Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Ask a Dev Thread


  • YuoichiYuoichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,435
    Posts: 161
    edited October 26, 2018
    Will we get a new race?
  • superxxsuperxx
    Mabinogi Rep: 330
    Posts: 3
    Spirit Weapons! When will we have spirit weapon Lv51+ and/or other spirit-weapon related contents?
  • TaffytaTaffyta
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,000
    Posts: 41
    I saw that KR has recently gotten skin/eye/hair colours unlocked to all races, but will more skin colours ever be added? The brown options are really lacking, in particular olive toned light/med browns would be nice.

    Are outfits ever going to be updated to be more friendly to characters with higher weight values? There's a lot of odd stretching and clipping, especially with some of the more recent outfits where the idle animation has the outfit itself moving, like the imperial commander or noble hanbok outfits: the pose has the outfit modeled around an assumed default weight while it moves so on a fatter character it clips through their actual body model.

    Is the potential system ever going to be updated with more levels and rewards?
  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    edited October 26, 2018
    Could the MabiNovel system be overhauled to increase its popularity? (Suggestion thread:

    Will there be more Stance Cards available? Or maybe a better menu for it (such as an addition to the Dressing Room)?

    Can the Customization Options from the Dressing Room be thought over? Pons have become seldom useful, and the list of hairstyles is not very user-friendly (either free (or Pon) and ugly hairs or nice, well-defined, gachapon-only hair coupons).
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited October 26, 2018
    When this game will have better character customization options? New players are really discouraged to play this when they get greeted by having to choose between 5 ugly hairstyles, eyes and mouths. It's REALLY bad guys, please at least add some new ones and revamp the old hairstyles . Also would be nice if old outfits get revamped too, especially the ones who come from NPC shops and such.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Greta wrote: »
    When this game will have better character customization options? New players are really discouraged to play this when they get greeted by having to choose between 5 ugly hairstyles, eyes and mouths. It's REALLY bad guys, please at least add some new ones and revamp the old hairstyles . Also would be nice if old outfits get revamped too, especially the ones who come from NPC shops and such.

    Are 80's and 90's hairstyles that bad? lol
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited October 26, 2018
    Greta wrote: »
    When this game will have better character customization options? New players are really discouraged to play this when they get greeted by having to choose between 5 ugly hairstyles, eyes and mouths. It's REALLY bad guys, please at least add some new ones and revamp the old hairstyles . Also would be nice if old outfits get revamped too, especially the ones who come from NPC shops and such.

    Are 80's and 90's hairstyles that bad? lol

    I mean... Why players are forced to look outdated with triangle, squared hairs when all players around them will most likely have more fabulous hairstyles?
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Jazmyn wrote: »
    First question, when will Alchemy be revamped so it's not impossible to rank without AP training, skill training seals, or two x2 (complete skill and alchemy) exp potions plus talent?

    When are we getting Fighter Talent revamped too?
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    edited October 26, 2018
    In-case I'm not selected or can't make it...

    I(Vets) wanna get rid of old useless premium pets. We don't wanna just nuke em out of existence. Can we get some credit conversion system or Premium in-game shop trade-in?

    Of course this is pertaining to only cash shop pets...not the freebies handed out by Nexon events(charity).
  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    To piggy-back on everyone asking about Spirit Weapons, if an actual revamp were to happen, would you also consider adjusting the EXP gain curves to be slightly more kind? As it is, it takes years to hit the current caps now, and I personally wouldn't want to bother with a revamped Spirit system if those old curves remain post level-cap adjustment.
  • ErikaErika
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 260
    Will there be some sort of "renewal" update to make race transformations (Paladin, DK, etc.) more useful? For the most part, higher-level players don't use them anymore. Maybe make the transformation stats stack with the title/2nd title stats?
  • LastSaturdayLastSaturday
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,215
    Posts: 90
    edited October 27, 2018
    Will Uladh Field bosses ever get a revamp?
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    So there's already a planned update to uncap various Life Skills that have been capped since they existed.
    These are Rest, Campfire, Cooking, and First Aid.

    Are there any plans to give the same treatment to the remaining ones?
    Such as Evasion, Meditation, and Mana Shield?
    And also, plans to add and give a way to attain the master title in all skills that currently don't have one?
    Stuff like Musical Knowledge, or Composing, or the rest of the skills that are able to be ranked to Rank 1, but you can't actually complete the R1 training to earn a master title.

    It makes me think of the NPC in Belvast, Barry.
    During his Part-Time Job, the music score he asks you to play have a difficulty rating of "Master".
  • Jayy124Jayy124
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 38
    Tory Ravine? It's been like 6 years and you keep shrinking it by adding other locations.
  • FreakoutcastFreakoutcast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 61
    Will old Halloween NPC trans (nun, don quixote, ghostly eastern vampires, etc.) ever be available again?

    If so, will they be brought back through a new Cursed Labyrinth event or by some other means?
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Will there be any fixes or brushing up to the graphics of Mabinogi in any way to make the old parts of the game look polished like the new parts of the game? Will field mobs and bosses be harder eventually in the future? Like in Iria? Will there be music for Vales, Filia, Qilla Base Camp and Cor? Will life skills be redone to give Carpentry, Tailoring, and Handicrafting more meaning? Will fighter have more variety in skills?
  • LastSaturdayLastSaturday
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,215
    Posts: 90
    What is going to happen to the now ghost town/housing districts? Any plans to update castles/castle dungeons so that guilds are incentivized to start owning them again?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    What is going to happen to the now ghost town/housing districts? Any plans to update castles/castle dungeons so that guilds are incentivized to start owning them again?

    Raze them to the ground! (Grabs torches and pitchforks) Overthrow the nobles! :D
  • ookieookie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,125
    Posts: 166
    i have a super serious important question

    noticed on YouTube there was a game called Mabinogi: Rebirth Mobile for's the video description

    "The official genuine MMORPG mobile game "Mabinogi: Rebirth" is coming! Kunlun Games cooperated with NEXON of Korea to develop and contribute to Millesian! ....."

    how legit is this....if it's a bootleg can we get an official warning so that players don't link their REAL Mabinogi accounts to it, or financial information .....i could see it as a major threat to the players account security among other dangers if it is indeed a dangerous Chinese bootleg
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    ookie wrote: »
    i have a super serious important question

    noticed on YouTube there was a game called Mabinogi: Rebirth Mobile for's the video description

    "The official genuine MMORPG mobile game "Mabinogi: Rebirth" is coming! Kunlun Games cooperated with NEXON of Korea to develop and contribute to Millesian! ....."

    how legit is this....if it's a bootleg can we get an official warning so that players don't link their REAL Mabinogi accounts to it, or financial information .....i could see it as a major threat to the players account security among other dangers if it is indeed a dangerous Chinese bootleg

    We've already had a couple threads about this. Mabinogi Rebirth was offshored to Kunlun games for the China market. Nexon is currently making its own version for the Korean market. As of now, it is not known whether they will plan to release the mobile game widespread.
    From what we know, it is a completely different game and cannot be linked to the PC version.