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Not getting 2nd Daily SM owl if its late in day

Mabinogi Rep: 1,420
Posts: 66
edited February 7, 2019 in Help
OK I'm PST so Daily resets are 7am, and event resets are 12 am usually. But am not getting the 2nd SM owl if I finish the 1st daily too late, like at midnight, even tho it resets 7 hours later to the new ones. Changing channels, logging, game start-restart does not resolve this issue.


  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    Do you log in before 12am? If you log in at an earlier time, earn the daily Shadow Mission, log out, then log in again much later (post-5 days and 23 hours in-game time), the quest you received from logging in at the earlier time expires.
  • LinisterLinister
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,420
    Posts: 66
    No its not the expiration, giving up expired quests gets you a new one when changing channels, yes. This is about not getting any owl to give you a new daily SM quest if its after midnight my time. Incidentally I do believe it does apply to all the daily SM's whether its the 1st or 2nd of the day. And I do afk a lot so am familiar with giving up expired quests, but currently it seems my deadline to finish both is midnight PST, even though the actual missions reset at 7am.
  • CaissaCaissa
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,175
    Posts: 150
    If you did the first daily SM quest the second one does not reset, even if you change channels. The Give Up and Change Channels method only works if you've done neither mission yet. Another possibility is you logged in somewhere an owl can't go, such as inside a building. In that case, the quest won't appear in your quest log until you walk outside.
  • LinisterLinister
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,420
    Posts: 66
    oh so it happens when you give up and change channels to get the SM you want... thanks Caissa!
  • LinisterLinister
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,420
    Posts: 66
    ok to clarify, basically the 2nd SM does not reset so that's been my problem, thinking it does. so that brings up a last question, you mentioned one way to not get the 2nd quest it to duck indoors before completing the first, but was also wondering if you finish the first daily but just don't hit the complete button on the quest, will it just be there indefinitely all day or will it expire?
  • skpkionskpkion
    Mabinogi Rep: 845
    Posts: 9
    If you finish the first daily but don't hit the complete button on the quest, it will still expire eventually.