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Is this the rebirth of Club Penguin ?
Penguin robes are cheap enough, but...Icy what you mean.
Bliss, your statement was so...cool
Oh, they could be alts too. It's hard to tell them apart sometimes.
right now there is a free alto pet from event
and it seems like some people wants to abuse this and obtain multiple pets to sell
but its been a while since they gave away free pet adoption medals
and one way for nexon to take profit from this people that are trying to take advantage of free stuff
is by selling pet adoption medals in item/web shop
this way this abusers will have to pay for them to be able
to either transfer the free pet into their main account
or sell the pet so they can transfer the gold to their main
another way to make it hard for this "multiple account freebie abusing bots"
is to make events that would require them to actually do something rather than simply logging in and being afk
(vacant) or wahhh - type those in ur chatbox in mabinogi
and look at ur characters face
thats my facial reaction after realizing it
all at least its inside those random boxes
I hope the RNG gods do not tolerate this multiple account abusers
oh great and awesome RNG gods
please do not allow those who abuse events like this
to get what they want
please guide them into paying for it instead
have them pay for their greed
teach them to be content
and play normally like everyone else
Regardless, they are still...skating on thin ice.
You're right! Nexon might catch them in the act and....freeze their accounts.
Or worst, allow the player's main to be hacked, and then give them the...cold shoulder.
Looks like a buncha prinnies to me, dood!
What do you sea?