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Only you do autaud.
I appreciate the bump tho! Anyone is welcome to fill it out or not, its not mandatory :P
The table was a finicky thing, i was debating on adding it or not but settled on leaving it optional and helps give insight to if they fill it out and provide feedback on any difficulties it might zero in on where the issue lies.
I did the bugle and hopped on CE to promote it on other servers.
I checked the notifs so far and its doing well!
I also noticed some other players spreading the link around so i greatly appreciate the assist, will help get people to have more of a voice and helps out on what the primary issues are!
I get that pop up alot and the message asking me to finish initializing microsoft edge x.x XD
I figured this might be helpful too!
haaaaa its not that bad :P
2 more weeks left to fill out the survey!
Y'know, normal disclaimer stuff.
In the current cyberworld, it should be in everyone's worries.
The only company that is receiving the entire information is nexon and they will not pay a cent. Im just doing this for fun and info
What will be shared is more or less the consensus on this forum, No one individual will have their personal views displayed. (dont want that persons views to have people dislike them for whatever reason)
Also on the survey the first page explains it all.
Also its been 1 week, 2 more weeks to fill out the survey everyone! Got quite a few responses!
Feel free to share the link with your guild/server!
In the future, don't be afraid to split the categories further and include as many questions as necessary. I think anyone who is invested in this game and would like to see it improve wouldn't mind taking a bit longer to give accurate information if that's what it takes.
Me too. O_o;
Why? Are surveys against CoC?
No it's just that this survey is a bit of a hot mess. Plus op bumped it back up to fish for more responses.
OP didn't bump it.
Oh ok.
yeah thats the result of me playing ping pong. since the original was arround 50 pages long so i condensed it to 10 with a limited number of questions. that was my concern on the engaging/rewarding/fun factor of those aspects. The only resolve i did was make a catchall by adding text feedback in the end incase i made a mistake.
also im pleased to see all the feedback people posted to give their take to improve mabi. got triple digits in responses!
That is, to post where the most players hang out
Fill the survey with more bs results. XD
I have been making some frequent announcements
There is one week left so gonna see what all turns up. gonna make a few more
You post it where most people hang out and you get bullied for it. Good example is happening above sadly.