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Make Humans Unique Again

Mabinogi Rep: 810
Posts: 14
in Feedback and Suggestions
I appreciate new skills for different races. It infact makes it more entertaining to play different races. However, with the release of the new giant skills, Nexon has essentially given giants humans Final Hit skill but buffed even more. Now there is literally no reason to play a human except for the fact that it may be the only character you've put work into. The lv.100 special skill for humans is pitiful It just gives us extra movement speed to catch up with the base movement speed of the other 2 races, and provides no use in combat what so ever. Give us a Human rework. Give us a reason to play actually play humans still. MAKE HUMANS UNIQUE AGAIN!


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    YES. I agree! I actually starting to regret that my main was Human all this time, if i knew that Giants will become this OP and get all these random updates i would have went with Giant character... Final Hit looks like a joke now.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    - allow humans to use divine link with giants making our final hit equally as strong as the giants version of final hit while linked.

    - let humans somehow rebirth as a giant so players can switch without having to start all over on a new character.

    - make Dan ranks for Paladin, Dark Knight, Beast, and Falcon transformations since those are extremely outdated and need a revamp of some kind anyway.

    - give humans stat buffs depending on which race you are allied with. being allies with giants would increase str, will, and hp and being allies with elves would increase int, dex, and mp.

    - make the Giant Renewal Celebration Event permanent and maybe control it by only having having it for 2 or 3 days each week giving both races a good reason to keep working together. do the same thing for elves, like one week would give it to only elves and humans and another week would give it to elves and giants and it would just go in a big circle encouraging all the races to team up.
  • ZelfalZelfal
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,245
    Posts: 24
    Technically humans r the most unique race of the 3 giants dont have archery elves dont have lances. Humans also have 2 different types of trans Pally and Dark knights elves and giants only have single one. So plz tell me how can Nexon make humans more unique when they r the most balanced and played race to the point that individuals only play giants when a giant update/rework comes out.
  • SebasteannSebasteann
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 14
    Zelfal wrote: »
    Technically humans r the most unique race of the 3 giants dont have archery elves dont have lances. Humans also have 2 different types of trans Pally and Dark knights elves and giants only have single one. So plz tell me how can Nexon make humans more unique when they r the most balanced and played race to the point that individuals only play giants when a giant update/rework comes out.

    the 2 different types of trans makes really no difference because you choose 1 to use, and the other 2 races have 1, so no real difference other than the fact they are all useless really besides giant full swing. Yeah cool, I can do both lance and archery, but we have literally no unique skill to us anymore, besides a difference in the name of the title, cause final strike is literally the same thing as fh. giants have windguard which is op in it's own right with 0 sec charge cooldowns and full swing, they've got stomp, and now stampede and final strike and the skill at lvl 100 that gives them a straight up damage boost. Elves have double shot base archery, vision of ladeca, mirage missile, not much else tbh but more than humans. and Humans have a crappy lvl 100 skill that's rather pointless, and fh which was given to giants anyways.
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    Zelfal wrote: »
    Technically humans r the most unique race of the 3 giants dont have archery elves dont have lances. Humans also have 2 different types of trans Pally and Dark knights elves and giants only have single one. So plz tell me how can Nexon make humans more unique when they r the most balanced and played race to the point that individuals only play giants when a giant update/rework comes out.

    Except uniqueness doesn't translate to workable. You could be a human loaded with 7-8 usable talents and then just sit cutely in the corner as a giant Fullswings the entire room before you can even run up and do anything, or as you try to FH, you land a few hits before the elves 1hko everything in the room with their super magnums and Final shot. The fact is that the game's meta is geared towards full specialization rather than branching out means that humans are completely out of place in the current meta. Look at the race skills, elves get an archery speed boost, and giants get a generous all melee dmg booster. Humans get a pantry speed increase that STILL doesn't put them on run speed as giants, the skill doesn't add anything to humans, it just makes them less worse than normal. And no, humans are not balanced, like at all. We are the slowest race, have the lowest DPS, and have no unique fighting style to us. FH spamming is not a fighting style. Giant melee is fast paced high impact combos that have a large AoE and can weather through nearly any threats. Elves are fast pace mobile gun platforms that have high burst damage. What does humans have? Humans have slower/weaker imitations of the other specialties without anything that WE specifically excel at. Dual wielding used to make humans unique in that we can give up defenses for more offensive power, also allowed us to make more normal attacks (when it was still relevant). Hell we're even MASSIVELY gimped on even the Erg effects. One handed swords get NOTHING even on Level50 besides the basic dmg boost. On the other hand, elves and giants get very generous effects on theirs, like melee skill CD reductions, even more aim speed, and skill CD reductions.

