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Where would you live in Errin
If you could live in the world of Mabinogi where would you live? I think I'd like to live in Filia. If I could get financing, I could make a killing turning that town into a world-class retirement community; oh, the condo's I'd build!

Tir, Emain, Blago Praire, Port Cobh, Belvast
Tir: Because it's nice and cozy. Weather is fair and doesn't usually get hot. Up on those hills and highlands, start a little farm.
Emain: For the same reasons as Nyancat. Emain knows how to do urban right.
Blago Praire: Because it's chill and peaceful and has all the grapes in the Erinn.
Port Cobh: Cozy tiny port city with some hustle and bustle. And because it's close to the sea which means good balanced weather and all the seafood.
Belvast: The only lively metro out there for urban lovers. But it's not too urban and has a lot of quiet places as well. Belvast reminds me of a promising land of opportunity. Especially since all races live freely together there including Fomors in the post Fomorian War world
Edit: One thing about Emain though, can someone do something about the trash?
One of the good features are the swimming fish.
Kill golems and make a big villa there
It's just I've lived in hot places my entire life, so I would like to give cold ones a try.
You forgot about Aer.
My character's a Pirate, so anywhere around Belvast or Cobh would be best for her.
no i didnt o.o i'd make a corner for her
All of my banked items are actually stored in Taill, and have been for years