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An Interesting Tale


  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Stopping by again, hope ya'll ready for another dose of stinky stories with ye boi.

    So I logged in a while ago to attempt again at fishing up the Persistent enchant from a pickaxe burn, and thought about this skill description for Healing since I've been abusing Dorcha Conversion to get my deadly status for Healing Dan 3 requirements (Dreams of Pro Healers 101 with a Cheap Mana Magician's Tikki Healing Wand, lul). And reading some bits at the end of it, I wonder if they didn't delve too much into mana's creations of erg types, cause it having to say despite having the ability to heal your health back up, it insists on not recovering wounds. Woulda made more sense to put something like "If you become proficient enough, you'll be able to heal wounds with the healing as well." or something like that. Just a idle thought I had while I was fishing in rain and sun during the passing days in-game. Also reminds me of how nice it was earlier at Cobh's ports during evening-night hours in-game, the coloration of the skies and sounds of the seas is a nice bit when you're trying to be "persistent" on getting something as persistently annoying to drop through the RNG cycle of items for a Persistent enchant burn, lul. Also realized when I logged in that it was Baltane today, so I became age 189 today as of late, coming close to 200 already huh. Time sure passes when you just journey all over the game with the circumstances I play in, lmao. Reminds me of another item of the past in my collection of naughty or QUALITY sounding enchanted items I was rummaging through in my pet's inventories, like the healing wand I mentioned above 'Cheap Mana Magician's Tikki Healing Wand', Nostalgic Burst Warrior Pillow ( know what I'm saying c; ), Suspicious Screaming Machete with added black to red flashy dyed blade (An ode to my old favorite movie-slasher character Jason Voorhees), and only thing I can recall for now from earlier was like my personal carry-on armor Fundamental Warrior Connous Leather Armor (such a nice addition to my pack of gear).

    But ye, I heard if you gift one hundred and one packs of Ramen to Wanst in Vales and talk to him using the keyword Nearby Rumors, he'll give you a coupon to use at Argel, he'll prompt a unseen dialogue of taking the coupon off your hands, and he'll open up rare limited supplies of Fighter Dan uniforms, and Martial Arts oriented specialty items that 0.0000001% of people all over Mabinogi no matter the servers and branch have never seen. To be honest my personal favorite is the ten gold pieces priced Knuckle Sandwich food. It gives me so much Will and shows you a cut-scene of epic proportions, it shows you the definition of what it means to be a Food Fighter if you know what I'm saying. And they say if you have gifted Argel's likeability to the upmost before using the one-time coupon use, he'll give you 50% discount off one purchase, and have a single legendary item blessed by devCat itself, the one and only 'Martial Arts for Dummies by devCat'. They say if you read this in-game book, you'll obtain skill ranks in all the Martial Arts talent at unforeseen levels of perfection, the PEAK OF PRIME PERFECTION, DELECTABLE POWER PROGRESSION, MORE POWER THAN ANY GOD HANDLE. You'll be able to devastate any enemy that crosses your path with a new talent rank passed Grandmaster's and all Dan's you've never seen, it's rumored to have even your former skill that would of been called Focused Fist to 'One Finger Digger", that's how intense it'll be. Comes with all new animations and upgraded combinations that even use Respite and Tumble, like the rumored 'One Knee, One Kneel', they say it's a skill that makes you knee an enemy in their most sensitive spots from a distance of fifty meters, and have them kneel or stunned for ten minutes as the enemy is contemplating their life choices to have that be done to them. DREAMS CAN BE REAL IF YOU DIVE INTO THE ABYSS ENOUGH.

    On another note with the small tall-tale there, I learned some new info as I was diving deep in Iria recently in my last expedition and some bits about the continent of Uladh, I hope to plan out a good bit in my next informative MabiNovel soon, but it'll be a while till' I can scrape up enough info to get a good forty usual panels in my novel standards. It'll mostly be some geographical and lore based things, but yeah, some weird stuff I noticed recently after the hundreds (in-game technically it would be hundreds of years) of times I've traveled the world on the three continents, I might be able to come to something once Tory Ravine one day pops up, but for now I got some good sources to work off for the two continents of Iria and Uladh, if any of ya'll from Mari, WATCH OUT FOR THAT HOT DROP of MabiNovel info.

