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G22 Balor Battle

Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
Posts: 469
edited January 13, 2019 in General Chat
So... how do you beat him? Or is it like G21's Hasidim and it's inherently hard unfair "hard"?
  1. How do?48 votes
    1. Nao Stones
       21% (10 votes)
    2. Some unexplained method that makes the boss turn into tissue paper
       31% (15 votes)
    3. Get OP with the Def/Prot buff and those [s]unobtainable[/s] techniques
       29% (14 votes)
    4. More Nao Stones
       19% (9 votes)


  • 3rdy3rdy
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,705
    Posts: 187
    i would say its not as unfair as g21 final but its still bs

    u have to just tank all he's attacks and keep smashing with your hardest hitting attacks. bring in as much nao's as you can
    lower he's def/prot as much as u can really helps
    make loads of hp 100's and 300's to and also some full restores
    i find spirit linking with pets is pointless in this cus they cant hold aggro for long and the fire pits the salamanders make dose % damage (or atleast a fixed ammount of damage)

    why are nexon so agenst letting you bring in others for the final now?
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    edited January 13, 2019
    I just kept at him with a combination of swords and chain blades. I think when he grabs you it cancels Final Hit in case you're Human. Nao stones are helpful if you don't have an abundance of potions to supplement hp (or mp for mana shield).

    He has the ability to summon salamanders which when you kill them produce an area of fire around their corpse. Balor will make red circles appear on the ground before he shoot fire from them so avoid those.

    I had a much easier time with him than g21. The only time I really felt annoyed with him was when he kept playing "put out the Darkwing" with me.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    edited January 13, 2019
    Does Brionac+Demigod shave the bloody thing's Prot or is that a moot method?
    3rdy wrote: »
    why are nexon so agenst letting you bring in others for the final now?
    Maybe they're "returning to their roots"; that thing that game devs do. G1 and G3 require(d) a party of three and G2 was all solo. They're bringing back the knight of light experience! \s
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited January 13, 2019
    I used mana potions with mana shield + magnum shot and didn't die once though thats because im an elf on my first try.

    For my giant I used Demigod to use Wings of Eclipse, might of ladeca with bash hammers.(maybe I got lucky but he never broke the wings of eclipse, so I didn't die once either on my giant too) His Grab you and slam you to the ground attack cancels windguard, from a friend I heard it also cancels FH.
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    demi + brionac + fh + good def/pro= tissue paper to me.... didnt die once
  • Gaby5011Gaby5011
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,965
    Posts: 714
    edited January 13, 2019
    Git gud
  • RaishiiRaishii
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,245
    Posts: 319
    Chain Impale.
    3rdy wrote: »
    i find spirit linking with pets is pointless in this cus they cant hold aggro for long and the fire pits the salamanders make dose % damage (or atleast a fixed ammount of damage)

    That's not true. When I did it, Divine Linking took all the aggro. The only time I ever got hit was when Balor used that skill when he grabs you and smashes you to the ground three times.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    The lava puddles enemies leave on the ground deal magic damage, which is why even a linked pet still takes a ton of damage from them.
    Though the puddles in G22 are less painful than those found in the normal Tech Duinn mission.
    Killing the salamanders isn't that prudent, since Balor will just spawn more, and killing them causes puddles just like some of Balor's attacks.
    But just having a linked pet out to have the salamanders aggro on them helps a lot.

    By this point in the story you should have the 5 defensive Briogh techniques, so trying to fulfill their requirements so they can be activated helps a lot to survive.

    Eating a good catering dish can help too.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    I.... oddly had no problem with him. He did mostly under 45 points to me.

    Except for that grab attack. That dented me some.

    If you're a giant, you can just defend with Vales Shield; should reduce all but the grab attack to 1 dmg.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    I.... oddly had no problem with him. He did mostly under 45 points to me.

    Except for that grab attack. That dented me some.

