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(closed) Krissypootel Art shop Ruairi/Alexina
extra people are +half the original price, per person
-Price Payment; gold; Server - Ruairi. 10m + 5m(For extra character)
I haven't made a reference for my bf yet, hope this'll do.. (He wears a flame t-shirt)
Would be appreciated but you don't have too if you don't want too!
Artistic freedom, anything lovey dovey will be wonderful~
My IGN is Harukarii, I do not stay ingame often so the best way to catch me is on Discord!
My Discord is ci ✘#2741
-Order type: Full Body
-Price: 40 NX
-Details: Sent link for references on discord
I've added you on discord so if you have any questions that would be the quickest way to get a hold of me.