    Uhuh, ye, hope ya'll enjoyed my small stories and tales I got this time for whoever is reading these recently, I WILL BE BACK FROM THE DUMPSTERS OF EMAIN MACHA or the lazy break-times I have at the shores of Zardine to post more stuff. Till' next time you dirty weeaboos and scums, lul.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Well while you're in Emain, find out who the chain of command is since those dumpsters are a problem with the methane they seep into the atmosphere. Emain is the #1 polluter in all of Erinn.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    edited October 5, 2018
    Well while you're in Emain, find out who the chain of command is since those dumpsters are a problem with the methane they seep into the atmosphere. Emain is the #1 polluter in all of Erinn.

    You can blame Aodhan, since he's technically the supervising commander lore wise for Emain aside from the occasional orders straight from Aliech's command at Tara castle, lul. Who can blame him though, literally just staff members of the former rulers of Emain, the Paladins, and the royal guards with Aodhan basically spear-fronting most of the work around Emain. He ain't got the payroll to make his knights dump out trash cans, given literally anything involving the dumps of Emain gets like handled in some weird fashion with events or Saga II.
    Figured it was Aodhan a year or more, since he's literally handled anything recent or in general that involves with Emain Macha or is referred to the most when it comes to authority in that city. lul, R.I.P. his eyes, no wonder he always mentions sometimes that it's just "busy" a lot.

    Since I'm here, HERE'S A STORY FOR YOU DIPS.
    They say if you ask the Banker, Jocelin in Emain Macha, and talk to her with the keyword Classes and Training (I don't remember the exact keyword named but it's that one involving schools), she'll tell you all about the irony of how schools are garbage more or less.
    They say if you wait long enough at the square in Emain Macha, you'll obtain a drop of one million gold magically.
    if you really are a chef in Erinn, you'll be like Tin, and become a real alcohol enthusiast and buy liquor when the sun sets in the evenings, and pursue more alcohol all over the continents. (Like me of course, a truly aspiring Culinary Artist in the works.)

    I WILL BE BACK SOMETIME, WHENEVER. Hope ya'll enjoyed the small tale. Keep on posting 'AN INTERESTING TALE', I like reading whatever gets posted on here, and hopefully so do some others, keeps the boredom from creeping in on this desolate community.
    See ya next time n00bs.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    I agree that the schools have become garbage. They need to be fixed otherwise Ranald will drink his days away, Lassar will spend her time becoming a neet, Stewart will become an evil wizard, and Aranwen will either become mad spouting nonsense at training posts or she will become a hero of feminine justice.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I've been dying to explore Tory Ravine and I'll be depressed if it isn't anything similar to Made In Abyss.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    I agree that the schools have become garbage. They need to be fixed otherwise Ranald will drink his days away, Lassar will spend her time becoming a neet, Stewart will become an evil wizard, and Aranwen will either become mad spouting nonsense at training posts or she will become a hero of feminine justice.

    To be honest, all the NPCs are probably on the verge of their sanity from probably being over two hundred years old and pretty much fixated in the same spot, I mean why else does Gordon's dialogue phrase's towards Fraser are now censored, all the time passing by, even the overlord devCat says his language is OBSCENE, lul. And what about my homie Argel, he just going to stand by those scummy iguanas and booby's until he's a tree trunk like the one he's always standind by, and my boy Kelpie, he'll never get any better if there's no schools to fix his brain from the years of amnesia, lul. And my best boy, Shamala, she'll like forever only be the specific person to only do Dreamcatcher stick repairs, she needs a school built in Cor, or the forever pending Shaman land in Erkley. Looking for more economy developments p10x, not more overly priced garbage over-the-top items due to scum brained, broke students and blue-collar job kiddos on Mabinogi dictating prices so only terms of obtaining any item that is in trend is to be a lifeless scum filter, bottom barrel eating, side-of-the-stone-road trash waste, disgrace to what it means to play Mabinogi sort of person to even obtain the gold to even buy these endless cycle of weeaboo junk. BUT, HEY MAN, THAT'S JUST A OLD MAN TALKING. (In-game age I mean, how-to-be-a-159 past 25-year old aged n00b.)
    Sherri wrote: »
    I've been dying to explore Tory Ravine and I'll be depressed if it isn't anything similar to Made In Abyss.

