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Plans if the MERGE occurs
If a server merge was to happens, how would it affect the players with gold/items saved in their bank, would it get wiped so people would need to get all of them out in their inventory or..? I remember reading that things stored in your mailbox get wiped and apparently it's the same for dressing room?
You are right about investments. I also agree with you on distance. I wanted to point out infrastructure, and how it's handled is just as important. The ISPs in the United States are inconsistent, and that's what causes a lot of network problems. Even people who live in California can still suffer from latency issues when trying to play Mabinogi.
Hm? Interesting question.
Bank gold is associated to the account but segregated by server. If you have characters on different servers but on the same account that could be tricky. I think they'd have to address it by running a script to combine the gold properly. If you are just on one server it should be okay.
Items stored in the bank are associated with individual characters but also with particular servers. Again if all your characters are on the same server anyway it should be okay. But under a combined server you'd want to be able to access all characters deposits. The tricky part here is if the code still segregates by the old server names. If that happens it wont be the end of the world since someone will post a ticket and the issue will be addressed in code, unless they fix it during the actual merge. Until fixed your characters of the same old server will still be able to access bank the same as pre-merge. So a bug to be fixed but not the end of the world.
My guess is dressing room is handled just like the bank. So here too if all your characters are on the same server it will be okay. If you have multiple characters though on different servers, the only issue I see would be if the two dressing rooms contain the same item. THAT would be a problem. Nexon could warn ahead of time but what if you haven't logged on for months. So they would probably move one of the duplicate items out to inventory or lost and found. If those are all full then it might be a case of too bad so sad. So to repeat, if you have characters on different servers that have identical items in their dressing rooms and all inventory, bank, mail, and lost and found are full, you might lose one of the duplicate items if you have been away for months and don't get a message from Nexon to address this in time. Or they could allow up to 4 duplicate items in the dressing room. With that ability going online with the merge.
I heard somewhere that mail is handled on a separate "channel" and since you cant mail between servers that makes four mail systems. Again if all your characters are on one server you should be okay. But if your mailboxes are full then that's a problem, similar to the dressing room situation. Similar steps would have to be taken and failing then the mailbox limit would be raised to 40/120 with the merge.
EDIT: I just thought the combined bank limit will have to be fixed as well. That should be a matter of a few lines of code.
EDIT 2: Sorry it's the middle of the night for me actually, mail won't be a problem at all since mail box limits are per character.
Because Taiwan number 1.
I would love a for sure answer of yes/no too. Maybe they're waiting for the anniversary?
You know, that sounds pretty plausible. BUT...server merge is a sensitive and delicate subject. Server merge is going to come with sacrifices and I don't think that is something we would celebrate about during the anniversary.
Recently, there was a poll in the forums that gauged server population. Of course the sample size was tiny, something like around 100. But the results very neatly followed Benford's Law which is a statistical model for describing some types of data, similar to the Bell Curve. Only, Nexon knows the actual numbers, of course, but they are probably not far from:
- Alexina 43%
- Mari 26%
- Ruari 18%
- Tarlach 13%
Each present server has 7 channels. So if you go 7/(the % of a reference server) you get a number reflecting the total number of channels needed to maintain that reference servers population density to the whole population. So for each we get:
- based on Alexina we get 16 channels
- based on Mari we get 27 channels
- based on Ruari we get 39 channels
- based on Tarlach we get 54 channels
At the moment there are 28 channels available across all servers. So, one might think that's pretty close to what we get for using Mari. The thing is the guild battle channel is called Channel 20, and 19 channels would be 3 better than basing it on Alexina. So, either 28 or 19 is my guess.
my magic eight ball says mabi is going to follow what happened to the Vindi servers
all servers become one
NA mabi and EU mabi
names are going to be by account age and level of the player
None the less im not stressing out about the merge if and when it happens...... we could just pull at our hair and scream the world is ending while drinking a pint of old english xD
On a per channel basis, yes individual popular channels will be much more likely to fill-up. When inventory plus became free and everyone could have a personal shop, on Alexina channel one filled up and spilled over to channel two.
There will be no issue with names. The reason is because all four servers names are already in the same database, it's already merged. The are going to have to add a mechanism so you can tell Buttmuch55 from Alexina apart from Buttmuch55 from Mari, but that's just some coding.
It'll be okay. I'll tell you some of the concerns I have:.
1) Individual popular channels will be more likely to be full. There's nothing that can really be done about that. If you're on Alexina, you've already learned to cope with this.
2) There will be a "gold rush" of sorts for Guild Stone spots. Some guilds will lose their nice spot. There's nothing that can be done about that.
3) Folks that have characters on multiple servers, in the same account, and have duplicate items in their dressing rooms, is a problem. The only way to deal with this is to allow multiple same items in the dressing room. I believed this is a feature request that has been made in spite of server merge talk.
My good man, I like that answer. The sound of defeat.
Damnit. XD
But which one got defeated tho?