    Here's how to make humans unique and competitive to the other races, first give 1 handed swords effects on par with other erg effects. Second give humans skills unique to dual wielding or support skills that help dual wielding. A skill where a human slices the air in an X shape that fires off an AoE attack (similar in width and length to LR) and can inflict bleed effect. A cross cut skill where the human can teleport up to 6 times before a CD hits (like evasion) that attacks a target between them and their teleport destination. Change the Eweca skill from that crappy 15% run speed to a global 20% decrease in all cool downs. Add a sprint action unique to humans that lets them burn SP to run at 200% speed. There, some changes that plays up their unique weapon, dual wielding, increases incentive to run additional talents, and lets humans not feel like they have glue stuck to their shoes.
  • TolnaTolna
    Mabinogi Rep: 825
    Posts: 30
    What if Humans got a reworks to Alchemy Archery, and Cleric skills to drive home their whole support shtick?

    What if instead of damage, humans were an enabler of sorts? Best heals, lots of stuns and support shot effects. For example AR could behave like a rapid fire longrange Hailstorm to lockdown rooms for your friends, Heal could heal more wounds or more in general, Alchemy skills can apply various additional DoT’s or Debuff effects Added on to stuff like Shock, Flame Burts, Frozen Blast, Hydra etc.

    It would make humans remain the “Intro” class but also give them a Niche besides just Final Hit with Breoniac.
  • BronzebreakBronzebreak
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,940
    Posts: 489
    Tolna wrote: »
    What if Humans got a reworks to Alchemy Archery, and Cleric skills to drive home their whole support shtick?

    What if instead of damage, humans were an enabler of sorts? Best heals, lots of stuns and support shot effects. For example AR could behave like a rapid fire longrange Hailstorm to lockdown rooms for your friends, Heal could heal more wounds or more in general, Alchemy skills can apply various additional DoT’s or Debuff effects Added on to stuff like Shock, Flame Burts, Frozen Blast, Hydra etc.

    It would make humans remain the “Intro” class but also give them a Niche besides just Final Hit with Breoniac.

    I'd like to see elves as mages, giants as brawlers, and humans as I guess... combat scientists?
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited April 22, 2019
    Sebasteann wrote: »
    Zelfal wrote: »
    Technically humans r the most unique race of the 3 giants dont have archery elves dont have lances. Humans also have 2 different types of trans Pally and Dark knights elves and giants only have single one. So plz tell me how can Nexon make humans more unique when they r the most balanced and played race to the point that individuals only play giants when a giant update/rework comes out.

    the 2 different types of trans makes really no difference because you choose 1 to use, and the other 2 races have 1, so no real difference other than the fact they are all useless really besides giant full swing. Yeah cool, I can do both lance and archery, but we have literally no unique skill to us anymore, besides a difference in the name of the title, cause final strike is literally the same thing as fh. giants have windguard which is op in it's own right with 0 sec charge cooldowns and full swing, they've got stomp, and now stampede and final strike and the skill at lvl 100 that gives them a straight up damage boost. Elves have double shot base archery, vision of ladeca, mirage missile, not much else tbh but more than humans. and Humans have a crappy lvl 100 skill that's rather pointless, and fh which was given to giants anyways.