    Man, I hope they make it somewhat decent like that, like at least in terms of being able to do stuff in it then just go there for like, a few things to do then lose interest after a good while, just like Avalon (R.I.P.).
    That artwork is nice. Made in Abyss is pretty nice, I just dig the soundtracks they used mainly though, only watched it recently cause of a old bud who used to be a companion with me in some of my travels before he died off Mabinogi, he recommended to me try watching it, wasn't a bad choice to dig into it. DREAMS CAN BE REAL MAN, just believe, like I believe one day, they'll bring Ferghus's favorite alcohol Strawberry Brandy into Erinn from Tir Na Nog's realm, one day, Ferghus will come back to doing 100% repairs if he can just get some of that good brandy.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Pretty sure the original npcs are a lot older. It's the curse of the Partholons that made the Tuatha de Dannan with eternal life unless killed.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    edited October 15, 2018
    This post was edited for the following reason:
    - Controversial, illegal (pirating, drugs, other illicit etc.), adult (drinking, sexual activities and references) and Terms of Use-breaking (hacking, glitching, account trading, private servers, etc.) discussions are not allowed.

    Pretty sure the original npcs are a lot older. It's the curse of the Partholons that made the Tuatha de Dannan with eternal life unless killed.

    Probably given the NPC's circumstances. That does remind me though coming back to check up on this thread...

    So maybe a year or more back, I don't recall given how long I've done things my way which seems to be unique to most people on my server's general perspective. I was chatting on Skype or Discord when I had an account with one of my only few real buds online I've had the chance to be my companion for the time we spent together (R.I.P. Sybyl). We were chatting and whatnot for some duration of time while I was traveling alone, or him accompanying me, I honestly can't even remember anymore with the amount of junk I've done over the course of years for jokes and some humor while playing a slowly stale growth of progress that Mabinogi has had. We were chatting about since we got into Vindictus's lore since we played the game to try it out more back then, I got into it mainly since it branches into Erinn's lore and cause it's part of Mabinogi as a series. I think I brought up the topic due to my heavy interest at the time as a aspiring Treasure Hunter or I already was pretty much a bonafide Treasure Hunter at that point as I research Vindictus and Mabinogi in my gameplay's with both games as I tend to do archaeology in-game on Mabinogi as a hobby whenever I'm out traveling or wandering do who knows what. I came across the idea and luckily at the time my bud was sadly way more deep in terms of completion of the storyline in Vindictus at the time for more specific bits he added on in our little exploration of how Erinn came to be from Tir Na Nog's realm/Vindictus's timeline/world.
    We were going on how the NPC's like Ferghus, Shayla, Aodhan, misc. characters and races - including the playable races of both worlds, on how they transferred over into Erinn and how the transitioned worked as Erinn is a technical leeching realm in Mabinogi/Vindictus's universe. So going off that basis of things we got into with added in bits of hard factual bits, and some critical thinking on my end and not sure if my bud was so interested, critical thinking wise as I was in the topic, ended up with a good basis on how the NPCs managed to transfer over their souls and body make-up into Erinn as we see them present day. Given so far they have no recollection of how they were back in TNN, like in some bits that I got to see during the storyline in Vindictus as a basis of evidence on how the worldly transitions work, it must of likely been a condition set by the current deity overseeing Erinn when it was created, Aton Cimeni, alongside whatever otherworldly beings there possibly are in the universe's lore that are equal or more than Aton Cimeni abilities.
    Like for example in how they manage to be able to transfer over like how the soulstream in Erinn works for milletians, they must have reset their entire knowledge and gained abilities back in TNN's world and only managed to carry over what their genetic make-up would allow them to pursue, as like how Shayla used to be Ferghus's aid in a sense, now she's Admiral Owen's aid now, and similar to how Ferghus's innate nature towards becoming a blacksmith must have led him back on the same track, but as ironic as it may be, he obviously lost his ability to repair amazingly perfect (totally not cause Vindictus's world, all repair types are pretty much 100% guaranteed), but yeah it all started to add up in the slightly unraveling as me and my bud went about on that sub-topic on how the transfer worked, I do like how ironically Aodhan (Spoilers if nobody hasn't done this part of the story in Vindictus yet/doesn't play Vindictus) ends up becoming the subbing leader for the town's military authority of Colhen in TNN vs. he's now the sub-leader for Emain Macha's current governing body and paladin group in Erinn. Ironically both his position to having him becoming leader ended up as it is because in Erinn, Emain Macha's former city adviser and aid to the former king, Ersa, and the deceased king Rian. And in TNN, the former main head-honcho Gwynn who more or less had more command of the Crimson Knights compared to Aodhan, ended up getting K.I.A. .
    It really is an interesting discovery when you consider how much ancestry and things got formed and shared from the previous world before Erinn came to be, all the genetic bits, fragments of Ergs that transferred over to create how we see things now in Erinn and how they are. And knowing there's more to it if you keep digging, probably why I enjoy my occupation of Treasure Hunter that I wholly invest personally as a mindset and hobby as I continue to play still on here.

