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Marleid Is So Goddamn Beautiful
Here you go
As Marleid states she was raised in a band of mercenaries and often traveled around giving her a friendless background. This is where she learned combat. As a combatant she has a preference for ranged weapons like bows and cross bows because by her admission melee usually ends with gore and blood all over her and cleaning that mess is troublesome. She was eventually picked up by Eirawen and given quite a high position despite being low born and thus not eligible to be a real knight. Currently she works as a royal guard to Eirawen and is her agent within the kingdom performing tasks in service to the queen whom she respects highly and protective of.
Marleid is shown that she an inferiority complex in that while people assume she's a knight, she's actually not, and that all of the accomplishments that the force she was assigned to could've been done entirely by the Millitian alone. She also depreciates herself and her abilities by stating that even though she is at her best at using her crossbow, she is hardly anyone special with it. She is generally mistrustful of people she's unfamiliar with but shows exceptional loyalty to those that are, namely the queen and the Millitian. She is also scared of ghosts (I want to bully her for/with this). She is also quite the snarker when spoken to and is the type to be try to put on a serious face for official business, but usually cracks under stress and is embarrassed by trying to put it back on again.
Marleid isn't as "generic" as people say she is. With so much media and so much stories over the course of human history we have categories called tropes. Every character we see has a combination of these tropes and just because we see they have a few tropes in common with others doesn't make them generic. A generic character is closer to what the aces ended up as, and I mean the original aces, Merlin (originally), J and Starlet. Starlet being the worst offender as the childish idol that everyone loves and is so pure and innocent you could punch her and she'd still forgive you.
If you're talking about her design, its not really generic where I could confuse her for anyone else and I don't get immediately reminded of another character. Her two-tone hair color is a nice addition and I always enjoy her expressions where she has what I like to call "her snark face".
She's some teenage tumblr girls OC that's a tough girl that don't need no man and is amazing. She's witty and smart but can also be emotional.
She has an inferiority complex as I said. She constantly depreciates herself and her inability to help during the story line. You seem to miss the point that in universe she's not amazing, and she is aware of it. The fact is that everything you said can pretty much apply to any female Millitian playing the story who at this stage is a tough person that don't need anyone else and is amazing, witty and smart and can also be emotional. Never mind that everyone from the allies to the the villain pretty much gush at how an amazing and wonderful person the Millitians are being all powerful and humble and please stop because their boots are already spotless from all the boot licking everyone is giving them. Also doesn't a person being witty, smart and emotional you know, being a human being? Or do we have to be so unique that we can only subscribe to have one character trait that defines us from the day we are born to the day we die. The simple matter is that you don't like her a character, which is fine. Calling her generic and then proceeding to not explain how and why adds nothing to the discussion.
Hell if you talk to her after the gen and ask her for personal stories she turns it around and just says that her own life experiences are pretty much mundane in the face of yours and that she'd rather hear your stories instead.
Here let me dissect your statement. First, "she's tough girl that needs no man" and is amazing. She's a born mercenary in a medieval world where there are ACTUAL super humans/super races. She openly states her own inferiority in the face of a hero and looks down upon her own status and her fears of being unable to live up to the expectations of people she respects. She seeks validation in others in order to be able to stand up. She openly admits that her presence in the group is pretty much useless as the Millitian is a one-man army that is not only strong enough to flatten threats, but smart and well traveled enough to solve all the riddles on their own.
"Is witty and smart, and can be emotional". Would you like her if she was dumb as bricks, takes everything completely serious and have the emotional state of a potato? First off what smart are we talking about? Marleid is shown to be a rational thinker and commander, but she relies on Piran on his knowledge of Hymerark and the Millitian's worldly experience. She isn't an all encompassing intelligent person and just operates competently in her own field, delegating things she doesn't know to people that do. You know, like an actual person. Emotional, what part of this is generic? The term itself is generic, it applies basically to any human being. Marleid isn't some special super being, she's a normal human in the setting, she's going to be emotional and display it. That's what being a human is. Your argument amounts to "Humans are generic because they are witty, smart, and can also be emotional!" For a better discussion, explain what emotions she exhibits that marks her as generic?
Stop using catch all terms to label something generic when you haven't elaborated about what is generic. You bring to terms "emotional", but what emotions? Let me spin this on you, Hellkaizer is a generic person because he has a generic personality.
Not as deep as my wife once she's done with Marleid.
I see... I think, I'll step out for a moment.
Blaanid is pretty generic.
Is your wife single?!
Yes, because the plural would be wives.
Cichol vs explosion
I heard Cichol has a thing for loli, I am afraid what comes of her when she lose...
Thats if your character is her
No, she's taken. She just expresses interest in cute things. And her interests are... unconventional.
See the thing is that tier 3 Gods aren't as weak as people make them out to be. Currently I'd say at absolutely full power at best we're probably 1 foot in the 3rd tier territory. Cichol was able to seal Morrighan, an actual 3rd tier goddess prior to G1. He'd have no trouble sealing us if no one interfered. Fortunately he won't try it cause we've befriended quite a few powerful people. Some light spoilers for G23 so open at your own risk.
There's also the fact that Morrighan is probably keeping him busy and the only reason he even tried to seal us in Avalon was because he managed to sneak away from her and past the barrier keeping her out. At the moment there's too many obstacles in his way for him to make a proper move, with the support of Fomors gone and most of the his power base taken away, he has very limited movement. Who knows, maybe the whole deal with Balor will return power to Cichol and make him the proper big bad again.
You have my respect for making such a compelling argument about Marleid's character and the misuse of catch-all terms.
unsurprisingly.Now if only similar shutdown arguments could be made to the people who label anything with even a hint of dark themes in it as "edgy." :v
Well edgy is defined as "tense, nervous, or irritable". So you can use that to fire back.
Sexy sweaty hentai version of her covered in marmalade came to mind. MUH DIRTY BRAIN MEATS HNNNNNG!!!
Plus a few cup size upgrades?!?!?!