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Question concerning IGNs with Server Merge
Hello peoples, I need to ask a realllllllllllllllllllllly important question, like this is a humongous deal to me and to a very close friend I have
Question: If I delete a character that has the same name as another character in another server, will they still be forced to have that server thing at the end of their name?
AKA, if I have the IGN Jewel and so does my friend in another server, can I delete MY Jewel character and they keep theirs without acquiring the server tag they are from?
The issue is: I, once upon a time, thought I was going to move to Mari from Ruairi and decided to dedicate my elf's name in recognition to my closest friend and put her IGN on my elf for said new character.
AKA, my elf on Mari and her name on Ruairi have the same name.
Turns out I stayed in Ruairi and the name was on my Mari elf as a joke/recognition with my closest friend, now that the server merge is HAPPENING... I am VERY scared that her IGN is gonna have Ruairi put at the end of it all because of this that I did YEARS ago.
I'd love some feedback regarding this please, I'd feel absolutely HORRENDOUS if she got the server tag just because I have an alt named after them and didn't delete it prior to the announcement.
If you delete you MAY get what you want. If someone on the third server has the same name then you're SOL.
I would apologize for my rudeness, but...pulling up a few tabs in this day and age should not be that difficult.
The answer was on the FAQ on the main website. if you delete a duplicate character and only 1 has that name then there is not a duplicate name. Like someone said before though ... you better hope no one has the name on the other other server
As far as the FAQ goes
Don't apologize for being rude , but instead read more thoroughly the annoucement FAQ. While it says that any characters with duplicate names are the only people affected by tags , it doesn't state WHEN this was taken into place. There's no positive answer to if they have already saved and listed character names the moment they closed character creation or if they will on the day/up coming week of the patch. So our thread creater here has no positive answer to whether she can save here friend from the tag that she may or may not want in present time. Also easiest way to find out if your name is taken or not would be to try adding your ign on the affected servers right ? It even tells you if its taken by a pet name so it seems like a pretty good method.
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I deleted a character years ago when we just got one free character card (I didn't like the eye colour). It took a day or two, and I got my free character card back. Today we get a bunch of cards to start so I don't know if the card is replaced anymore.
@Gaea I spell colour with a 'u'. I live in Canada; I'm not apologising for it!
... and apologizing with an 's'. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!
Of-fi-cal sounds weird.
DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
So're you mate ;p