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gachapons within gachapons?
If you get the orbs, you get all of the wings shown for that orb.
Fourth All Wing Orb
Second Special Dyeable Wings Orb
Angel Wings Orb
Second Special Dyeable Wings Orb
Brilliant Full Bloom Cherry Blossom Wings (Dyeable)
Blindingly Radiant Frostblossom Wings (Enchantable & Dyeable)
Golden Glass Wings (Enchantable & Dyeable)
Incubus Wings (Dyeable)
Wings of Tuan (Dyeable)
Noblesse Deity Special Wings (Dyeable)
Elegant Deity Special Wings (Dyeable)
Angel Wings Orb
White Angel Wings
Red Angel lWings
Pink Angel Wings
Violet Angel Wings
Holy Guardian Angel Wings
Black Guardian Angel Wings
Pink Guardian Angel Wings
Tiny Holy Guardian Angel Wings
Tiny Black Guardian Angel Wings
Tiny Pink Guardian Angel Wings
Tiny Scarlet Guardian Angel Wings
Fallen Angel Wings
Pink Fallen Angel Wings
Yellow Fallen Angel Wings
Scarlet Fallen Angel Wings
I'm pretty sure there's a decent looking purple Falcon wings...? You should check it out if you haven't.
Can confirm, those are one of the only wings I own, def the best purple pair, and my fav wings in general.
I tire of feathers give me demon like wings...
Incubus wings then lol.