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Memory Book Update and Giveaway!
Yeah, I have that problem, too.
I always assumed it was just backwards Denule.
NO! I thought so too, until I read the update website here http://mabinogi.nexon.net/News/All/1/00JCP/
Event Dates: Thursday, December 6, After Maintenance - Thursday, January 10, Before Maintenance.
Why specifically Norway? Actually, why those specific countries? That's an odd choice.
Likely short answer: International gambling laws.
So outside of USA, they only managed to find 5 countries that was easy on them.
Complicated stuff are complicated.
(Well the UK is technically 2 countries with 2 other regions and overseas territory, hehe, but counting it as 1 is ok).
Looks like the countries that start with N are favored (except Niger and Nigeria and Nicaragua)
Twitter has been cleaning up some accts lately due to the ongoing political atmosphere, so they probably deactivated unused accounts in their sweep for bot/troll accts.
Hmm, I see the Throwaway account error now too. The subscription to Mabinogi ones worked, but for the other Twitter accounts, that error is appearing.
They're waiting for every potential winner to respond to the email, and if they fail to do so within 48h, a new potential winner will take their place. Once everyone has responded, they'll announce the winners on the forums within 30 days.