    If you're a giant, you can just defend with Vales Shield; should reduce all but the grab attack to 1 dmg.

    He cancels defense when he grabs you, though.
    A pet could interrupt the attack, since it cancels based on # of hits, like girgashiy's grab attack, but if your pet is getting swarmed by lizards, then it wouldn't be much help.
  • RalikinRalikin
    Mabinogi Rep: 815
    Posts: 17
    edited January 13, 2019
    I found that a giant with nearly 60 protection and 200 defense renders most of his attacks, including the grab, down to 1s; the issue is that Marleid is rather dumb and walks into the salamander circles and not running away from his grab causing her to die (I got a message that sounded like a timer when this happened).
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    He cancels defense when he grabs you, though.
    A pet could interrupt the attack, since it cancels based on # of hits, like girgashiy's grab attack, but if your pet is getting swarmed by lizards, then it wouldn't be much help.

    Said grab attack is risky for a pet to melee you out of since each slam deals AoE damage and may likely kill the pet without a good divine link rank.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    I.... oddly had no problem with him. He did mostly under 45 points to me.

    Except for that grab attack. That dented me some.

    If you're a giant, you can just defend with Vales Shield; should reduce all but the grab attack to 1 dmg.

    He cancels defense when he grabs you, though.
    A pet could interrupt the attack, since it cancels based on # of hits, like girgashiy's grab attack, but if your pet is getting swarmed by lizards, then it wouldn't be much help.

    Which is why I said that Defense should shunt all but grab's damage.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Ralikin wrote: »
    I found that a giant with nearly 60 protection and 200 defense renders most of his attacks, including the grab, down to 1s; the issue is that Marleid is rather dumb and walks into the salamander circles and not running away from his grab causing her to die (I got a message that sounded like a timer when this happened).
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    He cancels defense when he grabs you, though.
    A pet could interrupt the attack, since it cancels based on # of hits, like girgashiy's grab attack, but if your pet is getting swarmed by lizards, then it wouldn't be much help.

    Said grab attack is risky for a pet to melee you out of since each slam deals AoE damage and may likely kill the pet without a good divine link rank.

    I kind of wish that Marleid wasn't your only help for this fight.
    Would have been nice if Llywelyn had shown up with his guns.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    I managed Story Balor without dying long as you have your pet behind Balor when your grabbed, pet can set ya free while Dlink helps with extra base stats although Illusion revived Balor is....annoying to high hell.
  • XypixXypix
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,890
    Posts: 63
    "like g21s final"

    i dont think i had an issue. considering this gen seems to be entirely focused at late-game players, it would make sense the boss isnt a cakewalk
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    G22 boss was a freaking joke. :(
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    Balor was nowhere near the frustrations of the other gen's bosses. I got through him relatively easily. Also you were given a bunch of techs to work with, one of them being a buff for your HP. I recommend players with lower defenses to just spend your broigh to get it to level 4 to get that 4000 HP shield, even doing other things the skill is quite useful as it also acts as a full heal. The thing is that Balor encourages players to try their new techs against him, so yeah, go ahead, experiment a little.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Was easy for me and that's saying something.
    Chain skills + mana shield gloves + transformation
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited January 14, 2019
    To be honest all it really takes for this whole thing to be a cake walk was to have at least 40% prot with 200+ def and 1000+ HP to last, while having any weapon of 850+ max dmg depending on the weapon type's skills maybe 1200+ to get things done.

    With the re-balance of def/prot i hardly in need of a good mana shield but a good extra. Also Mana shield gloves..its a bit worthless once you have 300+ magic attack, at least i know most folks had at least 1k+ int while doing these runs with me...

    The only problem tho in this game is the salamanders with Balor they just swarm ya when no one manage the numbers or they just stun lock us where Balor with an ugly Lenny face fire pillar your bootie to good measure.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    I did not have fun when he did five consecutive grabs on me.

    I didn't even get time to drink a single potion.