    No it is not. Final Strike is extremely slow and its speed can only be boosted by the attack sequence itself and even then it is not as fast as FH not even close. even with the 700% damage boost , FH out dpses Final Strike.

    just so I don't have to type this out again ill link this comment
    EDIT: and this one too for the attack sequence.
  • SebasteannSebasteann
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 14
    Veylaine wrote: »
    Sebasteann wrote: »
    Zelfal wrote: »
    Technically humans r the most unique race of the 3 giants dont have archery elves dont have lances. Humans also have 2 different types of trans Pally and Dark knights elves and giants only have single one. So plz tell me how can Nexon make humans more unique when they r the most balanced and played race to the point that individuals only play giants when a giant update/rework comes out.

    the 2 different types of trans makes really no difference because you choose 1 to use, and the other 2 races have 1, so no real difference other than the fact they are all useless really besides giant full swing. Yeah cool, I can do both lance and archery, but we have literally no unique skill to us anymore, besides a difference in the name of the title, cause final strike is literally the same thing as fh. giants have windguard which is op in it's own right with 0 sec charge cooldowns and full swing, they've got stomp, and now stampede and final strike and the skill at lvl 100 that gives them a straight up damage boost. Elves have double shot base archery, vision of ladeca, mirage missile, not much else tbh but more than humans. and Humans have a crappy lvl 100 skill that's rather pointless, and fh which was given to giants anyways.

    No it is not. Final Strike is extremely slow and its speed can only be boosted by the attack sequence itself and even then it is not as fast as FH not even close. even with the 750% damage boost , FH out dpses Final Strike.

    just so I don't have to type this out again ill link this comment
    EDIT: and this one too for the attack sequence.

    Whether or not the exact values are the same, the idea of the skill is the same... teleport to enemy, deal damage
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited April 19, 2019
    Sebasteann wrote: »
    Veylaine wrote: »
    Sebasteann wrote: »
    Zelfal wrote: »
    Technically humans r the most unique race of the 3 giants dont have archery elves dont have lances. Humans also have 2 different types of trans Pally and Dark knights elves and giants only have single one. So plz tell me how can Nexon make humans to be more unique when they r the most balanced and played race to the point that individuals only play giants when a giant update/rework comes out.

    the 2 different types of trans makes really no difference because you choose 1 to use, and the other 2 races have 1, so no real difference other than the fact they are all useless really besides giant full swing. Yeah cool, I can do both lance and archery, but we have literally no unique skill to us anymore, besides a difference in the name of the title, cause final strike is literally the same thing as fh. giants have windguard which is op in it's own right with 0 sec charge cooldowns and full swing, they've got stomp, and now stampede and final strike and the skill at lvl 100 that gives them a straight up damage boost. Elves have double shot base archery, vision of ladeca, mirage missile, not much else tbh but more than humans. and Humans have a crappy lvl 100 skill that's rather pointless, and fh which was given to giants anyways.

    No it is not. Final Strike is extremely slow and its speed can only be boosted by the attack sequence itself and even then it is not as fast as FH not even close. even with the 750% damage boost , FH out dpses Final Strike.

    just so I don't have to type this out again ill link this comment
    EDIT: and this one too for the attack sequence.

    Whether or not the exact values are the same, the idea of the skill is the same... teleport to enemy, deal damage

    Thats fine if you want humans to be more unique (whether or not which skill is better) but don't automatically assume one skill is better than the other
    Sebasteann wrote: »
    I appreciate new skills for different races. It infact makes it more entertaining to play different races. However, with the release of the new giant skills, Nexon has essentially given giants humans Final Hit skill but buffed even more. Now there is literally no reason to play a human except for the fact that it may be the only character you've put work into. The lv.100 special skill for humans is pitiful It just gives us extra movement speed to catch up with the base movement speed of the other 2 races, and provides no use in combat what so ever. Give us a Human rework. Give us a reason to play actually play humans still. MAKE HUMANS UNIQUE AGAIN!
    On the OP of this you implied it was better than FH, which at the very least is debatable right now given how different the skills work with most DPS tests FH winning out on most. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS MAKES GIANTS EQUAL OR HUMANS BETTER, because that would be involve way more analysis than just one skill because even some of the same skills giants and humans have work differently for them.
    I'm just saying be mindful or at least double check before you claim something like that; can't tell you how many humans were jumping ship because there was a mistranslation that FH Twin-Sword Dual weild would fill up the knockdown gauge for dual-wielded weapons. When in reality it just meant two handed stuff not literally dual-wielding one-handed stuff.

