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Your Favorite Login Version
Mabinogi's login theme is classic, and it has had its fair share of different revisions throughout the years.
So, out the 17 different versions we have, which one is your favorite?
(You can go to your mp3 folder to find them all there.)
Vote here.
I don't know if we ever got the Rie Tanaka one for the title screen though. =T
I miss those 3D ones.
I like the ticking noise in this one.
The Halloween version is among my favourites. \
This one sounds epic!
a) for our daily login, this was/is? best login screen i saw and my favorite one
b) but for theme versions... i have no doubt.. for me.. is .. ninja
this intro showing new talent is even today overwelming, image design, music and coreography
ps: is needed to say i love taiko and shamisen 's sound they mixed for us?
Regards Muaa~ (your humble but evil and mischevious elf, since centuries ago)
But this one just popped in my head:
I like the japanese-like theme.
This is mine as well, mostly because it's the first login theme I experienced. Started in the middle of G18 and this song never fails to take me back to those times vividly.
I am with Iya on this one, fav theme has to be the puppet one
Though I also really like Miku's version.
Don't think I heard this one.