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wings of light/twiliht/darkness
over a year ago we got these temporary wings, and for most of us they'll be expiring anyday now because the permanent coupons the event gave out were virtually non-existent. I'd like for a new event to get these wings with a permanent coupon available for purchase from some event npc instead of being locked behind a rng wall.
wings event
I know, I know, wings are the worst thing ever, the off spring of satan, evil incarnate and whatever, but some of us actually like wings and would like to see these wings be re-released
They did, but it still would have been nice if all the event wings were permanent to begin with~!
This is my last day that I will spend time with those wings,it's been 1 year since I had it&now I can say good-bye to it.
I kind of hope they'll bring back the event, but I'm not holding my breath about it.
I only hate the re-skinned ones. I'm still waiting on the jetpack wings.
Also... Just found this...
Just perfect. People scamming others with expired wings. Just for 4.5m!
Oh boy...now that you posted that, we're going to see a lot more of those.
GASP...I went to my bank to take those expired wings out AND THEY POOFED.
Wow, wait so they actually poof away? So why this one didn't?
Likely because it was locked in the AH (for eternity).