    Hope ya'll enjoyed the small tid-bit of this story and more or less a entire Bad Stories with Walkerr novel in a nutshell that I write whenever I get bothered to write those 30-40 panel books on MabiNovel.
    Let me know what ya'll think, or continue to post comments, or your own interesting stories of your time on Mabinogi, keeps the thread with a list of things for people to at least read about on these forums if it isn't about some junk like "OH MAN, THIS ELUSIVE BLACK BAG" or like fookin' this hilarious thread of people actually making a run-way 2D models in Mari's section called like I think 'Mari's Daily Fashion' or some gunk like that, if ya'll got some humor, should just ingest that thread and slowly realize what these people are literally doing is just making a photo album of some endless cycling fashion of 2D avatars, but lul, that's just my sense of humor.

    SEE YA AROUND NEXT TIME, I WILL BE BACK WITH MORE TRASH TO DUMP ON YA'LL, or if ya'll want, feel free to -removed- criticize me if ya'll wanna joke on me for my posts. I will welcome ya'll with -removed- a warm welcoming hug for all ya'll.

  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Ya boi here, just stopping by again to unhinge the festering stories in my tank of ooze for your scum filled eyeballs.

    So today I logged on after a while of being offline, been training with the man, Glewyas for my training as a chef.
    I was slowly able to learn recently on bettering my understanding of ratios after doing these gauntlet, timing consuming kitchen dungeons.
    Although aside from training with Glewyas, been starting to hunt down for a new Ladle and Rolling Pin name combo since my current ones are a little boring sounding, currently aiming for 'FINE/WILD Spice' Ladle, and a 'Delicious UNDERSTANDING' Rolling Pin, goals of godly proportions in the works folks, DREAMS CAN BE REAL IF YOU JUST SPICE IT UP. (To be honest, after figuring a solid idea for my new cooking tools I'm hunt down right now, I can't help but grin like a scumbag with the quality joke items I'll be in possession of soon.)
    It's a funny story putting aside my training in the kitchen again on Erinn, I managed to be able to improve luckily enough to take back an old dish entry for my server's best dishes, which happens to be one of my favorite entrees, Fish Soup, THE BEST MAN, nothing beats a dish that dignifies a good chef as a dish alone. Ironically the dish used to be mine reigning before some goof n00b chef took it before recently since they seem to be either intentionally replacing my entries for the dishes I've made before, or they're just gunning for all high quality marks for the dishes in the entire journal, either way, R.I.P. my former entries. But...

    They say if you stare hard enough into the ratio bars after cooking over five hundred dishes consecutively, you'll see small bundles of celery as tick marks for your percentage, perfection needs as a chef, it's been passed down that if you steam over one hundred corns freshly gathered from the fields and pursue the embodiment of a Culinary Artist, you'll spare obesity from many communities all over Erinn. Legend has it that if you create over one thousand brews of Espresso after practicing your skills as a Food Fighter on the trees that bear Courcle Coffee Beans, you'll be able to send a rush of caffeine with a single thrust of your fist as heavy as a ladle full of scum, and your kicks as sharp as a Chef's Passion blades, amazing stuff really.

