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Official Past Event Suggestions Thread
Dragon boat racing would also be super mega dope
OR HOW ABOUT CARAVAN JOE'S SAND SCULPTURE EVENT MMMM sit around and collect saaaand B] my personal favorite.
See-saw to the moon event.
Iria treasure event but disable the special lrod and demigod that way we have to work for the chests.
The iria hot air balloon event with the small balloons that gave prizes as we let them off.
Dragon boat event with updated prizes.
Imps dreamland or whatever it was called needs to come back too.
I need more interactive events instead of afk/fishing/dungeon in my life.
Mabipalooza Event
Halloween Villians Event
Holiday Hide-and-Seek
Mission Point
There's tons more but these are probably my top ones I'd love to see back.
I need a reason to use my Hydra master title + gear again:^)
And an update of the 'jump to the moon' event
and third, an updated Monster Size Boost Event, with the moons affecting every monster and updated drops.
And if that happens make the food that can be made out of salmon, bluefin tuna and silvervine snapper permanent too if not already done so this time around.
Definitely Mabipalooza Event. I missed out on the glow stick cheering gesture.
It seems that both were set towards the end of the year and had a 2 year separate period and this year would be another 2 years. Would be nice if it were to show up again. I can finally push through on life skill training as well.
Revamped Pets Only Dungeon.
And that event where you supposed to get rainbow color sheep transformations... Which are non-existent by the way. So rare.
That would be fun.