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I sell sometimes holy water. Sometimes I sell at auctionhouse, sometimes at kiosk.
I put holy water to my kiosk to sell it. And I was thinking price per one item.
Before I realise that they were too cheap, there was lucky one that bought a LOT of them.
What a nightmare.
And the worst mistake i did few times after that as a newbie was dropping my Shop License on the ground, assuming that all gold already went in my Bank. I think i lost like a million in total before i realized...
I sell 10cms for 2.5 k just to get rid of them.
But I've missed a couple of 0's before in pricing other things.
I remember once I sold a pet whistle for 700k.
That person got a bargain.
I played with your heart, got lost in the game...
i thought i got one of the small bags nobody wanted (was when bags were new and they didnt really have in detail explanations on bag size until after you opened them and made them not tradeable)
One's loss is another's gain.
Gathered quite a bag of salt that day as well.