    Hope ya'll enjoy the small bits of my stories for this time, I WILL BE BACK, whenever I can.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Never trust the training/food of Glewyas I was told.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    edited October 15, 2018
    This post was edited for the following reason:
    - Profanity and vulgar speech will not be tolerated.
    - There is a language filter on the forums and bypassing the filter with symbols, rearranged letters, or substitute words will be considered as profanity.

    I don't know man, boiling in that pot with Glewyas long enough, and even one day, legend has it that if you and him continue the crusade against rats and ingredient ratio perfection, it will create a new recipe dish in the Cooking Journal known as the Rat Skewers: A delectable assortment of chunky rodents on a skewer, heavily spiced and prepared by a certain Milletian and Glewyas. It'd be a legendary achievement for any who owns that spot as the sole maker of the dish, DREAMS CAN BE REAL.

    A short tale I before I get drained away into real life again till' next time I can come back to check.
    So I was wandering one day with a old bud of mine who was my longest companion more or less in my ten years of playing this, we were traversing after a while and somehow ended up in Longa Desert after probably crossing the Rano to Connous bridge, it was like hours we've been on, just traveling together if I recall, he was like dead tired, ready to log off, and like for some reason, I got so fascinated in a new discovery I learnt while my deep explorations of Bangor's origins at the time and the workings in that area, so like cutting it down for another time, basically the fomors that resided in the region that weren't in the dungeon are just now homeless or freed from living in the inside of the enclosed realm of Barri, so putting a side joke to it, it's almost slavery like considering how the ogres managed to free themselves in the outskirts of the area, so like while my bud was dying of mental strain from the hours long of dumb stuff we embarked on usually due to me or some idea we come across, I was so insistent on literally telling him and showing him since he couldn't spot this image we were sharing through Skype at the time for communication use. It was this specific angle of perspective view on the image I had snipped, that just boggled me aside from the fact the ogres were oddly always forced to wear colorful -removed- thongs in their service in the dungeon mines, like this angle of the in-dungeon Ogre Warriors was really peculiar to me, cause if you angle the view of the underside putting aside the somewhat detailed groins and outline of the ogre's junk, like literally his entire lower half going up was a -removed- rectangular prism, like I died so badly internally from laughing at, and the fact I was trying so hard to show him in his dying state a image of some 2D model's underside, and just hovering my mouse so excessively all over the groins and around to just outline the fact how amusing it was to see a plump (in more ways than one) ogre's body contorts and how it just goes from thick to just turning into a ramp of a lower half, like you could use that mini-potion, an a skateboard or snowboard item to just do some kick-flips or some goofin' junk just on how much of a slope it's body was. It's really hilarious and amazing just recalling the depth of time I just made him and myself trek that entire prairie, forest, deserts just to show him how my bad sense of humor was, we all goofed on the whole idea near end, I ended up needing to log off for IRL reasons, and he cause well he had to drop dead for sleep at least. It was good times.

    I got a quick question if anyone is still reading through this thread, what do ya'll do in Erinn usually nowadays? Ya'll can summarize it however ya can, but I still have hope that it's not as desolate in activity for whoever is still lurking in the wastelands of this decaying game. (Hopefully, lul.)

    Hope ya'll enjoy the small story, let me hear your thoughts on the question above whenever ya'll feel like it. I live and pursue for all the things that are amusing.

  • violetkittvioletkitt
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,670
    Posts: 57
    Spotted another player afk in my photo...
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    That cannot be merely a coincidence.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    edited October 19, 2018
    This post was edited for the following reason:
    - Profanity and vulgar speech will not be tolerated.
    - There is a language filter on the forums and bypassing the filter with symbols, rearranged letters, or substitute words will be considered as profanity.

    You should ambush the d00d in the bushes one day, snag em', then drown them in the sandy of dunes of Longa, he looks like he's ready to spout some -removed- from Naruto with that ninja normal pose any second now in that photo. It works every time I do it, trust me. If not there's always dunking them into the dark mazes of Rabbie Phantasm, lul. Pretty sure all those 'explicit' looking succubi loli's will make do with him real quick.

