. There is not topic to go off of!
I'm not understanding what you're saying about the glitch, if there is a glitch, what is happening, etc. Someone else may be more aware than I though.
with what i said, there should be a video up with it.
the video shows me putting my mouse over the bind key, which - instead of it saying "beachball" it says "goodidea"
then I open up my Gesture tab, there is no "goodidea" Gesture in my Gesture tab, meaning I don't own it, meaning it shouldn't exist in my bind key xD
They said there were a # of glitches from the past maint.
that might actually make sense then... xD
Ah ok. I saw the "goodidea" gesture hover, at the end of the video, but I didn't know what you were saying about it. xD