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[Ongoing] Pay What You Want Sketches
Of course! I'm in no hurry and don't mind waiting ^^ Thank you!
Female: https://puu.sh/ChpsY/be8f06f272.png?fbclid=IwAR3Rqgo0-tV5OnZOKKqVbNtAHkgX0q6TKCPokNdHswEqGuWrf7fqUudzZIY
Light comes off as serious and knowledgeable however for those that know her, she is sweet, kind, and loveable.
For the pose, possibly the one in the reference I sending unless you want to try something else instead. A feeling of sweetness and gentleness towards the crystal in her hands, or around her.
*note I lost all my previous ingame images however the designs should still be the same. Just try your take with this character x3
As for the pose, try a pose you want rather it be simple or interesting.
Brave is very cheerful and positive, able to brighten a room with his personality yet also very strong when need be. Very positive to best describe him.
*congrats on your examples and the success of your workshop. Continue doing what you love in your art ^ ^
I'll happy contribute many coffees
Here they come~
For Wynnie
(2/2 coming soon!)
Thank you all for being so patient! ^^
Almost finished! Just putting the finishing touches on it! ^^
Aaa thank you very much! > <
I’m actually almost finished 1 out for 2 of yours! Hope to finish and get them out to you soon ^^
It was fun to draw! I don’t think I’ve ever drawn a giant before. (
Female wand spirit also makes an appearance
) I found out I could do that (shading) with one of the pens in my drawing app so I tried that out, and I tried my hand at a bg too (whew!).I think you’ve been waiting for this one for a while! So sorry! When I was just about finished I noticed something was off so I wanted to fix it and make it nice first! Thank you for being so patient this whole time!
Thank you everyone for letting me take my time on these. I want to get them out to all of you quickly, but I also want to make sure they come out nice! (I’d like to be able to find a balance between speed and quality ( ´∀`) I hope I find it soon.) I’ve also been learning new things and have others that I want to try while doing these, so thank you again for letting me draw all of your lovely characters. ( ´∀`)>
Oh! I’ve also made a discord recently, so just in case anyone needs or wants to contact me about commission progress or anything else my id is prinnicarat#1366. (I’ll also put that on the front page/post for future ref.)
My goodness he looks great!! Thank you so much for all of the detail you included and for taking the time to make sure that he looks the best that he can ^^ Absolutely worth the wait, and thank you for being so open with updates and everything
I’m back with a finished commission for @Bravelatios !
And an extra doodle I did in-between ^^
I hope you like them! ^^
And I think it’s been a month since the last update! (Oh dear!) So thank you again for being so patient!
Ah! I should also probably state to make it clear but, for everyone, if I draw anything extra outside of what you order/request please do not worry about paying for it. They are just extras drawn for fun, and since they are outside of what was ordered you do not need to pay for them. ^^
Oh! I don’t know if I ever mentioned this, but characters outside of Mabinogi are completely fine as well. ^^
Thank you again to everyone who has ordered from me so far! You’ve all been so kind, generous and patient. I’m really blessed to have had such nice people say they’d like a drawing. Thank you again! ♡(*´∇`*)
More coming soon!
Thank you! m(_ _)m
Personality: Clever, calculating, and ruthless to all of those who are not his liege. Takes great pride in his ability.
Thank you~
Aaaah! Of course! Thank you so much!
Whoahaha his design is nice! That first image got me!
Personality sounds fun too, haha ^^