    I was heading down towards Tir Chonaill one day on some errand trip I had while traveling, and spotted some n00b I had been acquainted before from PvP community in my server, and well, lul despite what I had expectations of, I doused his garbage methods of raccoon slaughtering for ranking his skills, he got like surprisingly steaming over the act that after I bamboozled my way out towards my original location, he followed me all the way to the square where I was at current while waltzing around for the stuff I was doing near the bank, and like told me he was going to block me. Probably the most funniest thing I've seen someone really do, just to come tell me they 'blocked' me, and like it being one of those people in the servers that are usually like gnarly and a cliche internet dweller on all aspects from what I could tell from personality wise at least. It was a good joke I had humored myself with for a good couple weeks until the next new venture of jokes and interest would come across me next time in my travels in Erinn.

    Hope ya'll enjoyed the small tale,
    (P.S. - lul, didn't expect one of the comments, Idk what or whose it was, to be edited due to w/e or whoever wrote it, but good jokes ya'll.)
    Catch ya'll around next time on here, hope to see more stuff going around in this thread more, it's amusing.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Killing raccoons for ranking skills was so 2008, only bots ended doing that in the end. jk.
    Many people still do that too to train certain skills at certain levels.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Killing raccoons for ranking skills was so 2008, only bots ended doing that in the end. jk.
    Many people still do that too to train certain skills at certain levels.

    Those many people are n00bs, they may as well play some mindless game like Clicker Heroes if they consider training and earning stuff should be that easy. TRUE TRAINING is slam dunking a Yeti with a Ice Pole from the depths of Physis, or showing some real gritty hard earn skill training with a special Wooden Log that only a giant with Dan 3 Smash can acquire in the depths of Silva Forest and then proceeding to tussle and hustle with the Mammoth. If you want top-tier TRUE TRAINING, just dunk on the White Dragon with only a javelin-shaped Ice Fishing Rod coated with Holy Fire after drinking some Vales Fire from the finest brew a chef can make.
    Back before I became a Grandmaster Fighter, let alone was near Master rank, I was around Great or Champion rank, I was already doing a similar Grandmaster mission activity that I didn't even knew existed for those Grandmaster missions, I was already slumping down after many K.O.'s, beating up a Red Dragon with nothing but mainly my garbage blue-stepped knuckles, and my specialty of Transformation mastery combat I started to develop during my training days.
    DREAMS CAN BE REAL, FANTASIES CAN BE REAL. (well, partially at least.)
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ye boi back from the depths of the abyss again, got a short little oozing tale for ya'll, so keep your eyes peeled and moist for this.

    They say if you acquire the journal point of uncovering ten thousand relics 'Where are the Relics?' then proceed to achieve the second part 'L-Rod Master', after having all the skills and master titles under the Treasure Hunter talent, you'll be prompt in the next entry/login into Erinn at the Soul Stream, and there Nao will offer you the option to tread first-hand a sneak peek into the unknown lands of Tory Ravine, note you must have the Treasure Hunter active talent as well to have all this happen along with the other requirements. You'll be offered the chance of exploration, and if accepted you'll be given a small unique L-Rod that combines the current advanced L-Rod, Adventurer's L-Rod and the Colt series dual guns. Legendary stuff man, JUST KEEP DREAMING, LIVE THE FANTASY FOLKS.

    Hope ya'll enjoyed the small joke story from a thought I had while slowly accumulating relics and whatnot as I roamed Iria in my recent login, sorta wished I knew what my relic count is at so far so I can't be too ded inside when I uncover like hundreds of artifacts and relics over the continent.

    I WILL RETURN, whenever I can think or recall another tale, my memory gets more bogged as I wander these empty plains for treasure whenever I login, lul.
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    It's ye boi back from the relentless attempts of fishing up that Persistent burn from Cobh's waters.
    I got a story for ya that I'ma try to recall so bear with me on this folks.