  • NachanNachan
    Mabinogi Rep: 950
    Posts: 13
    edited April 20, 2019
    I wish Nexon would give elves some attention and make a revamp for once. If they ever added a race chage option I would go human in an instant. I'd rather be a jack of all trades than a mediocre specialist. The racial bonuses we do have arent anything substancial (outside of the lvl 100 buff) for the classes we are supposed to be better at and our elf only skills are underwhelming at best. At rank 1, magic missile doesn't even do 400 damage. I can do the same amount of damage but faster with one icebolt cast. Its a joke, a throwaway filler skill. Just ignore elves and continue to buff giants every single year. I don't even care anymore.
  • TheNyanCatTheNyanCat
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,665
    Posts: 661
    Nachan wrote: »
    I wish Nexon would give elves some attention and make a revamp for once. If they ever added a race chage option I would go human in an instant. I'd rather be a jack of all trades than a mediocre specialist. The racial bonuses we do have arent anything substancial (outside of the lvl 100 buff) for the classes we are supposed to be better at and our elf only skills are underwhelming at best. At rank 1, magic missile doesn't even do 400 damage. I can do the same amount of damage but faster with one icebolt cast. Its a joke, a throwaway filler skill. Just ignore elves and continue to buff giants every single year. I don't even care anymore.

    Except that won't ever happen cause nexon only hosts mabi. And more importantly in the home region elves are the most powerful race and we get very few region exclusive changes so the only way elves get buffed here is if kr decides to buff the strongest race for whatever reason.
  • WliaWlia
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,715
    Posts: 82
    edited April 23, 2019
    I do have to agree that Giants are getting OP (least in melle aspect of the game) compared to elfs who just feel to be weaker and weaker but its kinda getting trolled now giants can nullify most damage have final hit (yea i know the name is different)(also unlocking the skill is kinda stupidly hard (eggs defence)) and most of all they get heavy stander by base skills thats kinda makes you OP in many scenarios i lately really just have nothing to do whene i go in dungeon or anywhere else with giants or elfs before i snail to any mob its dead or shot by magic or bow.

    I dont think humans needs something unique (tho i would like something new meybe thing like steam-punk oriented skills for humans only meybe a cannon skills or rifle skills (minigun +.+ <--daydreaming there) anyway problem with humans for me is mainly the speed they are out-runned even by snails i never understanded why humans are so slow in 1st place its actually its the speed that gets me killed most of the time
    Elfs can outrun most danger with ease and can use hide (its not any good but still)
    Giants right now can pretty much nullify damage and thus have rather good defence and and heavy stander which always helps
    Humans are slow and have nothing defence vise helping them (sure there is armor but Giants have stronger stats) (sure there is demigod with crow shields but thats something any race can have) (there is also crisis escape but that dosnt realy help all that much every time) unless a human can muscle out enough damage they usually get punished heavy thanks to slow speed and unreliable defence.
    More speed and meybe some defence capability could help more than something unique but thats just me.

    As for trans id say the most useless is the elf the missile is kinda low damage in second place would be paladin (i use pala since it give nice damage boost and injury) but outside of that my char alone has more survivability than paladin can offer i never used DK since RANDOM never works in my favor and giants are just more OP in trans.
    I dont really feel much not being unique as Human race as much as feeling useless compared to Giants or Elfs...
  • SebasteannSebasteann
    Mabinogi Rep: 810
    Posts: 14
    Wlia wrote: »

    As for trans id say the most useless is the elf the missile is kinda low damage in second place would be paladin (i use pala since it give nice damage boost and injury) but outside of that my char alone has more survivability than paladin can offer i never used DK since RANDOM never works in my favor and giants are just more OP in trans.
    I dont really feel much not being unique as Human race as much as feeling useless compared to Giants or Elfs...

