Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer: Part 1 Update, containing the new Astrologer Talent and more!
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[UPDATED] Memory Book Level 5000 Event


  • IcedrakeIcedrake
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,170
    Posts: 42
    More, my main character really wants to make use of those skill exp seals...
  • Raincloud95Raincloud95
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,830
    Posts: 183
    This is unfortunate. I'm juuust past 5k on my main. None of my alts are even remotely close. I know it would be overpowered, but I wish we could be getting a 2x AP event going along side this for high level players XD
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    at least make it so we 5k+ players get a HS figure of that new character, idc if it does not give any benefits but at least give us something.

    Even a hat with "The Needy" on it because most of us at least have to say. o 3o
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    To anyone getting mad at this update I have the best idea ever. Grow up and get off your high horse. You know whats sad? we are the only community who complains about everything. I didn't see any complaints in KR about this update, I didnt see any KR players complain this was unfair nor did I see complaints that "lol Nexon hates usss!!". Every time their is an update people cry because they think it's hindering them or unfair. Well time to stop acting like an entitled baby.

    This update is giving new players a chance to catch up to those who have leveled up higher. It gives them a chance to get their AP for the skills they want to rank and can catch up to others. This will make it so new players will have more of a chance to get into higher dungeons, higher SM's and higher raids without being a pack mule or weakling. This helps them grow and brings in more players because they can get the benefits and enjoy more withouth having to be stuck doing nothing, and feeling worthless and left behind. This inturn can cause new players to form friendships with other players and maybe better the player base and cause players to stick around more.

    Will people take advantage of this? Yes, you will have some grubby shady people us this to level botting alts. But not everyone is shady and cold. Nexon is not doing this update to help the bad players out, this is the greater good of the player base. Let shady folk do their thing, they get caught, they get banned, oh well move on.

    "But nexon hates us because I leveled past 5k already!!" Tough. I'm nearly 26k total level and I see nothing wrong with this update beginner benefit Anyone who has been here a while and is level 5k+ has no right to complain because we have already gotten so much. All the events that gave free stuff, free pets, all the content we have already gotten all the updates. That is what we have. We have so much more than this new update. How about instead of complaining, you sit down and maybe help out some new players enjoy this content that is for New players instead of mooping around acting like we get nothing. Every portion of the player base gets something, and this time, it's the lower level players turn.
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    edited November 28, 2018
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    You know whats sad? we are the only community who complains about everything.

    I just want to address this by itself; you visit forums for other games often?
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    -snip- It's hard for people to agree with your point when half of it is based on insulting your opposition. I don't disagree that people can tone it down and realize not *every* event is for *everyone*, but it'd be better if there were more exclusive events for mid-/high-end players, rather than either all-inclusive or beginner-exclusive as seems to be the preference.

    This update is giving new players a chance to catch up to those who have leveled up higher. It gives them a chance to get their AP for the skills they want to rank and can catch up to others. This will make it so new players will have more of a chance to get into higher dungeons, higher SM's and higher raids without being a pack mule or weakling. This helps them grow and brings in more players because they can get the benefits and enjoy more withouth having to be stuck doing nothing, and feeling worthless and left behind. This inturn can cause new players to form friendships with other players and maybe better the player base and cause players to stick around more.
    I agree totally.

    Will people take advantage of this? Yes, you will have some grubby shady people us this to level botting alts. But not everyone is shady and cold. Nexon is not doing this update to help the bad players out, this is the greater good of the player base. Let shady folk do their thing, they get caught, they get banned, oh well move on.
    I agree totally.

    -snip- Just because you don't care, doesn't mean that their feelings aren't relevant. That being said, both sides could simmer down their attacks to constructive discussion.

    Once again, I don't disagree with you on the whole. That being said I'm sure as hell biased because I don't mind NOT participating in events.
  • SnowarrowSnowarrow
    Mabinogi Rep: 320
    Posts: 3
    To bring a smile and positivity to this thread, I'd like to thank you for this bringing out this event.

    I've made a character 7+ years ago and been playing for a solid couple of months now (started fresh at level 1).
    The last time I played Mabinogi was during high school. As of my return, I've been enjoying the new content that I missed out on: re-experiencing the generation quests, enjoying the newer generation quests as well as trying out all the new features that have been added. This couldn't have been possible without some initial guidance from several players that helped me through this journey of mine. I cannot imagine how overwhelming the content can be when you are a genuine new player. I had played this game before in the past, and it took me a long while to understand the new upgrades, skills and new items that are available now.

    This new update will definitely help new players as well as incentivize them to level-up while meeting stronger players. And I genuinely hope that these stronger players are as open and friendly to allow them in your party. Some of them are trying really hard to get into the game. Finding shadowmission/dungeon parties or even a higher-level dungeon can be hard when you're starting out after-all!

