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PLS give us the option!!!!

Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
Posts: 1,230
in General Chat
OK so i am finally upset with the green text sliding across my screen....Its been doing this ALL of the time I am playing Mabi!!

It felt like its been going on every Minute! its blocking the hud of the 2nd skill bar you had given us and its straight up annoying either limit it to once per log in or give us the option to remove it! it CAN"T be that hard omg...
courtneyypawcalypseRheyRadiant DawnSherripeloisanKensamaofmaristarkiller1286TsumikkiTheDumbOneand 1 other.


  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Hypothesis. The message is probably part of the base core code of Mabi and since the original team is gone, no one can't remove it without breaking the game.
  • courtneyycourtneyy
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,435
    Posts: 100
    I do agree with the OP. The top banner really can be a nuisance. I've been just kind of putting up with it, since my bags cover the entirety of the top half of my screen when I open them, so they are all partially blocks as well with the sliding banner.

    I'm pretty sure this type of post should be in the suggestions forum, but either way I support either a way to turn the banner off or once per login is also a great idea.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Aeolys wrote: »
    Hypothesis. The message is probably part of the base core code of Mabi and since the original team is gone, no one can't remove it without breaking the game.

    That'd be the gag of the century.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499


    I like it...

    Since I utilize like only 3 skills to sweep everything it never bothers me. But I do forget all 9321544659 events running on concurrently so it's good reminder. O_O;;

  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    The only time it really bothers me is when I'm commercing and actually looking for the Smuggler messages. You gotta LOVE when the smuggler message starts up "The smuggler will appear at.... --- HEY THERE'S THIS EVENT GOING ON AND THIS EVENT AND THE JOUSTING IS TAKING REGISTRATIONS!!" ...... but... but muh smuggler :'c
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Arjune wrote: »
    The only time it really bothers me is when I'm commercing and actually looking for the Smuggler messages. You gotta LOVE when the smuggler message starts up "The smuggler will appear at.... --- HEY THERE'S THIS EVENT GOING ON AND THIS EVENT AND THE JOUSTING IS TAKING REGISTRATIONS!!" ...... but... but muh smuggler :'c

    They should just put Smuggler Messages in the System Chat tab, for crying out loud.
  • ChaosShadowChaosShadow
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,590
    Posts: 139
    Have to agree with this. I didn't realize it overlapped the 2nd hotkey bar, but I've always been annoyed by it because it almost constantly gets in the way of taking some good screenshots with the rest of the UI hidden.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    *Implements hotbar 2*
    *Did not think through about scrolling message*

    Yeah, that does sound like devCat.
  • AkirachuAkirachu
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,560
    Posts: 274
    maybe just have a option to just put the events in a tab that said current events and can see whats active :3 that way it doesnt show up every 30 mins or changing channels whos with me on this
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    TNinja wrote: »
    *Implements hotbar 2*
    *Did not think through about scrolling message*

    Yeah, that does sound like devCat.

    Yeeeep this and they also didn’t think about putting the tiny icon on top into somewhere else that you get when registering for Jousting or Fashion contest. It’s a pain.

    On the topic’s note, I agree that it should be one-time thing you get upon logging in OR to have an option to turn it off.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited January 14, 2019
    if you want to switch to the 2nd hotkey bar w/o having to click the screen, you can set a hotkey for that in hotkey settings by the way. I set mine for \ backslash for now until I figure out a better key.

    Options > Game > hotkey settings button


  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,775
    Posts: 7,909
    Trying to screenshot NPC dialogue but green text appears above. Whee!
    (Least of all the problems, but still).
  • SheraleSherale
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,005
    Posts: 44
    I agree with the OP.

    It is rather frustrating trying to do something that involves the top portion of the screen when it scrolls across. I keep my bags, clock, dorcha, and other bars up there. So when the green bar is scrolling across, I have little to no action available for it.

    But the other issue with it is because of the frequent and mass amount of events going on right now, the bar is long. If not once a log in or have the option to turn it off, could it not be something smaller? Or possibly scrolls once every hour?
  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    i agree (side note: is their a way to lock the task bar so i dont pick it up every time i click back into the game?)
  • TsumikkiTsumikki
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,200
    Posts: 102
    It blocks items in bags, it's painful for me because I like fishing. Also I could see it being a problem to younger players who struggle to buff or heal out of their bag. I'm sure both the placement or the frequency won't change because it's an ad for contents and helps to keep people online. But it still could be done better! Like, if it just doesn't spawn if the player is in the dungeon, in SM etc or if the player casts a skill or action. This means they are online and engaged so it's all good as it is and people waiting for the special messages could just "spread wings" and wait in peace. This means people flying won't get their screenshots spoiled. + there's a button added to spawn the ongoing events line in the "traveler's guide" for the folk who can't change channels but need the info.