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I don't know her, or what she does.
But she is precious and must be cared for.

I can totally agree on this
I feel like there have been some NPCs that have her exact angle pose...
My blue is a little darker though, but at least she tried lel. She's cute in her own way.
ᛚ ᚦ ᛏ ᛉ ᛒ ᛡ ??
I'll just leave this here.
Attempts to find further correlation.
inb4 plot twist: their long lost sisters
According to its translation:
Using Anglo-Saxon rune:
Left bandolier (the belt/sash):
L = ᛚ
TH = þ ; or equal to "th"; wikipedia says it survives as the "ye" in the phrase "ye olde"
T = ᛏ
Right bandolier:
X = ᛉ ; not sure if "x" is pronounced like "z", "ch", "h", "j" or even silent
B = ᛒ
J = ᛄ ; not sure if "j" follows the rules to some languages that can pronounce it as "h", "y" or "i" or even silent
IO = ᛡ ; or "ia"
For proper ways to pronounce refer to this instead: The Anglo-Saxon alphabet and Pronunciation
I believe Gallic translations and pronunciations are mostly lost?
I think you are referring to the Ogham alphabet which were found around Britain; runes were from across the sea on the mainland. Although runes were brought along by the Normans/Anglo-Saxon eventually.
The Ogham were written like circles:
It can be deciphered as such:
Another plot twist: they will enter each other at the end
Source: Tamaon's server.
Who unfortunately fall in love with one another.
And their combined powers will bring Erinn to its doom.
if they have to be my doom, then yes please