    So just like the kind people who helped me when I returned, I'm returning their kindness by helping out these new players; Allow them to grow in their own pace, guide them and before you know it, they will be the ones helping other players! :)

    Thank you very reading this & have a good one~
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    edited November 28, 2018
    @Brozebreak - I suck at quoting stuff so I hope taging works? Anyway, I personally don't visit the other fourms but I have friends who play on KR and they have mentioned alot of the times that the things people complain about here are things that KR doesn't even think on. And that KR complains alot less.

    Sometimes people need to be talked to without kindness unfortunately. People were REALLY commenting thinking nexon was hating on them and leaving them out on purpose. People were acting entitled. This isn't something nexon is doing to piss off higher level players, it's just an update towards their beginner benefits.
    I mean everyone can par-take in the events, they can level up their alts, try out a new character race. I infact might try playing an Elf, since I have been a human for 8 years, but over all the event is based towards beginners because this update caters to them. Every update we get comes with a celebration event.
    I mean we have gotten quite a large amount of updates that beginners can't really do - Girg raids, Hasi raids, Zebach raids, purification raids, Phantasm, Sidhe - Advanced level. All of this content is for high level people who can do them effectively. Can beginners be brought to them? Yes but in this kind of content they can't really do anything other than revive, summon pets. (Which I am not saying to be insulting, it's a fact).

    Besides, most, not all, high level players are capped out anyway, with nearly all skills R1/Dan3/Master. So the training seals would provide no real use to them and same with the AP. The Severs are also currently flooded with cheap rebirth potions so their is not really any shortage on ways for people to get AP.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,855
    Posts: 790
    I love that there's now a gradual transition from 1-day rebirths to 6-day.
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,655
    Posts: 1,593
    Post has been updated to reflect the changes on the main site
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    Katherz wrote: »
    Post has been updated to reflect the changes on the main site

    The micro site mentions that you cannot be part of a guild, or is it just that you cannot be part of a guild if you want the newbie icon? Can your character be part of a guild and participate in other aspects of the event except the newbie icon?
  • KatherzKatherz
    Mabinogi Rep: 21,655
    Posts: 1,593
    The icon is only a visual. There is no impact on the event or update if you are in a guild.
  • AppleChanceryAppleChancery
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 83
    Combat talents? So that means no talent skill training seals for life talents? And will the seals be transferable via bank?
  • ChojinzokuChojinzoku
    Mabinogi Rep: 775
    Posts: 23
    I do agree that this update will be nice for new players. As a player who literally started in closed beta and has played ever since, it's a very nice idea to help. I am a bit concerned that the skill seals are a tiny bit much. I haven't done the math, but that's a lot of free skill ranking. Normally I prefer AP be given out, so players still have to do the work to actually train. But we'll see how it works out. Good luck, new milletians!
  • AngelicelAngelicel
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 3
    Given what the memory event is a prequel for I don't really mind missing out on a few skill training seals.

    GL to those grinding to cLvl 5k. It's a requirement for future content.
  • P3lliP3lli
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    Nice, I'm new and this is a hell of a event to catch up somewhat. The problem is that I'm not even 500 xD so it looks like I'm gonna be playing a lot.

    Also let me hijack the thread a bit. Anyone knows if on Christmas we will have the Alpaca for sale ?
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    @Bronzebreak - I suck at quoting stuff so I hope taging works? I suppose so, lol.
    Anyway, I personally don't visit the other fourms but I have friends who play on KR and they have mentioned alot of the times that the things people complain about here are things that KR doesn't even think on. And that KR complains alot less. Completely different markets and cultures I'm afraid, so that doesn't surprise me.

    Sometimes people need to be talked to without kindness unfortunately. I don't disagree, but I also don't think that this was one of those moments. You can only be responsible for yourself, not others.
    People were REALLY commenting thinking nexon was hating on them and leaving them out on purpose. People were acting entitled. This isn't something nexon is doing to piss off higher level players, it's just an update towards their beginner benefits. You aren't wrong.
    I mean everyone can par-take in the events, they can level up their alts, try out a new character race. I infact might try playing an Elf, since I have been a human for 8 years, but over all the event is based towards beginners because this update caters to them. Every update we get comes with a celebration event.
    I mean we have gotten quite a large amount of updates that beginners can't really do - Girg raids, Hasi raids, Zebach raids, purification raids, Phantasm, Sidhe - Advanced level. All of this content is for high level people who can do them effectively. Can beginners be brought to them? Yes but in this kind of content they can't really do anything other than revive, summon pets. (Which I am not saying to be insulting, it's a fact). If this is a direct retort to what I was saying, I was referring to events, not content.

