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Can we please have the VIP update?
I don't know, but I'm just letting everyone know that's really what I read. So it's something. Staff isn't 100% leaving us in the dark, even if it's not a satisfactory reason.
the update for homestead housing came out on May 3rd, that would have been a great chance to update VIP services. instead we get cheated and they only put in the feature that makes homestead housing free for VIP/Premium players. that was a great chance to update VIP completely and make it worth paying for again but I guess Nexon KR wants to enjoy taunting NA players with it for a bit longer.
Huh, so that was the full story behind it? All I knew was that we got some useless housing feature that requires gold for just decoration and I didn't know VIP/Premium could use it for free.
I guess it makes sense though smh
Can we get a real reason, or an update, or just.. anything? It's painful to be left in the dark for an update that is seemingly super simple, that would benefit not only the game/company but the players as well.
They wouldn't do anything because apparently "I was using their product". Fact, I already had enough prem to last through end of November anyways.
Nexon is such a greedy bastard. Shame on you.
Okay it's been a week or so. To the front page again. Never forget
mabinogi VIP service is about 12 dollars and 50 cents a month with the 90 day package and maplestory 2 is 4 dollars and 90 cents a month. I finally stopped paying for VIP on mabi cause it just isn't worth paying for anymore and I would rather spend less for better service on maplestory 2. if mabi ever updates their VIP services I would probably buy it again.
Especially with the homestead update, it would make it worth it; but as of now with no VIP, I wont even see the inside of my house cause I'm not paying the gold fee. xD
Please, update the VIP service! You're only depriving yourselves of profit by letting KR keep it all to themselves!
Time to go on strike
I haven't bought any cash since cards were removed from the stores (walgreens). Don't plan on it any other way until they update vip.