    During one of my travels with my old bud I've mentioned a few times now that used to mainly accompany me on my lengthy travels, I was leaving Uladh for the time do some wandering to soak in a different environment then the usual for my daily logins back when I used to play for longer times on Mabinogi. So this group I joked on, or something like that, a guild called like Worldbreaker? Or something like that, a couple or so people in the guild sorta knew me whenever I would pop here and there all over the world and would joke on them before moving on, so one day, they caught me passing by Dunbarton like most rotting scum would be at nowadays for years on end, and I usually greet them with jokes and whatnot cause I can't help myself against weeb-sounding usernames and the like, and so for some reason or another, a small group started following me and my bud, coincidentally all of them were in the same guild. So I'm making way to the docks to board the passing boats to Iria's continent, and like they surprisingly compared to others who do some weird ritual with like following me somewhat outside that filth hole Dunbarton-Cesspool-Ville for like a couple feet then go back to idling in the town, but I guess they had nothing better to do, so I joked on how impressed I was exaggeratedly on how far they made it outside their junk hole. So they followed me aboard the ship, we set sail and like funny recalling this, seeing a boat filled with people like back when Iria first opened at the ports of Ceann was somewhat refreshing.

    So I was somewhat expecting them to just disperse after we landed, but I guess they decided to keep at it as I figured what to do next since I arrived at the camp.

    I decided to head towards the deserts in Connous since I like the sandy dunes sometimes, one of my favorites (which is all kinds of environments, but deserts are almost soothing to me sometimes) to go to when I got zero idea of what I'm doing. So did some hunting along the way, got a couple of daily quests that were in nearby region done, and like as I'm trekking this long distance with this small group, literally slowly more of their guild members showed up, landing from the skies, and just started to follow along, like I have not seen such a decently large group just intentionally following me like so for this long at least.

    After passing the desert ruins of Muyu and entering Karu's forest, midway I took a breather and set a campfire up since my graphics settings I put for myself in-game, it gets quite literally hard to see. (Film shader effect, brightness fifty percent, almost all the effects checkboxes checked, and my render distance is at fifty percent as well. Mostly do the render distance cause I actually am short-sighted IRL, also why I carry glasses in my inventory, fun facts amirite.)

    After the fire blew out, rekindled again, then went out, I think I set back out at around five through seven hundred time when the sun was somewhat breaking the horizon in the sky, amazingly they still hung around, it's been probably by then around at least ten to twenty minutes likely, so it was astonishing almost it lasted that long. So I continued on towards the bridge I made while back in my solo journeys or so to cross Rano to Connous.

    I arrived along with those other groupies and my bud to the highlands, got pass there a bit, then came up to the opening into Rupe's outskirts and Longa desert straight in sight, I continued down the path with the others for a good while until they slowly started to disperse, which I don't blame them, given my antics, to the mundane sight of sandstorms and nothing but sand dunes in the sight ahead, I ended up taking a small detour to Rupe's desert to catch up on a daily quest there I haven't done in a while since I hadn't pass by the region for some time. Around that time, most of the dozen or so people following me mostly were gone by now.

    After such a long time seeing those sandstorms, decided to take another pit-stop to camp out since night was nearing and was having some drinks IRL, so wanted to settle down for a bit to wind down. At this point, the remaining aside from my bud decided to leave, and jokingly enough if I recalled right the fellow who usually greets me and I'm assuming enticed the event of following me for whatever reason with his guild said he would do this again with his buds, lmao.

    After the fire died out and the stars and dark sky slowly went back to the usual break of dawn, me and the bud just humored ourselves with what just had happened in another of our travels, it was pretty amusing thinking back, had a almost RPG nostalgic sort of vibe to it. I think after all had returned to their rot holes and the sun was back up, me and my bud ended up continuing our way for a while longer passing Filia and more towns possibly after leaving there due to the other travels I had and whatever he was up to before our meet up during our logins.

    Hope ya'll enjoyed the tale I managed to recall from the past, I will bring back more jumbo mumble stories whenever I come back.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Did you guys walk there?
  • WalkerrWalkerr
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 34
    Did you guys walk there?

    Yup, well, I did and my bud, the rest half did or rode on something, but pretty much it was an all on-foot traveling group, lmao. It was an amusing thing to see.
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