    Besides, most, not all, high level players are capped out anyway, with nearly all skills R1/Dan3/Master. So the training seals would provide no real use to them and same with the AP. The Severs are also currently flooded with cheap rebirth potions so their is not really any shortage on ways for people to get AP.I'm a fan of events that introduce new content for all, but obviously there's a cap to how much they can do that.

  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Chojinzoku wrote: »
    I do agree that this update will be nice for new players. As a player who literally started in closed beta and has played ever since, it's a very nice idea to help. I am a bit concerned that the skill seals are a tiny bit much. I haven't done the math, but that's a lot of free skill ranking. Normally I prefer AP be given out, so players still have to do the work to actually train. But we'll see how it works out. Good luck, new milletians!

    I feel that this event excuse to get players playing now that I think about it. I mean reaching level 5000 is no big deal at all.. Sure it could be a requirement for the upcoming content but what the new players need is to show them the Pros of the game not the Cons straight away. They already get good amounts of Ap from training talents even from these beginner quests, what they need is another benefit till levels current cap to leaving newbie mode. Like maybe x2 or x3 training so that they get the good progress going instead of beating a stone with a stick wrecking it in a single blow then head to a nearby blacksmith to repeat!

    True Hell begins when they grind, and grind, then grind also grind! THAT is the feat to overcome its GRIND! It become a means to an end! Nothing fun here when the battles lose its effect of magic on new players with original combat flow till it becomes dull when they start training skills.

    You guys should start reworking some old features like part time jobs, commerce, exploration quests / features at Iria, give some more features as well as things useful to craft from life skills, and rework the training on some life skills like Handicrafting. I don't want just combat to feel fun but I like to try to appease the type of players who like to Roleplay, Explore, and Social.

    Maybe have some new feature like "Encounters" in some locations of the map and "Invasions" of monsters in some towns to give the game a bit of more life to it. Maybe like Wolves / Spiders who try to over run with numbers in Tir or Pirates trying to raid Port Cobh, even have some Fomor bandits / Undead attack Emain Macha.

    Maybe add free roam to shadow realms where Praetorian Soldiers hold a base of operations in Shadow Tailteann as well as Shadow Tara still having trouble with the fomors at the other side.

    Unless these ideas are still under works this could perhaps give the New players a sort of life to the game without it being to out of place and straight point to the current location's backgrounds. It could be more lore rich, it could give some NPCs more life to it since game pretty much show it as a Dating Sims game (looking at that secret shop) which would need a rework instead of giving endless Gifts to them to open up to ya.

    What I am getting at is that this game can't seem to make up its mind of what theme and genre its trying to be. Is it action? Is it Social? Is it exploration? Is it a dating sim game? Is it a story book game? Is it a ROLE playing game? Also still wondering if Mabinogi is an Anime Life or Fantasy Life? This game gets messy with some good and mostly bad in it like putting different things on top of your food and call it food. Maybe the game is a bit of everything now THAT is dangerous in some way.

    Do I forgot to ask when they would finally rework spirit weapons? Maybe reduce the needed exp to Max it out? Maybe get rid of the hunger and let us shove gems into which ever of the weapon to be a mouth so we can get STRAIGHT to the point of it all? Why the unneeded wait for it to starve to feed it KNAWLEGDE when it could have it now?

    Also my GOODNESS update the textures of old outfits from some Npc shops it really shows the age of the game the MOST!

    I mean no harm to the game, just a Player with Ideas which so many also have which could or could not bring in more players and fun to the game. I like this game, its Original but its hard to find out what this game is really going for with a vision in mind, other than passing the torch to a new person to decide what to do.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited November 30, 2018
    Gaea wrote: »
    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    Icedrake wrote: »
    But, really. Do you HAVE to hate on higher level characters like this?

    This update doesn't hate on high level players at all? This is the new beginner update that KR got.

    What about an event for people who have devoted time to this game? Like, a "Thank You for putting up with the unbelievable crap we throw your way" event, or something, that can only be partaken of by people who have already hit a certain level/age of account total.

    I have a response to these selfish ignorant comments in the other thread. You need to stop complaining.

    Ten years of the same gachapons, over and over again. Ten years of spamming new and more rigged gachapons.
    No new crafting content, tailoring and blacksmithing scrolls became worthless or nonexistent after some gachapons died.
    Honestly, you wouldn't even see a WoW fan want to transfer over to Mabinogi without any regular F2P content updates.
    (Events don't count, only skills and drops.)
    It's like KR is seriously trying to cripple and turn away any other audience.

  • BobbioBobbio
    Mabinogi Rep: 750
    Posts: 62
    eh these skill seals will make life skills a joke tbh, if you can use them on life skills like blacksmithing/tailoring/carpentry or even synthesizing. don't really mind them on combat talents though, those are a pain for no reason sometimes.
  • YuoichiYuoichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,435
    Posts: 161
    ez pz 5k ap ;)