    I never even use the trans except for as an oh crap button to instantly heal, and then de trans anyways and i have maxed out pally. At some point having the titles gives you a bigger damage boost than transformations do, at least for human trans, not sure about giant trans.
  • DarkConductorDarkConductor
    Mabinogi Rep: 975
    Posts: 37
    I find the title of the thread to be misleading because humans are technically unique, being able to utilize skills giants and elves by themselves cannot access to (archery; arrow revolver, lances). It's not a matter of humans not being unique - it's a matter of how relevant and useful they can be later on in challenging end content, especially if the player is in middle-end game phase (other than human speed which is just a meme).

    What bothers me the most is the ladeca skill. I'd definitely want a rework on the human ladeca skill effect because I am still going to be outrunned by mobs anyway, so increasing speed movement is not solving anything.
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    I find the title of the thread to be misleading because humans are technically unique, being able to utilize skills giants and elves by themselves cannot access to (archery; arrow revolver, lances). It's not a matter of humans not being unique - it's a matter of how relevant and useful they can be later on in challenging end content, especially if the player is in middle-end game phase (other than human speed which is just a meme).

    What bothers me the most is the ladeca skill. I'd definitely want a rework on the human ladeca skill effect because I am still going to be outrunned by mobs anyway, so increasing speed movement is not solving anything.

    The skill does nothing for human game play. Elves's vision skill lets them increase their range firing speed thanks to the aim boost and giants get a damage boost to increase their overall output. If we apply the boosts to "final" skills of each race (I count WG as the giant's actual Final skill), Elve's vision lets them fire more often, giant's lets them do more damage while keeping their high defenses, and the human's are rendered useless cause Final hit has teleport built in.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,860
    Posts: 790
    edited May 2, 2019
    Give humans the ability to swim. :D

    I wouldn't mind taking a dip in Abb Neagh Lake or wading into the beautiful waters around Iria.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Give humans the ability to swim. :D

    I wouldn't mind taking a dip in Abb Neagh Lake or wading into the beautiful waters around Iria.

    Then we can all craft boats and also use those water floating pets on there too
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Instead of just Movement speed, give the humans Movement speed, with Attack speed, along with attack delay increase as well as 25% Auto defense to magic/natural/melee attacks. Humans may not be the best or unique while being the master of nothing but they can have the most determination to go beyond the limits they have.
  • DevilHunterDevilHunter
    Mabinogi Rep: 640
    Posts: 4
    Sebasteann wrote: »
    I appreciate new skills for different races. It in fact makes it more entertaining to play different races. However, with the release of the new giant skills, Nexon has essentially given giants humans Final Hit skill but buffed even more. Now there is literally no reason to play a human except for the fact that it may be the only character you've put work into. The lv.100 special skill for humans is pitiful It just gives us extra movement speed to catch up with the base movement speed of the other 2 races, and provides no use in combat whatsoever. Give us a Human rework. Give us a reason to play actually play humans still. MAKE HUMANS UNIQUE AGAIN!

    You think that's bad try playing as an elf that constantly miss over and over again. The "Visions of Ladeca" you we're referring to the Lvl 100 skill for all races make Elves have our old attack speed back. It's like what's the point of getting rid of Elves attack speed and replace it with a skill that does the exact same thing we did before. The skill can only be used after reaching Lvl 100 is just dumb and we elves even voted to revamp us but did nexon listen no of course not. Because they hate elves more than any other race in the game the CEO is a giant so of course giant's would be buffed. I just hate this whole thing and compared to humans, elves have it the worse out of the races and don't tell me we're good at endgame of course anyone is with the right gear and reforges also giant Final strike is slower then your human Final hit it's just stronger and don't get me started on Final Shot it's useless. We can even miss with Final Shot it give us faster attack speed they said but with the downgrade of elves attack speed it works very little. It work so much batter before now we be lucky if we can get 1-3 shots in before it misses. Well I've said my peace like it or hate it. I don't really care i'm just telling you what I know bye everyone and have a nice day/night.