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Half bod for me o/
Just like throw an order form at me to fill out and shtuff o 3o
Also I love your art and would love to order once you figure on prices~
I believe there is still gold transfers for art, although I'm not sure if there is any gold transfer services for other purposes.
And wowww didn't expect many replies ; 3 ; *happy happy*
Hmmm, as for the prices I will update the main post above~ You guys can suggest though, if it's too high or whatever~ But I'm confident with my art so I won't accept orders from low ballers, sorry ; - ; making art is not just easy like talking, so yeah
Thanks to all who responded u 3u
I'll be doing a gold transfer maybe if i don't have enough gold on mari my self. But Ruairi is my main server!
Mabi chara username: Aquaheart
Server: Ruairi
Payment method: Gold
Chara references: http://ejlfka.tumblr.com/post/148440742196
Pose reference: https://68.media.tumblr.com/2ea2c8ac605c1975d3af156d0151553b/tumblr_npan78o8d31shsqwto5_1280.jpg
Character info:
Estimated price: 5m
@Gakkuriaqua: I'll put you on a slot on my new thread. Yesh?