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Any tips how to reach 80% health of this man?
Example If he says:
"...I'm sorry"= Immediately use Shield of trust AFTER the sword attack
"I will show you the proof of the Prophecy"= Use Judgement Blade or run further away from his AOE or his debuff disables you to use any crusader skills
Tho I was not told of this Before defeating him with chain blade alone....
I'll have to try that on my Elf. My advice was based on my Human main beating him. XD
G19 all over again for me.
In my opinion.....I would bring a few HP elixir and some wound potions as well as MP pots with mana shield. The elixir lasts 5 minutes? it does help unless you take more damage than it can heal.
I fought using chains, but nothing will save you from his One Hit Kill besides shield of trust. If need to, anchor rush out of there as soon as possible if you are afflicted with a "No Crusader Skill Usage" debuff. His range isn't infinite; just difficult to get out of. Crisis Escape in his vicinity. will NOT WORK...99% of the time.
Though if you insist on using Nascent Divinity, use Blink to dodge his debuff, and Shield to block his one hit kill. Otherwise, bring ton of Soul Stones. Dying is a very real possibility for any player doing it for the first time.
(They really need to give a duration of complete impunity so that one may familiarize themselves with Nascent Divinity, if not simply a better tutorial.)
At least this fight made my blood Boil as i tried everything i had to defeat Him and when i said everything i Mean chainblades XD
Also for the fact He is the "Strongest" Final boss in the game so far, game mechanic wise and Lore, He just made freakin Cichol flee with his tail between his legs!
When he gets real...he gets real. Makes me wonder what the First God can do if it were the Final boss if having his Blessings made him THAT strong.
We only managed to be equal in power to him but just barely, if he had not been convinced we would of lost and all the time in the world would be loss to a reset. Talvish left a impression of a final boss that HAD the chance to defeat us or seal us away where we can remain in forever.
If not for our fanboy Talvish would of won. Now if Talvish were evil...with nothing holding him back i think he would of been the final boss that likely win if he had pretended to be our friend put that blade in our backs sealing our powers. The Twist would be to much :B
*cough* but yes this boss is annoying but I just think about how hes the one foe of a Mabi lifetime to feel dread from, at least till G22~G23 comes.
In consideration, we tank a great deal more these days in either boss fight, whereas the main concern will always be Talvish's one hit kill. It is a matter of how forgiving a scenario is, hence the focus on relative impunity. G12 and G11 did not make me waste tons of Soul Stones, and Doppelganger could be mitigated with a Royal Alchemists.
It is also a bit of me doing the fight when it was just released, in the days where Wiki is heavily outdated.
Though to add on, the issue is that the transformation was essentially a nerf, unless we knew how to effectively and properly stack it.
Yea i guess your right, this new form is just a big huge lackluster and kinda a waste of space in our skill list since it nerf us instead of buffing....At least for elves since it takes barehanded damage instead of currently equiped weapons.
Lucky for you, I am an EXPERT at this obscure boss battle.