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[G22] Lower the Cumu Requrements
Why do we need to be Cumulative Level 5000 in order to play the next generation and unlock the new features? Aint that a bit too harsh even if we have the memoir to help and the previous event i still think that 5000 is just to much to ask for.
If you really have to have a cumu-limit to lock the new Generation quest for the players then why not keep it around 2000~2500 instead so that more people than veterans that have worked real hard over the years can play as well.
Me? Casual player, been around since the beta but i have only reached the late 2900 levels on one of my old alts that i gave up on after realizing that he was an allrounder and that his cumu levels made it too hard to play the game for me, i just couldnt beat the enemies and challenges that climbed in difficulty every time i rebirthed for the AP..
My Suggestion/Plea:
Lower the Cumulative Level Requirement for G22 please, i want to play in the new generation as well..
Just use the blue rebirth potions given after every quest each time you complete a memoir quest, and you'll get there very quickly.
Unless you squander the opportunity by not rebirthing after every Memoir quest, then you'll either be 5k or very very near 5k after you finish book 2.
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What about the buttload of exp from the Blannid Memoirs?
That should EASILY push you to 5k+.
6 mil right now makes it not as easy to lvl up depending on where a player is at (if they missed the incentive through the past month).
Prereqs for storylines in Mabi have been few and not difficult. Suddenly throwing on an higher level restriction does seem puzzling.
Some players feel more ready than others and shouldn't be restricted by level to start this generation.
If they were to do a prereq, they should've just gone with must complete these other generations as the prereq.
Actually, players under 5k total will still get 24M exp (the event was just for seals). As for the level requirement, though it might hinder a lower-level player, I believe it to be justified story-wise (so new players don't get it when they start, like G19, to avoid confusion); moreover, not only was the requirement known for a while, the Memory Book update was made specifically for players to quickly reach the 5k prerequisite.
Well, if the 24 mil exp is still going on, then should defintely level up immediately to catch up. With all the rebirth pots given, should be able to do it fairly quickly.
Rather than have a level prereq, they should make it a complete upon completing previous generations instead. Because a player can reach 5k using the book and still be a newbie and can still be wiped unprepared.
Having 5k levels and a lot of AP to spend doesn't necessarily mean the player has gotten used to the combat.
Or you'd find yourself having newbies start g19 when they wouldn't know any of the story beforehand.... oh wait.
G22's requirement is fine, and considering Memoir right now, it should be upped. If you clear each gen, by the time you get to g22, you should realistically be above 5k anyway.
All so true If you skip the requirements and head straight to G22 you as a new player would never know anything of any event that took place before G22 to answer riddles or a way to even get to a place let alone fighting one enemy without a skill given by one of the Generation questline.
Pretty much you be a sheep in a wolve's den unknowing of your fate or anything around you. Just take your damn time to enjoy the content before this one else...you WILL be lost since the Game is big enough to enjoy if your quite the explorer or lore seeker. Of course by all means use the wiki to answer questions you should of known during the first Generation quests before G22.
Not just that, you can get to 5k levels and not develop any of the proper skills to fight.
So it should not matter if someone was 1500 cumu or 6700 cumu, they can both die just as easily or be able to go through it just as easily.
There shouldn't be a level req in my opinion.